The applicant shall select deciduous, evergreen and ground cover species which are typically found in this area. The species utilized shall be appropriate for the site, considering soil and wind conditions, slope, use of the site and purpose of the plantings.
Shade trees shall be limited to deciduous trees, and only shade trees shall be installed along streets. However, up to 10% of the trees may be evergreen for the purpose of variety and accent. Center islands may have a combination of evergreens and deciduous species. However, the first tree from the intersection shall not be an evergreen.
Buffers and landscape screens shall consist of 100% evergreen species. Such buffers and screens shall consist of at least two parallel rows or groups of trees with tree settings staggered so as to produce a visual screen at tree maturity. The selected trees shall be thickly branched and dense, especially close to the ground and shall have a fast growth rate in the early years. When available and where appropriate, the following species shall be used: Thuja occidentalis nigra (dark American arborvitae), Tsuga canadensis (Canada hemlock), Pseudotsuga douglasi (Douglas fir) and all native pines such as scotch pine, white pine and spruce.
Buffers shall be 100% evergreen planted six feet apart within a ten-foot width, and trees shall be six to eight feet high at time of initial planting. Such planting shall provide a thick, dense visual buffer from the ground to a height of eight feet.
Prohibited evergreens in buffer areas. The following evergreens shall be prohibited in all buffer areas:
Abies pinsapo (Spanish fir).
Araucaria araucana and A. heterophylla (monkey puzzle and Norfolk Island pine).
Cedrus atlantica and C. libani (Atlas cedar and cedar of Lebanon).
Cryptomeria japonica lobbii (Lobb's Japanese cedar).
Cunninghamia lanceolata (Chinese fir).
Ginkgo biloba (maidenhair tree), except from nursery stock.
Larix decidua (European larch).
Larix kaempferi and L. leptolepis (Japanese larch).
Pinus wallichiana (Himalayan pine), P. parviflora (Japanese white pine), P. peuce (Macedonian pine), P. ponderosa (ponderosa pine) and P. thunbergii (Japanese black pine).
Taxodium distichum (common bald cypress), except for wet areas.
Torreya nucifera (Japanese torreya).
Prohibited trees along streets. The following trees shall be prohibited along the streets:
Silver maple.
Kalopanax pictus (caster aralia).
Liquidambar styraciflua (sweet gum).
Juglans, all species (walnut).
Maclura pomifera (Osage orange).
Malus, all species (crab apple).
Salix, all species (weeping willow).
All trees with thorns, such as Aralia elata (Japanese angelica), the Crataegus species (hawthorn) and Gleditsia triacanthos (common honey locust).