[HISTORY: Adopted by the Special Town Meeting 9-30-1974 by Art. 9 as Ch. III, Sec. 10, of the 1975 Bylaws; amended in its entirety by the Annual Town Meeting 4-17-1984 by Art. 13. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Bidding and contracts — See Ch. 8.
[Amended STM 3-2-2010 by Art. 10]
There shall be a Finance Committee of seven Members ("Regular Member") who shall reside in the Town and be registered voters therein. They shall be appointed by the Moderator for terms of three years so that as nearly as possible 1/3 shall be appointed each year. The Moderator may also appoint up to two Associate Members for terms of three years. The Associate Member(s) shall be allowed to participate in any and all Finance Committee meetings including the right to ask questions but shall not be allowed to vote unless the Associate Member is attending the meeting for purpose of voting in the absence of a Regular Member. In addition to the foregoing, any Associate Member(s) shall have the right to review prior minutes of Finance Committee meetings for purposes of participating in any future vote. In the absence of a Regular Member, an Associate Member may vote on matters before the Committee.
[Amended STM 5-15-2007 by Art. 5]
The Finance Committee shall investigate all proposals in the articles of the Warrant for any Town Meeting that shall in any way affect the finances of the Town and recommend to the Selectmen and Town at least seven days prior to the time of said meeting a course of action thereon. Said recommendation shall include a one-paragraph summary of the article, as well as the pros and cons of each article. The Finance Committee shall consider all matters relating to the appropriation, the borrowing and the expenditure of money by the Town, its indebtedness, the administration of its various offices and departments, and may make recommendations to the Town or to any board, officers or committee relative to the municipal fiscal affairs. In general, it shall make recommendations to the Town in regard to any financial business of the Town. In the discharge of its duties, the Committee shall by majority vote assign one or more individual members of the Committee free access to all books of record and account, bills and vouchers on which money has been or may be paid from the Town Treasury, contracts, agreements, and any other documents (printed or electronic) relating to financial matters of the Town.