Local enforcement shall be the duty and responsibility
of the Town of Oakland or its designee to enforce the provisions of
this code.
The Department shall decide questions of interpretation
of this code, including questions relating to uniform enforcement
by political subdivisions, and may authorize any waiver or exemption
requested by a local political subdivision.
Upon the written request of the Town, the Department
may waive or vary particular provisions of this code to the extent
that the waiver is not inconsistent with the Act if:
A. Geographic differences or unique local conditions
justify the waiver;
B. The waiver would not threaten the health or safety
of any tenant; and
C. The application of the particular provision to the
local political subdivision would be inequitable or contrary to the
purposes of the Act.
A person may not be displaced by enforcement
of the Minimum Livability Code unless alternate housing of comparable
affordability is available within a reasonable distance of the vacated
Enforcement and waiver application are not intended
to supersede any state laws or other applicable laws, pursuant to
the Annotated Code of Maryland.