[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Newark Valley 1-27-1981, as revised through 12-15-1993. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
The purpose of this plan is to cite the authority, to formulate procedures and to provide guidance for coordinated action in rendering assistance to the citizens within the Village of Newark Valley in the event of a disaster.
Disaster planning is based on the New York State Defense Emergency Act,[1] the regulations and orders of the State Defense Council and the State Civil Defense Commission, the Emergency Plan for the Natural Disaster of the State of New York and the National Plan for Natural Disaster Mobilization.
Editor's Note: See Unconsolidated Laws § 9101 et seq.
The Village of Newark Valley recognizes that planning and preparatory actions are required before an emergency. Emergency preparedness allows the Village of Newark Valley to prepare and react to emergency situations to save life and property if the Village is threatened or affected by a disaster and/or major emergency.
The Village Board shall have the primary responsibility to see that everything possible is done to prepare for any disaster and to provide for the safety and security of the community during a disaster.
Designate Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The Emergency Operations Center for the Village will be in the Municipal Building/Fire Station, 9 Park Street, Village of Newark Valley, New York, or an alternate location specified by the Mayor or his/her designee. Once the Mayor or next in line has declared that an emergency exists, the Emergency Operations Center will be staffed on a twenty-four-hour basis until the declared emergency subsides. The Emergency Operations Center will forward all warnings, directives, information, etc., to various local departments as appropriate. This will be done through the use of department representatives, telephones (located in the Emergency Operations Center) and radios in the Fire and Public Works Departments and in the offices of cooperating agencies. Each member assigned to the Emergency Operations Center will be familiar with this plan, particularly with the section pertaining to each responsible person's service duties.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III).
Essential emergency operations records. The Mayor and the Village Clerk-Treasurer, functioning at the Emergency Operations Center, are responsible for the maintenance and availability of records, documents, plans and other materials required to discharge their and others' functions during an emergency.
Members of the Village of Newark Valley Board and other designated personnel will assemble as soon as possible at the Emergency Operations Center upon notification of the existence of an emergency.
To cope with the effects of an emergency, appropriate steps will be taken at the Emergency Operations Center to mobilize fully the available personnel, resources, facilities, supplies and materials in the Village of Newark Valley according to the guidelines set forth in this plan.
The Mayor or the Deputy Mayor (emergency coordinator) is responsible for notification and declaration of an emergency or disaster.
Each department head in the Village of Newark Valley is responsible for assuring maximum effectiveness and utilization of all personnel and equipment of the department to accomplish the Village's responsibilities. Each department head will retain control of the assigned department and implement orders received from the Emergency Operations Center.
The Village of Newark Valley shall seek the cooperation and aid of any or all surrounding communities in the event of an emergency or disaster. Arrangements for mutual aid shall be made prior to any emergency or disaster.
The Village of Newark Valley shall contact the Tioga County Emergency Management Office regarding any major emergency or disaster situation. Assistance shall be requested when local or mutual aid resources are exhausted. All requests for assistance of any nature by any department will be approved by the Mayor or the Village Clerk-Treasurer and will be made to the County Emergency Management Office Director by direct phone contact or by radio network.
Military assistance requests will be made by the Mayor of the Village of Newark Valley to the Tioga County Emergency Management Office, which in turn will forward them to the State Civil Defense Commission.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III).
The American Red Cross is recognized as the agency responsible for mass care to persons immediately following a disaster. Local Red Cross chapters can extend natural disaster relief assistance to individuals and families, and the Red Cross can assume administrative and financial responsibility in providing such assistance. The American National Red Cross has been assigned this responsibility by the Congress of the United States. The Red Cross chapter responsible for the Village of Newark Valley is the Tioga County Chapter, 173 Main Street, Owego, New York, telephone number 687-1413.
The responsibilities and functions listed below recognize only basic duties. One person may fill one or more of the below-listed descriptions:
The Mayor of the Village of Newark Valley is responsible for the conduct of disaster operations within the Village of Newark Valley.
The Mayor of the Village of Newark Valley shall use any and all facilities, equipment, supplies, personnel and other resources of the Village of Newark Valley in such a manner as may be necessary or appropriate to cope with the disaster.
The Mayor shall direct the activities of all agencies within the Village of Newark Valley against the effects of an emergency in conformance with the approved plans for the rescue and relief of the people and the recovery and the rehabilitation of the community of Newark Valley. The Mayor will utilize services of the Emergency Operations Center and its staff for implementation of necessary measures to achieve emergency operations.
The Village Board, as the elected body of the people, shall take all appropriate steps to prepare for any disaster or emergency and shall generally be responsible for the implementation of this and other emergency preparedness plans.
The Village Clerk-Treasurer is responsible for the maintenance and availability of essential records, documents and other materials required during the emergency.
The Deputy Mayor (emergency coordinator) appointed by the Mayor directs the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan for the Emergency Operations Center, under the direction of the Mayor. Also, under the direction of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor coordinates the emergency operations of the Emergency Operations Center, prepares estimates of the situation, advises the Mayor of operational priorities and recommends requests for assistance from the Tioga County Emergency Management Office.
The Fire Chief will be responsible for the direction of all action to contain and extinguish fires resulting from emergencies and for the removal of trapped and injured persons from damaged buildings and flooded areas. The local Fire Chief may call upon the Tioga County Fire Coordinator under mutual aid for advice and/or assistance concerning fire-related emergencies, relief operations and coordination of emergency shelter and feeding operations.
The Mayor may designate a traffic control officer to be part of the Emergency Operations Center for the purpose of controlling traffic and population movements. The Tioga County Sheriff's Department and/or the New York State Police, assisted by the local Fire and Police Departments, will direct all action to maintain order, prevent looting and help alleviate panic, direct the injured to medical installations and assist handicapped persons by obtaining transportation and directing them to the nearest Emergency Operations Center.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III).
The Public Works Superintendent of the Village of Newark Valley is responsible for the maintenance of streets and bridges and all official trucks, cars and equipment. The Superintendent will direct action to check, restore and maintain essential public facilities and services, such as streets, bridges, public buildings, water service and any other vital community services, calling upon all public works and engineering services of Tioga County for such assistance. The Public Works Superintendent will work in conjunction with the applicable electric and gas utility, the telephone company and any other local utility in the restoration of the various essential services.
The Code Enforcement Officer of the Village will be responsible for safety inspection of damaged homes and businesses before evacuees are allowed to reoccupy such buildings.
The Public Information Officer, under the supervision of the Mayor of the Village of Newark Valley, directs the local dissemination of emergency information and the issuance of news reports to the public and notifies the County Emergency Management Office on the status and development of emergency measures, using all media of public communication.
The Emergency Squad Captain directs all action to render health and medical services to the community. The officer or staff shall alert hospitals and ambulances in the area regarding anticipated medical needs.
The school representatives direct the action related to care for school students in school during an emergency situation.
Additional responsibilities and functions. All department heads and/or those responsible for carrying out parts of the emergency operations for the Village of Newark Valley shall have their responsibilities and functions listed within this plan. A supply officer shall be designated by the Mayor at such time as is necessary to account for and provide any and all supplies as needed.