[Amended 3-1-2020 by L.L. No. 1-2020]
All submittals requiring Planning Board action shall be submitted to the Planning Board Secretary. The submittal package shall include all plans, sketches and/or exhibits, together with engineering reports and/or studies, so as to provide the Planning Board with a complete understanding of the application. The Planning Board shall establish a deadline for submissions, together with requirements as to the form of the submission and the number of copies.
Before plans are submitted to the Planning Board for review, they shall be reviewed by the Town’s Engineer for completeness, in accordance with the provisions of this article.
Incomplete submittals shall be cause for rejection by the Planning Board until they comply with the provisions of this article.
The Planning Review Committee (PRC) shall review all plans prior to presentation to the Planning Board. The PRC will provide a written report with recommendations to the Board and the applicant/design professional prior to the Planning Board meeting. The applicant/design professional shall submit to the Planning Board a written response to all PRC comments. Such response shall be submitted in accordance with deadline requirements established by the Planning Board.
The sketch plan shall be a schematic representation of existing conditions and proposed improvements, including:
___ a.
Scale (no smaller than 1" = 100')
___ b.
Title ("Sketch") and name of development
___ c.
North point, scale and date
___ d.
Name(s) of the record owner(s), developer(s) and their addresses
___ e.
Name of design professional responsible for preparation of plan
___ f.
Zoning district(s) and limitations
___ g.
Property boundary with dimensions
___ h.
General location plan (1" = +2,000')
___ i.
Name(s) of adjacent owners
___ j.
Area and tax account number of property(ies) involved
___ k.
Total holdings map: where the sketch plan covers a portion of the applicant's holdings, at a minimum a tax map shall be submitted showing the proposed development on the overall parcel and its effect on future development
___ l.
General topography (5-foot contour intervals) on USC&GS datum
___ m.
Indication of any significant existing natural features (i.e., streams, ridges, tree lines)
___ n.
Indication of all existing utilities, roads, houses, etc.
___ o.
Schematic indication of development, utilities, roads, etc.
___ p.
Agricultural data statement
In addition to the requirements for a sketch plan, the following shall be included:
___ a.
Scale (no smaller than 1" = 50'), title ("Preliminary") and name of development
___ b.
Property boundaries with bearings and distances on NYS Plane Coordinate System, Central NAD 83 Zone
___ c.
Existing and proposed topography (2-foot contour intervals maximum)
___ d.
Zoning setbacks and restriction lines
___ e.
Topography datum NAVD 1988
___ f.
Benchmark based on NAVD 1988 datum
___ g.
All existing natural features: watercourses, tree masses, wetlands, floodplains, etc.
___ h.
All existing buildings, culverts, utilities with dimensions, sizes and inverts with other significant man-made features
___ i.
All existing property lines, easements or other encumbrances on the property, certified by a licensed land surveyor per a recent survey, and the purpose for which the easements or rights-of-way were established
___ j.
Percolation and deep test holes and locations with results (if applicable)
___ k.
Special information as requested by the Planning Board at sketch plan stage
___ l.
Where the preliminary plan covers only a part of the applicant's entire holdings, a sketch plan shall be submitted of a prospective street and utility layout for the remainder of the property
___ m.
Sight distances for access to the parcel or proposed streets (required and provided)
___ n.
Design reports for multi-lot subdivisions
___ o.
Location and approximate dimensions and sizes of development improvements
___ p.
Preliminary designs of stormwater facilities, culverts, pump stations, bridges, sewers, road sections, etc.
___ q.
Proposed location, size and width of easements, parks, rights-of-way, public areas or parcels of land to be dedicated or reserved for public use
In addition to the requirements for the preliminary plan, the following will be included:
___ a.
Size of the plan shall be acceptable for filing in the Wayne County Clerk's office.
___ b.
Scale (no smaller than 1" = 50'), title ("Final") and name of development
___ c.
Name, seal and signature of the registered professional(s) responsible for the plan
___ d.
Street lines, lot lines, rights-of-way, easements and areas dedicated or proposed to be dedicated for public use
___ e.
Sufficient data to determine readily the location, bearing and length of every street, lot and boundary line shown on the plan
___ f.
All dimensions shall be shown in feet and in hundredths of a foot
___ g.
The length of all straight lines, radii, lengths of curves and tangent bearings for each street
___ h.
The proposed setback line from each street or property line
___ i.
Names of streets within and adjacent to development as approved by Wayne County 911, County Highway Department, Postal Service, and others designated by the Town Board
___ j.
Location of permanent reference monuments
___ k.
Lot numbers and area of each lot to the right-of-way
___ l.
Existing contours (2-foot maximum depending on topography)
___ m.
Proposed finished garage floor elevations
___ n.
Lowest architectural opening elevations in designated flood zone areas
___ o.
Spot elevations of swales, etc.
___ p.
Note on all final plans: "Placement and arrangement of building, waste disposal system, driveway, utilities and drainage will not be changed without prior approval of the Town of Ontario Building Department."
___ q.
Location, size, invert elevations, type and class of pipe on all sanitary and storm sewer systems
___ r.
Location, sizes and types of pipe for all water mains, location of all valves, hydrants, blowoffs, etc.
___ s.
Profiles with detailed information of all streets, storm sewers, sanitary sewers and water main crossings
___ t.
Design and plan details of all special construction (culverts, bridges, headwalls, etc.)
___ u.
Engineering calculations required to substantiate proposed designs
___ v.
Landscaping plan with planting schedule, if required by the Planning Board
___ w.
Details required to specify special conditions, materials or methods of construction
___ x.
Indication of approval from any jurisdictional agencies
___ y.
On all subdivisions and site plans, signature lines must appear for project approval by the Superintendent of Highways, Water Utilities Superintendent, Stormwater Management Officer, and Town Engineer. The Planning Board Chairman shall also sign every plan once all approval criteria are met.
___ z.
An affidavit that the applicant is the owner or equitable owner of the land proposed to be developed
___ aa.
A statement signed by the owner to the effect that the subdivision as shown on the final plan is made with his full consent and that it is desired to record the same
___ bb.
An affidavit stating that the applicant will install all improvements shown on the final plan at his own expense
___ cc.
Easements, descriptions, legal covenants, etc.
___ dd.
The final map shall contain on its face a certification that the developer will comply with all federal and state laws, rules and regulations for the development of the subject property.
___ ee.
Stormwater pollution prevention plan