[Adopted 5-12-1947 by Ord. No. 73]
No child under the age of 16 years, unaccompanied by a parent, guardian or other adult person, shall be admitted to any theater in the Incorporated Village of Valley Stream, unless such theater is licensed pursuant to and in compliance with the provision of this article.
[Amended 9-29-1986 by L.L. No. 6-1986]
The Village Clerk shall issue to any owner, operator or manager of any theater where motion pictures are exhibited a license to admit to such theater children over the age of eight years and under the age of 16 years, unaccompanied by a parent, guardian or other adult person, upon application, in writing, on forms to be furnished by said Clerk. The annual fee for such license shall be as established by resolution of the Board of Trustees at an open meeting.
Each owner, operator or management licensed under the provisions of this article shall set aside a separate section of seats on the main floor, to be used exclusively for unaccompanied children. Such section shall be clearly marked or designated. During the time this section is reserved for said children, adults shall not be permitted to use such section. The size of such section may be varied at any time. However, a seat in such section shall be provided for each unaccompanied child. No unaccompanied child shall be permitted to sit in any balcony or box. Unaccompanied children shall not be admitted to said licensed theater during the time their school classes, within the Village, are in session, or after the hour of 6:00 p.m.
[Amended 9-29-1986 by L.L. No. 6-1996]
Each owner, operator or manager of such licensed theater shall provide at least one matron or supervisor, who shall give undivided attention to said supervision during the time such children shall be in such theater. The matron or supervisor shall, while on duty, conspicuously wear a badge or other proper identification furnished by the management of the theater.
[Amended 9-29-1986 by L.L. No. 6-1986]
Any person or persons, firm, association or corporation violating any of the provisions of this article or any part thereof shall be liable for and forfeit and pay a penalty of not less than $250 nor more than $500. Any violation of this article or any part thereof shall constitute disorderly conduct, and any person violating the same shall be and is hereby declared a disorderly person. In addition, after a hearing held on due notice to the licensee, the Village Board, upon proof of willful violations of the provisions of this article, may suspend or revoke any license granted under Article II or Article III of this chapter.
This article shall take effect June 3, 1947.