No person, firm or corporation shall, within the limits of the Village of Valley Stream, maintain or use premises for a parking lot or space for the storage or parking of more than five automobiles or other vehicles without first having obtained a license from the Village of Valley Stream as herein contained, except when such space is used for required off-street parking and a certificate of occupancy is issued for same.
Every person, firm or corporation desiring to procure a license for the establishment, maintenance or use of premises for a parking lot or space for the storage or parking of more than five automobiles or other vehicles shall file with the Village Clerk a written application upon a blank form prepared and provided by the Village, and such application shall contain the following information:
The name and residence of the owner and whether such lot or parking space is used by the owner or by a lessee or by another occupant.
A general statement of the location of the property and of the classification of the district in which said property is located and a description of the parcel by metes and bounds.
A statement whether the applicant intends to charge for the parking of automobiles or other vehicles or whether the applicant intends to restrict the parking to a particular group or classification.
In addition to the foregoing, the applicant shall submit and file with the Village Clerk such application and a map of the proposed parking space showing full particulars with reference to entrances, exits, barriers, if any, and streets adjacent thereto.
Upon the filing of the application as provided in § 93-36, the Board of Trustees may, upon the approval of such application after investigation by the Department of Public Works and the payment to the Village Clerk of the license fee hereinafter provided, issue to the applicant a license to establish or maintain or use premises for a parking space for the storage or parking of more than five automobiles or other vehicles. All licenses shall be numbered in the order in which they are issued and shall state clearly the location of the parking space, the date of issuance and the expiration and the address of the licensee. No applicant to whom a license has been refused shall make further application until a period of at least six months shall have elapsed since the last previous rejection, unless the applicant can show that the reason for such rejection no longer exists.
There shall be an annual fee of $50 for each established parking space.
All licenses shall be issued as of June 1 and shall continue in force until May 31 next from date of issuance thereof, unless the same is revoked by the Board of Trustees.
No license shall be used by any person, firm or corporation other than the original licensee.
The Board of Trustees may, at any time for such cause as upon investigation may deem sufficient, revoke any license granted under the provisions of this article. Whenever any license shall be so revoked, no refund of any unearned portion of the fee thereof shall be made and no license shall be granted to any firm, person or corporation whose license has been revoked within a period of two years from date of such revocation. Notice of such revocation and the reasonable reasons therefor, in writing, shall be served by the Board of Trustees upon the person, firm or corporation named in the application, by mailing the same to the address given in the application and upon filing a copy of such with the Village Clerk.
This article shall not apply to municipally and state-operated parking spaces nor to the parking of automobiles or other vehicles on land occupied for residence use solely as an incident to such residence use, nor shall it apply to the parking of automobiles or other vehicles on lands in business or industrial districts solely as or incident to such business or industrial use nor to automobiles or other vehicles placed or kept inside of garages or other buildings, nor shall it apply to lots or spaces provided exclusively for tenants or employees nor to lots or spaces adjoining a business building provided for customers or patrons, provided that no fee is charged.
Any person violating any provisions of § 93-35 or 93-38 shall be liable for a fine not to exceed $500, and each day on which such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with this article are repealed upon the enactment and effective date of the new article.
This article shall take effect immediately.