[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ontario 5-21-2012 by L.L. No. 2-2012.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Planning Board — See Ch. 26.
Excavations and fill — See Ch. 75.
Fire prevention and building construction compliance — See Ch. 80.
Flood damage prevention — See Ch. 84.
Sanitation — See Ch. 113.
Sewers — See Ch. 114.
Stormwater management — See Ch. 116.
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 120.
Water — See Ch. 146.
Watershed management control — See Ch. 147.
Zoning — See Ch. 150.
Attachment 1 - List of AppendicesAttachment 2 - Appendix A, Letter of Credit, Summary SheetAttachment 3 - Appendix B, Letter of Credit ReleaseAttachment 4 - Appendix C, Sanitary Sewer Cleanout DetailAttachment 5 - Appendix D, Future Sanitary ConnectionAttachment 6 - Appendix E, Sanitary Lateral DetailAttachment 7 - Appendix F, Rainfall Intensity CurvesAttachment 8 - Appendix G, ReservedAttachment 9 - Appendix H, Pavement Cross Sections (Typical)Attachment 10 - Appendix HA, Pavement Cross Section and Stabilized Shoulder Section (Typical)Attachment 11 - Appendix I, Typical Road Cross SectionsAttachment 12 - Appendix J, Offset Cul-de-Sac PlanAttachment 13 - Appendix K, Hammer Head Turn AroundAttachment 14 - Appendix L, MonumentAttachment 15 - Appendix M, Gutter DetailAttachment 16 - Appendix N, Gutter Inlet DetailAttachment 17 - Appendix NA, Field Inlet DetailAttachment 18 - Appendix NB, Drop Inlet DetailAttachment 19 - Appendix O, Gutter Inlet Apron DetailAttachment 20 - Appendix P, Storm Sewer Manhole and Catch Basin ManholeAttachment 21 - Appendix Q, Sanitary Sewer Manhole (greater than 4 feet deep)Attachment 22 - Appendix R, Sanitary Sewer Drop ConnectionAttachment 23 - Appendix S, Shallow Sewer Manhole (less than 4 feet deep)Attachment 24 - Appendix T, Sanitary Manhole With ForcemainAttachment 25 - Appendix U, Sidewalk DetailAttachment 26 - Appendix V, Cleaning and Testing of Sanitary SewersAttachment 27 - Appendix W, Water Main Pressure TestAttachment 28 - Appendix X, Temporary Testing Meter DetailAttachment 29 - Appendix Y, Typical Water Meter VaultAttachment 30 - Appendix Z, Typical Water ServiceAttachment 31 - Appendix AA, Water Main Blowoff DetailAttachment 32 - Appendix BB, Horizontal and Vertical Thrust Block DetailsAttachment 33 - Appendix CC, Mechanical Joint Pipe Restraint TablesAttachment 34 - Appendix DD, Hydrant UnitAttachment 35 - Appendix EE, Water Main/Sewer Crossing DetailAttachment 36 - Appendix FF, Meter Pit DetailAttachment 37 - Appendix GG, Polyethylene Encasement DetailAttachment 38 - Appendix HH, Utility NotificationsAttachment 39 - Appendix II, Soil Test Results (Corrosiveness)Attachment 40 - Appendi JJ, Pipe Bedding Details for Water, Sanitary and Storm MainsAttachment 41 - Appendix KK, SEQR Basic Flow Chart
Editor's Note: This local law superseded former Ch. A154, Land Development Regulations and Public Works Requirements, adopted 5-10-2004 by L.L. No. 1-2004, amended in its entirety 10-13-2008 by L.L. No. 4-2008.