[Adopted 9-8-1947 by Ord. No. 77]
It shall not be lawful for any owner, lessee or occupant of a corner lot, corner plot or corner parcel of land to plant, erect, maintain, permit or suffer a hedge, shrub or other growth, except trees, on his or her corner lot, corner plot or corner parcel of land which lies within a distance of 20 feet from the curblines of each of the streets, avenues, highways or roads on which the lot, plot or parcel of land fronts or abuts, at a height which shall exceed four feet measured from the level of each of said streets, avenues, highways or roads, as established by the Village of Valley Stream.
The owner, lessee or occupant of a corner lot, corner plot or corner parcel of land upon which there is any hedge, shrub or other growth, except trees now existing within the Village of Valley Stream, which does not comply with the foregoing provisions of this article shall cause the same to comply within 30 days after this article shall become effective.
It shall not be lawful for any owner, lessee or occupant of any premises adjacent to any street or sidewalk in the Incorporated Village of Valley Stream to plant, erect, maintain, permit or suffer any hedge, shrub or other growth, excepting trees, upon his or her premises unless the same shall be set at least two feet back from the line of the street on which his or her premises abut, and such hedge, shrub or other growth, excepting trees, shall be kept trimmed so as not to project into or upon said street or sidewalk.
The owner, lessee or occupant of premises adjacent to any street or sidewalk upon which there is any hedge, shrub or other growth, excepting trees now existing within the Village of Valley Stream, which does not comply with the foregoing provision of this article shall cause the same to comply within 30 days after this article becomes effective.
[Amended 9-17-2018 by L.L. No. 19-2018]
Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this article shall be liable to a fine of not exceeding $500 and/or 15 days in jail for each offense, and any violation thereof shall constitute and is hereby declared to be disorderly conduct, and any person violating this article or any provisions thereof shall be and is hereby declared a disorderly person.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with this article are repealed upon enactment and effective date of the proposed new ordinance.
This article shall take effect September 29, 1947.