[Amended effective 2-15-1995]
All streets within a subdivision shall be constructed to the requirements set forth unless the Board authorizes or requires a variation therefrom in a particular instance.
All streets, street drains, catch basins and appurtenances thereto shall be installed without expense to the Town of Dover.
The Town Engineer shall be notified at least 24 hours in advance of commencing any construction operation listed in Form E, page 24869, Appendix D.[1] As each construction operation is completed, it must be approved by the Town Engineer before any subsequent operations are commenced. (See Form E.)
[Amended 7-16-2007]
Editor's Note: Appendix D is included at the end of this chapter.
All rolling of roadways shall be done with a roller of not less than 10 tons.
All stakes and such temporary structures as may be necessary or required by the Town Engineer for marking points and lines for the construction of streets and walls and installation of utilities shall be furnished and maintained throughout the construction of the subdivision. All lines and grade stakes shall be set by a competent engineer, satisfactory to the Town. The contractor shall furnish to the Planning Board and Town Engineer certification of the proposed elevations of the roadway at the top of center line and gutters of the subgrade, top of gravel, top of binder and top of finish course at the center line and gutters. Certification shall include plans showing the elevations at each stage as specified above and the location of all drainage and sanitary sewer structures. Certification of each stage by a licensed surveyor shall be submitted for review and approval by the Town Engineer in writing before continuing with the successive stages.
[Amended 7-16-2007]
All streets and related work shall be constructed in strict conformance with Article V, Design Standards, Standard Construction Details (see Appendix A)[2] and the requirements of the most recent edition of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges, Boston, MA.
Editor's Note: Appendix A is included at the end of this chapter.
Provide all adequate dust control on the site during construction as directed by the Town Engineer by watering or spreading calcium chloride.
[Amended 7-16-2007[3]]
Editor's Note: This amendment also repealed former Subsection G, regarding supervision of the work by the Consulting Engineer, and redesignated former Subsection H as Subsection G.
Clearing and grubbing shall include the removal and disposal of all stumps, brush, roots, boulders and similar materials, as well as all trees which have not been marked for reservation.
Roadway shall be excavated or filled such that the top of subgrade shall be 18 inches below the established finish grades. Existing ground in embankment areas shall be stripped of topsoil and subsoil prior to placing suitable embankment materials as approved by the Consulting Engineer for the Town of Dover. A tolerance of 1 inch above or below the proposed grade will be allowed, provided that this 1 inch above or below grade is not maintained for a distance longer than 50 feet and that the required crown is maintained in the subgrade.
[Amended 12-15-1997]
The conditions of the subgrade surface at the bottom of the excavation shall be inspected by the Consulting Engineer for the Town of Dover and, if, in his opinion, such conditions are wet or spongy or otherwise unsatisfactory due to the presence of clay, sand pockets or organic materials, the bottom shall be excavated below the subgrade to a depth determined by him to be sufficient to ensure removal of all such unsuitable materials.
If any portion of the roadway location is required to be excavated below the designed surface to the subgrade, the space so excavated shall be filled with clean, bank gravel or such other suitable material containing no stones over 6 inches in diameter, as approved by the Consulting Engineer for the Town of Dover. The roadway location shall then be graded using a standard road grader and rolled so as to form the surface of the subgrade with the specified crown 18 inches below the finish grade. The Consulting Engineer for the Town of Dover shall approve the design grades before placing the top layer of gravel and pavement.
[Amended 12-15-1997; 7-16-2007]
All ledge, boulders and large stones located within the full cross section of the roadway shall be cleared to a minimum depth of 18 inches below the established finish grade.
[Amended 12-15-1997; 7-16-2007]
All drainage pipes, culverts, catch basins and manholes and all utility pipes, conduits and appurtenances thereto to be placed under the roadway and sidewalk location shall be installed and properly backfilled prior to construction of the roadway and sidewalk.
A system of storm drains, culverts, ditches and related installations, including catch basins, subdrains, gutters and manholes, shall be designed in accordance with § 248-13F, Design. Drainage Criteria, and installed to provide adequate disposal of surface water, including control of erosion, flooding and standing water from or in the subdivision and adjacent lands. A catch basin to manhole system of drainage is required, and manholes shall be provided at changes in direction and wherever there is a change in pipe size. All systems shall be designed to incorporate the applicable best management practices (BMPs) mandated by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection manual.
[Amended 7-16-2007]
All methods of work and materials shall conform to the most recent edition of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges, Boston, MA, Town of Dover Planning Board Rules and Regulations and Standard Construction Details. (See Appendix A.)[1]
Editor's Note: Appendix A is included at the end of this chapter.
The size of pipe shall be in accordance with the approved Definitive Plan and, in any case, shall not be less than 12 inches in diameter.
Pipe for the construction of all culverts and drains shall be reinforced concrete, and extra strength reinforced concrete pipe may be required where the depth of pipe warrants.
All pipes shall be laid out true to line and grade as shown on the approved Definitive Plan. Each section of pipe shall have a full, firm bearing throughout its length. All joints shall be made of Portland Cement mortar with jute filler unless otherwise directed. No backfilling of pipes or culverts shall be done until the installation has been inspected and approved by the Consulting Engineer for the Town of Dover. All drainage trenches, except cross drains, shall be filled with clean gravel borrow. All cross drains shall be backfilled with selected bank run gravel approved by the Consulting Engineer for the Town of Dover. Minimum covering of all pipe shall be not less than 36 inches.
Headwalls shall be constructed at the open ends of all drain pipes which serve as outlets to the drainage system.
Catch basins shall be located on both sides of the roadway on continuous grades at intervals of not more than 300 feet, and at all low points and at the corners of intersecting streets. Intervals of 200 feet are required on grades steeper than 4%.
Catch basins and manholes shall consist of cement brick masonry, concrete block masonry, precast solid segments or precast concrete structures.
[Amended effective 11-16-1995]
Catch basins and manholes shall have an inside diameter of not less than 4 feet at a point 2 1/2 feet below the bottom of the frame. The bottom of the catch basin shall be not less than 4 feet below the outlet pipe.
[Amended 7-16-2007]
Wall of catch basins and manholes, except for precast concrete sections, shall be not less than 8 inches in thickness and shall be laid in mortar composed of 1 part Portland Cement and 2 parts sand and sufficient water to form a workable mixture. Hoods shall be provided at the outlet pipes.
[Amended 12-15-1997]
The base of a catch basin or manhole shall consist of 1 course of brick or precast concrete plates laid flat with all joints thoroughly flushed, full of mortar, with a twelve-inch weep hole left in the center.
Backfill shall not be placed until after inspection or within 5 days of setting the mortar.
Frame castings for catch basins and manholes shall be set in full mortar beds at the pavement binder course. Manhole castings shall be set flush with the designed finish grade of the pavement. Catch basin grates shall be set 1 inch below the finish gutter grades.
The responsibility for adequate drainage shall rest with the owner. This shall include connection with existing drainage facilities, if any, provided by the Town. When private drains are connected to Town drainage, the Town will not be responsible for any damage.
Where property adjacent to the subdivision, but within the same watershed, is not subdivided, provision shall be made for proper projection of the drainage systems by continuing appropriate drains and easements to the exterior boundaries of the subdivisions at such size and grade as will allow for such projection.
Water. Water mains and their appurtenances shall be installed in accordance with such rules of the Planning Board that apply to the installation of this utility within the limits of ways.
Layout. All layouts shall be designed so as to locate the pipes in those streets which will make the pipes most convenient for the greatest number of customers. Except as permitted by the Planning Board, all water mains shall be loop connected to other sections of the water system for circulation and system reliability. Where the proposed roads are located adjacent to the water system of another town or distribution system, provisions shall be made for the interconnection of the systems by a valved underground connection.
Size of pipes. Except for hydrant connections, all other water mains shall have a minimum diameter of 8 inches. Larger diameter water mains may be required to provide fire protection flows from elevated reservoir or standpipe sites.
Hydrant connections. Hydrants shall be connected to the water main by a six-inch pipe. A valve shall be provided for the hydrant branch and shall be connected directly to the water main using an anchoring tee fitting.
Fire hydrants. Fire hydrants should be provided for and spaced at intervals not greater than 500 feet.
Valves. Valves shall be Mueller Company or equal left turn opening and meeting the requirements of ANSI/AWWA. Valves must be located so that not more than 1,000 feet of pipe need to be isolated in the case of an emergency requiring the closing of valves in the area. Valves must be installed at the intersections of streets regardless of the overall length of pipe from the last valve. Valve and tee must be placed at intersection(s) of proposed streets. When valves are to be placed on different sizes of pipes at an intersection, the valves should be placed on the smaller pipe first.
[Amended 7-16-2007]
Pressures. Pressure in the pipe of the distribution system shall be between 60 p.s.i. and 100 p.s.i. Where required by topography, the distribution system shall be separated into zones in which the pressures are independently controlled by pumps and/or regulating valves.
Fire protection. A minimum flow rate of 750 gallons per minute with a residual of 20 p.s.i. shall be available at all locations in the subdivision.
Location of pipe (see plan of typical cross section): 7 feet off the center line of the street and not less than 5 feet in depth from the finished road surface to the top of the bell.
Service installations. Service pipes shall be of sufficient size to provide a maximum pressure loss of 10 p.s.i. from street main to building. A curb stop shall be placed on the service line at the side line of the roadways. All service pipes shall be Type K, copper. A service pipe shall be brought to the curb for every lot in the subdivision and shall be installed prior to the placement of the base course of pavement.
Pipes and materials. Pipe shall be cement-lined ductile iron meeting the requirements of ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51-81, or latest revision thereto, thickness Class 52. Pipe joint shall be push-on style meeting the requirements of ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11-80 and C104/A21.380, or latest revision.
Fittings. Fittings shall be cement-mortar-lined ductile iron meeting the requirements of ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10-82 and ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4-80 with the following identifying designations: pressure rating 1135011; nominal diameter of opening; manufacturer's identification; country where cast; degree of bend; and D.I.11 or ductile. Hydrant valve anchoring tees shall be mechanical joint, each having bell, plain end, with an integrally cast mechanical joint gland on the plain end. The gate valve shall be secured directly to the tee using the standard mechanical joint gasket and standard bolts. Retainer glands shall be used on all hydrant branches.
Gate valves. Gate valves shall meet the requirements of AWWA C50, latest revision, and shall be iron body, double disk with bronze disk rings and bronze body seatings. Stem shall be nonrising type, with 2 ten-inch ring seals, two-inch operating nut, open left. Valves shall be designed for 200 p.s.i. working pressure, 400 p.s.i hydrostatic test. Joint type shall be mechanical and shall include all accessories. Valve boxes shall be cast iron, five-and-one-quarter-inches in diameter, two-piece, sliding type with lids marked "water," providing a minimum overlap of 6 inches.
Hydrants. Hydrants shall be Eddy Manufacturing Co. List 90, dry top, meeting the requirements of AWWA C-502, left-hand opening valve, 2 National Standard two-and-one-half-inch hose nozzles, 1 National standard five-inch pump nozzle, and five-and-one-quarter-inch compression type valve with one-and-seven-sixteenth-inch operating nut. Hydrant valve and tee joints shall have restraining mechanical joints.
[Amended 7-16-2007]
Setting. In setting hydrants, a pit at least 12 inches in depth below the bottom of the hydrant and 18 inches in diameter shall be dug, the hydrant set in place and the space around the hydrant refilled with one-and-one-half-inch stone. This screened gravel should be carried up to a height of at least 6 inches above the hydrant drip and shall be covered with a three-inch layer of gravel and a three-inch layer of sand. The remainder of the space shall be backfilled with selected material from the trench and compacted. Hydrant(s) must be plumb and set on a firm foundation (i.e., stone or concrete). Hydrants shall be backed with a thrust block or large flat stone to prevent water pressure from pushing the hydrant off the pipe. Ground flange in hydrant(s) shall be ground or sidewalk level.
Pipe. No damaged pipe or line shall be incorporated in the work, and any damaged materials shall be removed from the site.
Bends. All bends shall be thoroughly braced with concrete thrust blocks.
Laying. All pipe and fittings shall be laid in accordance with best waterworks practice and the applicable requirements of the Standard Specifications for Installation of Cast Iron Mains of the American Waterworks Association (AWWA C600-54T). Pipe shall be laid true to line and grade as given by the engineer and property supported and braced and backfill thoroughly tamped around and under the pipe and fittings to provide proper support.
Testing and disinfection. All installed water pipes and appurtenances shall be hydrostatically tested in accordance with provisions of AWWA C600, latest version. All test results shall be provided to the Board of Health. All installed water pipes and appurtenances shall be disinfected and flushed in accordance with provisions of AWWA C651, latest version. All results shall be provided to the Board of Health. After completion of the tests, the water main shall be disinfected with a chlorine solution of not less than 50 p.p.m. for a contact period of 24 hours. After the contact period, the system shall be flushed to a 0 p.p.m. chlorine content and a sample taken and analyzed for coliform bacteria at a DEP-approved laboratory, with a report submitted to the Board of Health.
[Amended 7-16-2007]
Trench backfill. The remaining backfill shall be suitable excavated trench material having no stones greater than 6 inches and compacted in six-inch layers up to bottom grade of loam in unpaved areas or up to subgrade of paved parking areas or access roads. Compaction shall be by mechanical means only. All excess excavated material not used on site shall be removed offsite and the area shall be thoroughly cleared of stones and debris. Water mains constructed in existing paved roads shall be bedded as specified above to the top of the pipe and backfilled with Controlled Density Fill (flowable fill) up to the bottom course of the existing pavement. Controlled Density Fill shall conform to Section 4.08.0, type 2E of the Mass Hwy Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges. Steel plates shall be installed over the trench and maintained for at least 24 hours before resurfacing the trench. Puddling for compaction is prohibited.
[Amended 7-16-2007]
Disinfection. After completion of the tests, the water main shall be disinfected with a chlorine solution of not less than 50 p.p.m. for a contact period of 24 hours. After the contact period, the system shall be flushed to a 0 p.p.m. chlorine content and a sample taken and analyzed for coliform bacteria at a DEP approved laboratory, with a report submitted to the Board of Health.
Utilities and telecommunications.
Plans prepared by a registered engineer showing the proposed location and placement of each underground utility and telecommunication system, including pipes, conduits, cables, transformers, substations and other facilities appurtenant thereto shall be filed with and approved by the Board prior to the installation of such utility or telecommunication system.
All utility and telecommunication systems, including house connections, shall be placed underground at the time of initial construction. All utility pipes and, conduits and appurtenant facilities to be located under a roadway or sidewalk shall be installed before placement of the gravel base of such roadway or sidewalk.
All electric and telecommunication systems shall be placed in conduit.
All service transformers shall be pad-mounted unless otherwise specified by the Board.
All electric and telecommunication systems shall be located and installed to avoid interference with other Town of Dover street construction requirements.
Pipe for sanitary sewers shall be Reinforced Concrete Pipe or Sch 80, PVC pipe or Town Engineer approved equivalent. PVC pipe shall have a maximum pipe diameter to wall thickness ratio (SDR) of 35. Manholes shall consist of precast concrete with stainless steel or aluminum ladders and heavy-duty thirty-inch diameter manhole covers. Pipe to manhole connections shall be made with a flexible rubber boot and a stainless steel clamp connector or integral rubber ring. All pipe joint and manhole connections shall be made watertight. The pipe shall be bedded on three-fourth-inch crushed stone or Town Engineer approved processed gravel having no stones greater than 1 1/2 inches in diameter. The pipe shall be laid to true line and the grades controlled by laser. The top of the pipe shall be protected with Town Engineer approved material to a depth of 12 inches, before placing the remaining backfill. The fill around and over the pipe and trench backfill shall be placed in six-inch layers and compacted by mechanical means up to the subgrade of the road.
[Added 7-16-2007]
Inspection. The Consulting Engineer for the Town of Dover shall inspect and approve the subgrade before, any base gravel is spread.
Processed gravel base.
[Amended 12-15-1997]
The processed gravel for the base course shall be manufactured by mechanical means and shall consist of hard, durable stone and coarse sand free from loam and clay, uniformly graded, containing no stone having a diameter of more than 1 1/2 inches and conforming to the requirements of MI 030.
Gravel for base shall be spread in 2 seven-inch layers to provide a total depth of 14 inches, measured after rolling each layer with a ten-ton roller.
[Amended 7-16-2007]
Samples of the gravel to be used shall be tested for gradation by sieve analysis and the top of rolled gravel tested for compaction. All sieve analyses and compaction tests will be procured by the consulting engineer for the town. The cost for all testing shall be borne by the applicant.
Surface treatment.
The pavement of the roadway of each street in a subdivision shall consist of Class I Bituminous Concrete Type I-1, constructed in 2 courses, the base or binder course and the top or finish course.
Each course shall be rolled with a tandem roller weighing not less than 10 tons.
After rolling, the binder course and the finish course shall each be 2 1/2 inches and the finish course 1 1/2 inches thick so as to form a final pavement thickness of 4 inches in conformity with the lines, grades and cross section on the approved Definitive Plan. Longitudinal and transverse joints of both binder and finish courses shall be painted with hot rubberized asphalt cement.
[Amended 12-15-1997; 7-16-2007]
Materials and construction methods shall conform to the most recent edition of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges, Boston, MA.
No roadway pavement shall be constructed before March 30 of any year nor after November 1 of any year.
Berms. Bituminous berms shall be Cape Cod type in conformance with Standard Construction Details. (See Appendix A.)[2]
Editor's Note: Appendix A is included at the end of this chapter.
Shoulders. Shoulders shall be constructed on both sides of all roadways to provide loamed, seeded and planted areas and to provide space for sidewalks, pedestrian pathways, bridle paths and stone walls. Landscape plans shall be provided. All construction shall be in accordance with Standard Construction Details. (See Appendix A.)[3]
Editor's Note: Appendix A is included at the end of this chapter.
Sidewalks. Sidewalks are prohibited.
[Amended 2-20-2002]
Pedestrian pathways and bridle paths.
Pedestrian pathways and bridle paths shall be constructed in conformance with Standard Construction Details. (See Appendix A.)[4]
Editor's Note: Appendix A is included at the end of this chapter.
[5]All pedestrian pathways and bridle paths shall be constructed to avoid large trees, rock outcrops, watercourses and other natural features that, if preserved, will add to the attractiveness of the subdivision. The design of alignment and gradients shall allow natural drainage, eliminate drainage pockets and minimize potential for erosion.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection J(2), regarding rolling, was repealed 7-16-2007. This amendment also redesignated former Subsection J(3) through (8) as J(2) through (7), respectively.
Each layer shall be rolled with a roller of not less than 5 tons.
Plan and profile drawings based on site surveys to show existing and proposed conditions along pedestrian pathways and bridle paths shall be provided.
The required aggregate length of combined pedestrian pathways and bridle paths, not within street rights-of-way, shall be as follows:
R Zone: provide a minimum length of 100 feet per new lot.
R-1 Zone: provide a minimum length of 150 feet per new lot.
R-2 Zone: provide a minimum length of 200 feet per new lot.
Permanent markers shall be placed in the ground to clearly indicate the locations and alignments of all pedestrian pathways and bridle paths in accordance with Standard Construction Details. (See Appendix A.)[6]
Editor's Note: Appendix A is included at the end of this chapter.
Permanent markers shall be placed in the ground at a height, distance and spacing to be determined by the Town Engineer. All such markers shall be installed prior to the release of lots.
Retaining stone walls, guard stonewalls and headwalls shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable Standard Construction Details. (See Appendix A.)[7]
Editor's Note: Appendix A is included at the end of this chapter.
Materials shall be stone and/or broken rock or ledge of a type found in the land being subdivided. No man-made or manufactured masonry or concrete materials shall be used.
No stones for new walls shall be removed or used from stone walls existing on the land, except those encountered within street construction areas.
Stone walls shall be constructed with no mortar or cement joints. All stones shall be set and wedged to produce a stable and long lasting wall. All work shall be completed by competent stone setters under the supervision of the Superintendent of Streets.
On exposed faces of finished stone walls, at least 1/3 of all stones shall have a minimum face area of 1 square foot. Suitably flat stones shall be used at tops of all walls and there shall be no exposed concrete chapping.
Tapered end sections shall be provided for all stone walls. (See Appendix A.)[8]
Editor's Note: Appendix A is included at the end of this chapter.
All excavation, filling, sloping and grading outside the right-of-way shall be designed and completed to minimize disturbance to the existing natural conditions encountered.
All new slopes and areas disturbed by grading operations shall be subject to the provisions of § 248-13A(4). See Standard Construction Details C-3 through C-6. (See Appendix A.)[9]
[Amended 7-16-2007]
Editor's Note: Appendix A is included at the end of this chapter.
A landscape plan prepared by a registered landscape architect shall be provided.
The Board may require that defined slope easements be shown on the Definitive Plan and that such easements be reserved by the developer for future acquisition by the town for maintenance purposes.
Grass seed used shall be of a deep-rooted, fast-growing variety to provide a dense uniform cover with seed consisting of a mixture of 40 pounds of tall fescue, 5 pounds of crown vetch and 15 pounds of perennial rye for each 11,000 square feet of seeded area.
Seed mixtures for wildflower seeded areas shall be selected from the Wildflower List (See Appendix A)[10] and shall be appropriate for use in the specific areas proposed. Each mixture shall include 1 or more seed types from each blooming period, and the landscape plan shall indicate planting locations for each mixture. Areas for wildflower seeding shall conform to Standard Construction Details. (See Appendix A.) Seed shall be planted in accordance with the producers' printed recommendations and directions.
Editor's Note: Appendix A is included at the end of this chapter.
Street trees and planted shrubs.
Street trees not less than 14 feet in height and with caliper of at least 3 1/2 inches, shall be planted in conformance with Standard Construction Details. (See Appendix A.) Street trees shall be spaced not more than 50 feet on centers along new stonewalls, and otherwise spaced not more than 75 feet on centers on both sides of every street in the subdivision. Trees shall be located no closer than 9 feet from the berm gutter line.
Street trees shall be selected from the following list:
[Amended effective 11-16-1995; 4-27-1998]
Large street trees for wide spaces:
Acer rubrum
Red maple
Acer rubrum 'Autumn flame'
Autumn flame red maple
Acer rubrum 'October glory'
October glory red maple
Acer rubrum 'Red sunset'
Red sunset red maple
Acer saccharum 'Green mountain'
Green mountain sugar maple
Celtis laevigata x occidentalis 'Magnifica'
Magnifica hackberry
Fraxinus americana 'Autumn purple'
Autumn purple white ash
Ginkgo biloba, male
Gleditsia triacanthos 'PNI 2835'
Shadernaster honeylocust
Gleditsia triacanthos 'Skycole'
Skyline honeylocust
Gymnocladus dioicus, male
Kentucky coffeetree
Platanus x acerifolia 'Bloodgood'
Bloodgood london plane
Quercus bicolor
Swamp white oak
Quercus palustris
Pin Oak
Quercus rubra
Red oak
Sophora japonica
Tilia tomentosa
Silver linden
Zelkova serrata
Japanese zelkova
Street trees for narrow spaces.
Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong'
Armstrong freeman maple
Acer rubrum 'Bowhall'
Bowhall red maple
Carpinus betulus fastigiata
Fastigiate european hornbeam
Ginkgo biloba 'PNI 2720'
Princeton sentry ginkgo
Pyrus calleryana 'Capital'
Capital callery pear
Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer'
Chanticleer callery pear
Quercus robur fastigiata
Fastigiate english oak
Sophora japonica 'Princeton upright'
Princeton upright scholartree
Sophora japonica 'PNI 5625'
Regent scholartree
Zelkova serrata 'Green vase'
Green vase japanese zelkova
Zelkova serrata 'Village green'
Village green japanese zelkova
Small trees for under power lines.
Acer campestre
Hedge maple
Acer ginnala
Amur maple
Crataegus laevigata 'Superba'
Crimson cloud english hawthorn
Malus floribunda
Flowering crabapple
Malus sieboldii var. zumi 'Calocarpa'
Zumi crabapple
Malus 'Adams'
Adams crabapple
Malus 'Donald Wyman'
Donald Wyman crabapple
Malus 'Harvest gold'
Harvest gold crabapple
Malus 'Snowdrift'
Snowdrift crabapple
Malus 'Red jewel'
Red jewel crabapple
Syringa reticulata
Japanese tree lilac
Syringa reticulata 'Ivory silk'
Ivory silk japanese tree lilac
Flowering trees for back of sidewalk.
Aesculus x carnea 'Briotii'
Ruby red horsechestnut
Crataegus laevigata 'Superba'
Crimson cloud english hawthorn
Koelreuteria paniculata
Goldenrain tree
Magnolia stellata
Star magnolia
Magnola x soulangiana
Saucer magnolia
Malus floribunda
Flowering crabapple
Malus sieboldii var. zumi 'Calocarpa'
Zumi crabapple
Malus 'Adams'
Adams crabapple
Malus 'Donald Wyman'
Donald Wyman crabapple
Malus 'Harvest gold'
Harvest gold crabapple
Malus 'Snowdrift'
Snowdrift crabapple
Malus 'Red jewel'
Red jewel crabapple
Pyrus calleryana 'Aristocrat'
Aristocrat callery pear
Pyrus calleryana 'Whitehouse'
Whitehouse callery pear
Syringa reticulata
Japanese tree lilac
Syringa reticulata 'Ivory silk'
Ivory silk japanese tree lilac
Types, sizes, quantities and planting arrangement of other trees, shrubs and plant materials shall be in conformance with Standard Construction Details. (See Appendix A.)
A continuous healthy growth for all planted trees, shrubs, plants and seeded areas shall be maintained for 1 year from the date of completion of all work on the street or until the street is accepted by the Town of Dover, whichever is later.
Curb cuts. Curb cuts for driveways shall be in accordance with Standard Construction Details. (See Appendix A.) Shared driveways and or common driveways are not permitted.
Boundary monuments. Monuments shall be set on the right-of-way lines of each street at all angle points, at the beginning and end of all curves, at all intersections with other streets and ways and at subdivision boundary lines. Monuments shall also be set along the entire perimeter of the subdivision at intervals of not more than 500 feet pursuant to Land Court instructions. All monuments shall be of stone or reinforced concrete; shall be not less than 4 feet in length and not less than 6 inches in width and breadth and shall have a drill hole in the center. All monuments shall be set flush with the surface of the adjoining ground. Wrought iron rods may be used where the points fall on exposed ledge. The placement and accurate location of these monuments shall be certified, in writing, to the Board by a registered land surveyor.
Signs. Street signs and traffic control signs shall be installed as directed by the Superintendent of Streets.
Cleaning up. The area shall be cleaned of all debris and rubbish and other objectionable materials to leave a neat and orderly appearance on completion of all work in the subdivision.
Standard construction details. See Appendix A for Standard Construction Details as referenced herein.[11]
Editor's Note: Appendix A is included at the end of this chapter.
As-built Plans.
[Added 7-16-2007]
Upon completion of the subdivision infrastructure and Definitive Plan requirements, As-built Plans certified by a registered engineer shall be submitted for approval by the Town Engineer and shall include the following:
Plan of road showing berm/curb, width of road gutter to gutter, location of all catch basins, drain manholes, sanitary sewer manholes, water and hydrants, gas gates, all underground piping, electric transformers, pull boxes, E.T.C. boxes and conduit.
Profile of center line showing proposed grades left and as-built grades right.
The top and bottom of all slopes.
Location of all pedestrian pathways and bridle paths.
Proposed and as-built rim elevations and inverts of all catch basins, drain manholes and sanitary sewers within or beyond the right-of-way.
Location of right-of-way, easement and lot corner monuments.
Location of all trees within the right-of-way.
Location of the tree line adjacent to the right-of-way.
Location and height of stone walls.
The applicant may use the Definitive Plans for this purpose and shall submit a suitable reproducible plan on mylar.
The As-built Plans shall show the existing grades and proposed grades of the road and the proposed rim and inverts of the storm drain and sanitary sewer systems. The as-built grades shall be shown either by crossing out the proposed grade and penciling in the as-built grade or by enclosing the as-built grade in parenthesis adjacent to proposed grade. The applicant shall retain a licensed land surveyor who shall certify that all right-of-way and easement bounds have been set as shown on the Definitive Plans.
The approved Definitive Plans may be used for this purpose and a suitable reproducible plan on mylar shall be furnished.
Street Acceptance Plans.
[Added 7-16-2007]
This is not to be confused with the As-built Plan, but is a separate and additional plan. The applicant may request acceptance of the subdivision streets after the Board has approved the As-built Plans.
The procedure for Street Acceptance Plan preparation and approval is as follows:
Legal description, deeds and easements.
The developer shall prepare and submit to the Board a legal description of each road, open space parcel, drainage system parcel, and easement, proposed for acceptance by the Town; a copy of said documents shall also be provided in electronic format as specified by the Board.
The applicant shall execute an instrument, on a form approved by the Board and acceptable to Town Counsel, transferring to the Town, without cost, valid unencumbered title to the street(s) and all common sewers, storm drains and water mains, and all appurtenances thereto, constructed and installed in the subdivision thereof to be approved.
The applicant shall execute an instrument, on a form approved by the Board and acceptable to Town Counsel, conveying to the Town, without cost and free from all liens and encumbrances, valid unencumbered title of any open space parcel or drainage system parcel.
The applicant shall execute an instrument, on a form approved by the Board and acceptable to Town Counsel, conveying to the Town, without cost and free of all liens and encumbrances, perpetual rights and easements to construct, inspect, repair, replace, operate and forever maintain the aforesaid underground utilities, including all manholes, pipes, conduits and other appurtenances, and to do all acts incidental thereto, in the subdivision or portion thereof to be approved. If any such utilities have been constructed and installed in land not within such streets, then said transfer shall be in, through and under an easement as shown on the Definitive Plan.
The Board shall forward all legal documents to Town Counsel for review and approval. Town Counsel shall hold the documents in escrow until such time as street acceptance occurs at Town Meeting. Town Counsel shall then record all deeds, easements along with the Street Acceptance Plan.
Street/Infrastructure acceptance fee. The developer shall submit a nonrefundable street acceptance fee to the Board at the time street acceptance is requested. This fee shall cover the Town's expense for inspections, legal review, and the recording of deeds, easements and the Street Acceptance Plan.
Street Acceptance Plan. The developer shall have a Street Acceptance Plan prepared and certified by a Professional Land Surveyor registered in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Street Acceptance Plan is separate from and in addition to the As-built Plan. The original Mylar and 5 copies of the Street Acceptance Plan shall be submitted to the Board. The Town's Engineer shall review said plan for completeness, and make a recommendation to the Board regarding acceptance.
The Street Acceptance Plan shall be drawn to a scale of 1" - 40' and shall be prepared in accordance with the Norfolk County Registry of Deeds standard in a manner suitable for recording at the Registry.
The Street Acceptance Plan shall include the following:
Roadway width layout;
Distance, bearing, radius, tangent, and delta angle to define all roadway layout and easement lines;
Roadway center line (including the starting and ending stations clearly noted);
Certification that all permanent monuments have been set;
Reference to the approved Definitive Subdivision Plan, including all recording data;
A Title Block on each sheet in the lower right corner that indicates the title "STREET ACCEPTANCE PLAN," roadway name, owner's name, surveyor's name, date, and scale; and
The surveyor's certification stating: "The street (or ROW or portion thereof) is laid out and the bounds have been set as shown on the plan";
Two signature blocks on each sheet of the Street Acceptance Plan, one for the Planning Board and the other for the Board of Selectmen. Each signature block shall include space for each Board members's signature, a date and a reference, "Street Layout Acceptance Approved."
The Street Acceptance Plan shall be signed, dated, and the surveyor's stamp affixed thereon.