The following is an alphabetical list of votes taken at Town Meeting relating to various subjects which are not in the nature of material which would be codified but which may be of interest to the Town.
Adoption Date/Art. No.
Adding to, reconstructing, furnishing and equipping the Old Town Hall for use as a new police station
STM 6-29-2000/1
Agricultural preservation restriction on over 82 acres of farmland along 118 College Highway
STM 3-16-2009/2
Agricultural preservation restriction on over 34 acres of farmland along 166 Mort Vining Road
STM 3-16-2009/3
Agricultural preservation restriction on over 66 acres of farmland along the southerly side of South Longyard Road
ATM 5-19-2009/21
Agricultural preservation restriction on 55 acres of farmland along the southerly side of Davis Road
STM 5-18-2010/3
Agricultural preservation restriction on over 61 acres of farmland along the southerly side of Granville Road
STM 11-16-2010/1
Alcoholic beverages, licenses for sale of
Elections of November 1962 and November 1964
Animal control, mutual aid agreement for
STM 2-28-2007/4
Assessment of cost of sewer project to those who benefit
ATM 5-20-1997/19
ATM 3-21-1938/53
Bidding amendment
ATM 3-20-1939/46
Board and committee meetings and minutes, posting of on Web site
STM 5-15-2007/6
Budget, availability of via Web site
STM 5-15-2007/4
Change in residency requirement for veterans applying for property tax exemption under MGL c. 59, § 5, Clauses 22, 22A, 22B, 22C, 22D and 22E
ATM 5-20-2014/21
Conservation Fund established
STM 11-7-1967/4
Conveyance of parcel of land located at 17 Eagle Street
STM 11-30-1999/9
Dog pound established
STM 6-20-1960/2
Emergency telephone notification system
STM 3-15-2008/3
Flood insurance program, vote to join
STM 11-18-1975/11
Flood Hazard Map revised
STM 3-29-1977/11
Insurance, purchase of by each department
ATM 3-20-1939/47
Intergovernmental agreement with the City of Westfield for treatment of wastewater
STM 12-12-1995/12
Intermunicipal agreements, authorization for (health, public works and general government administration services)
STM 12-11-2006/6
Liability for damages by Massachusetts DPW for work in town rivers and streams (MGL c. 91, § 29)
ATM 3-18-1940/47 STM 3-20-1956/1
Natural gas pipeline (long-term lease with City of Westfield Gas and Electric Light Department)
STM 12-11-2006/10
Petition for Special Act to exempt certain actions from competitive bid process
ATM 4-18-1995/17
Petition for Special Act to authorize apportionment of sewer betterment assessments
ATM 5-20-1997/18
Petition for Special Act authorizing Commissioner of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance to lease parcel of state-owned land to Town
ATM 5-15-2007/31
Petition for special act related to the supply and sale of water to Mr. Mitch Bannish of Westfield
ATM 5-21-2002/19
Public Safety Complex Study appropriation
STM 12-12-1995/11
Recall elections
STM 2-27-1991/18
Sanitary landfill establishment
ATM 3-20-1972/16
Seal, Official (Bicentennial Comm.)
ATM 3-17-1967/34
Sewage treatment facilities, design and construction of
STM 4-10-2001/10
Solid waste disposal agreement
ATM 5-19-1998/16
Solid waste disposal contracts
ATM 4-15-1986/14
Southwick-Tolland Regional School District Agreement amendment
STM 11-19-1997/10 STM 11-26-1996/7 STM 11-26-1996/8
Spending limits for revolving funds
ATM 5-16-2017/13
Tax increment financing plan and agreement for R.R.J. LLC
STM 11-30-1999/6
Tax increment financing plan and agreement for Tova Realty Corp.
STM 6-6-1996/6
Tax increment financing plan and agreement for Whalley Properties, Inc.
ATM 5-19-1998/18
Transfer of care, custody and control of land located south of South Longyard Road on the Massachusetts/Connecticut state line on Whortleberry Hill from the to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
ATM 5-19-2009/18
Transfer care, custody, management and control of land off Sterrett Drive from Board of Selectmen to Conservation Commission
STM 4-20-1999/9
Treatment of the Congamond Lakes for Eurasian Mifoil weeds and other invasive aquatic weed species
ATM 5-16-2000/14
Veterans' Service Center
STM 8-28-1945/4 STM 10-30-1945/2
Watershed management agreement with Suffield, Connecticut
STM 4-19-1983/5
Woodland Elementary School property, conduct of feasibility study
ATM 5-19-2009/16; ATM 5-18-2010/19