[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Geneseo 2-10-1977. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Meetings of Planning Board — See Ch. 24, Art. III.
Meetings of Zoning Board of Appeals — See Ch. 33.
The Town of Geneseo shall provide notice to the public and news media of the regular and special meetings of the Town Board and other Town bodies at which public business is transacted in order to facilitate public attendance at such meetings and observation and listening to its deliberations and decisions of the Board and other Town bodies.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The official newspaper.
Notice shall be given either in writing or orally.
The following areas are designated as locations for the posting of notices of all meetings held by the Town Board and other Town bodies:
The Geneseo Town bulletin board.
Key Bank of Central New York.
[Amended 3-10-1988]
Marine Midland Bank, N.A.
[Amended 3-10-1988]
The Town Clerk is hereby designated as the officer to provide notice and shall be responsible for providing notice to the public and news media. The Town Clerk may designate the Clerk of any other Town body to perform such function with respect to that body.
The Town Clerk shall, upon request, provide notice to any person of the date, time and place of a meeting of the Town Board or any other Town body, whether request for such information is made in person, in writing or by telephone; provided, however, that a written request requiring a written notice shall be accompanied by a properly stamped, self- addressed envelope, and a telephone request requiring the Town Clerk to return a long-distance call shall not be honored unless the requester accepts the charges for such call.
The public shall be informed of meetings scheduled at least one week in advance by posting the notice at least 72 hours in advance of such meetings in the locations designated herein. In addition, the newspaper designated herein shall be informed of a meeting scheduled at least one week in advance either by mail or by telephone or personal delivery of the notice to an officer or employee of the newspaper. When the notice is by mail, the Clerk shall, on a copy of the mailing, endorse the date on which it was forwarded to the news media. When the notice is personally delivered, the person receiving it shall sign a receipt acknowledging receipt of the notice, his name and official capacity. When the notice is given by telephone, the Clerk shall obtain the name and title of the person to whom the notice was given and shall record such information and the time and date of the call.
In the event that a meeting is scheduled less than a week in advance, the public shall be informed of such meeting as soon as practicable by posting of notices in locations designated by the posting provisions of this chapter. In addition, notice shall be given to the newspaper as expeditiously as possible.
The regularly scheduled meetings of the Board or other Town body to be held at specific times and locations and on specific dates may be encompassed in single notice provided to the public and news media. Such notice shall be posted in the locations designated in this chapter.
When the time, date and location of a scheduled meeting is changed, the Town Clerk shall, as soon as practicable, post notices showing the change in date, time and location of the meeting at the posting sites designated herein and provide notice to the news media.
The Town Clerk shall keep a log or other record in which there shall be entered information relating to the giving of public notice under this chapter, which log shall contain the following:
The date of posting of the public notice, the date or descriptive schedule of the meeting or meetings for which the notice was given and the name and title of the person who posted the notice.
If notice is given to the newspaper by mail, the date of mailing, the date or descriptive schedule of the meeting or meetings for which the notice has been mailed and the name and title of the person who mailed such notice.
If notice is given by personal delivery, the time and date of delivery, the date or descriptive schedule of the meeting or meetings for which the notice was delivered, the name and title of the officer or employee to whom it was delivered and the name and title of the person who delivered the notice.
If notice to the news media is given by telephone, the time and date of such telephone call, the date or descriptive schedule of the meeting or meetings for which such notice was given, the name and title of the officer or employee to whom it was given and the name and title of the person who gave such notice.