The contractor shall construct a two-course bituminous concrete pavement laid to conform to the required grade, thickness and cross section shown on the plans and specifications.
Materials and method of construction shall conform to Section 401 of the current Standard Specifications of the New York State Department of Transportation.
After the initial paving course has been thoroughly cleaned of all foreign material, an asphaltic-concrete binder course shall be uniformly spread by a self-propelled mechanical spreader with tamping bars and heating unit to a sufficient depth as to provide a finished compacted thickness after rolling thoroughly with a ten-ton roller.
After the binder course has been completed and thoroughly cleaned of foreign material and a tack coat of asphalt emulsion applied to the surface at the rate of 0.1 to 0.2 gallon per square yard, in the event that the binder course has been subject to traffic for an extended period of time, a final wearing course of fine asphaltic concrete shall be uniformly spread by a self-propelled mechanical spreader equipped with tamping bars and heating unit and in sufficient depth as to provide the required finished compacted thickness after rolling thoroughly with a two- or three-wheel tandem roller weighing approximately 10 tons.
Extreme care shall be exercised in the placing of bituminous concrete to ensure that all longitudinal joints shall be lapped in the placing of adjoining strips and that all lateral joints are trimmed before continuing with the placing of additional materials on that strip.
The contractor shall construct bituminous surface treatment (shoulder treatment) as specified in approved plans and meeting the requirements of Section 410-3.02 of the current Standard Specifications of the New York State Department of Transportation.
Shoulders of highway with bituminous macadam pavement shall be treated with additional surface treatment for surface texture and color contrast meeting the requirements of Section 410-3.04 of the current Standard Specifications of the New York State Department of Transportation.