General buffer standards applicable to all buffers shall be as follows:
Landscape buffers may contain trees, evergreen shrubs, groundcovers, berms or a combination of these features.
Required buffers may be located in special setbacks or in yard areas, provided that a yard area with a minimum depth of 25 feet, as measured from the principal structure, shall be provided which is exclusive of the required buffer.
Existing vegetation within a required buffer area is encouraged to be maintained and used for buffering, to be supplemented as needed by additional plantings. Use of existing vegetation shall be by approval of the Board of Supervisors, upon recommendation of the Park and Recreation Board.
Buffers required between residential uses or residential districts and nonresidential uses shall be provided on the property occupied by the nonresidential use. No single-family residence shall be required to provide a buffer on its property except as specifically required by this chapter where certain accessory uses to residences have been approved by special exception which require buffering or on reverse frontage lots where a buffer is required.
Where buffers are required the buffer shall be provided along the entire length of the side or rear property line.
Where Interstate 95 or rivers serve as district boundaries no buffering is required along such boundary. Where streams or other bodies of water serve as district boundaries such stream or river may serve to meet the buffering requirements, where approved by special exception.
Easements shall be provided for all buffers; a buffer easement shall be shown on all final subdivision and land development plans and no structures may be placed in the buffer easement except as may be permitted by the buffer easement agreement on the recorded plans. The buffer easement agreement shall state that the property owner is responsible for maintenance of the buffer area and all vegetation within the buffer easement.
No buffers shall be required in front yards.
Required locations and planting requirements.
Summary of Buffer Locations and Types
Type of Buffer
Required Locations
Nonresidential/residential separation buffers
Single-family/multifamily separation buffers
Reverse frontage buffers
Farmland preservation buffer
Institutional/residential separation buffers
Residential accessory uses in residential districts
Visual screen for storage and maintenance activities
Types of buffers.
Nonresidential/residential separation buffers. Buffer shall be provided wherever a nonresidential use abuts a residential use or a residentially zoned district. The buffer shall be located on the nonresidential property and shall be located along the side and/or rear property lines which abuts the residential use or district.
A Type I buffer shall be required.
Buffer width shall be: 25 feet.
Screened planted area shall be: minimum of 25 feet.
For buffer design and plant materials: see Chapter 178, Subdivision and Land Development, for Type I buffer design and planting standards.
Single-family/multifamily separation buffers. Buffers shall be provided wherever a multifamily residential development, single-family attached development or a mobile home park abuts a single-family residential use or district. The buffer shall be located on the multifamily or mobile home park property.
Type I buffer required.
Buffer width: 25 feet.
Screened planted area: minimum of 25 feet.
For buffer design and plant materials: see Chapter 178, Subdivision and Land Development, for Type I buffer design and planting standards.
Reverse frontage buffers. Buffers shall be provided where a rear or side yard of any residential or nonresidential use abuts an arterial or collector road, as defined by this chapter.
A Type II buffer shall be required.
Buffer width shall be: 50 feet.
Screened planted area shall be: minimum of 25 feet.
Buffer design and plant materials: see Chapter 178, Subdivision and Land Development, for Type II buffer design and planting standards.
Farmland preservation buffer. A buffer yard shall be required in all farmland preservation developments on the farmland side where farmland to be preserved abuts adjacent residential uses or land zoned for residential uses.
A Type III buffer shall be required.
Buffer width shall be: 25 feet.
Planted area shall be: 10 feet in width.
For buffer design and plant materials: see Township Subdivision/Land Development Ordinance for Type III buffer design and planting standards.
The Farmland Preservation Corporation, in buffers existing on real property owned by the Farmland Preservation Corporation, may remove dead or dying vegetation, including but not limited to trees, bushes and the like, notwithstanding the requirements of this subsection. Furthermore, the Farmland Preservation Corporation may remove invasive species, whether dead or dying, and other plant material, including trees and bushes, that are not part of the buffer requirements as set forth in this subsection.
[Added 9-18-2013 by Ord. No. 393]
Institutional/residential separation buffers. A buffer shall be provided by an institutional use which abuts a residential use or residential district.
Type IV buffer required.
Buffer width: 12 feet.
Screened planted area: adequate to provide a screen between parking and service areas and the abutting properties.
For buffer design and plant materials: see Chapter 178, Subdivision and Land Development, for Type IV buffer design and planting standards.
Residential accessory uses in residential districts. A buffer shall be provided by a residential use where an accessory use has been permitted by special exception which shall separate parking areas and yard areas from adjacent residences or residential districts.
A Type IV buffer shall be required.
Buffer width shall be: 12 feet.
Screened planted area shall be: adequate to provide a screen between parking and service areas and the abutting properties.
For buffer design and plant materials: see Chapter 178, Subdivision and Land Development, for Type IV buffer design and planting standards.
Visual screen for storage and maintenance activities. A solid fence with evergreen plantings along the exterior face shall be required to be planted around certain storage areas and yards to provide security and a complete visual screen.
A Type V buffer shall be required.
Buffer width shall be: wide enough to accommodate a fence and evergreens or shrubs abutting the fence.
For buffer design and plant materials: see Chapter 178, Subdivision and Land Development, for Type V buffer design and planting standards.
Parking lot periphery for commercial, institution and office uses. A landscaped area 10 feet in width shall be provided at the periphery of all lots used for commercial, office or industrial activities. Where a larger buffer is required by other sections of this chapter the larger buffer shall be provided.
Buffers within the Historic District, which includes all or a portion of the following zoning districts:
[Added 12-6-2004 by Ord. No. 345]
Historic Commercial
Commercial Neighborhood Shopping
Residential Medium Density
Residential Multiple Family High Density
Within the Historic District, the following buffer standards shall apply and supersede all other provisions of this subsection:
Summary of buffer locations and types.
Types of Buffer
Required Locations
Nonresidential/residential separation buffers
Single-family/multifamily separation buffers
Farmland preservation buffer
Institutional/residential separation buffers
Residential accessory uses in residential districts
Visual screen for storage and maintenance activities
Types of buffer.
Nonresidential/residential separation buffers. A buffer shall be provided wherever a nonresidential use abuts a residential use regardless of district. The buffer shall be located on the nonresidential property and shall be located along the side and/or rear property line(s) abutting the residential use or district.
A Type I buffer shall be required.
The minimum buffer width shall be five feet.
There shall be a solid board fence a minimum of five feet in height.
For buffer design and plant materials, see Chapter 178, Subdivision and Land Development, for Type I buffer design and planting standards.
Single-family/multifamily separation buffers. Buffers shall be provided wherever a multifamily residential development, single-family attached development or a mobile home park abuts a single-family residential use regardless of district. The buffer shall be located on the multifamily or mobile home park property.
A Type I buffer shall be required.
The minimum buffer width shall be five feet.
There shall be a solid board fence a minimum of five feet in height.
For buffer design and plant materials, see Chapter 178, Subdivision and Land Development, for Type I buffer design and planting standards.
Preserved open space buffer, such as woodland or farmland. A buffer yard shall be required adjacent to all preserved open space on the side where the open space abuts adjacent residential uses or land zoned for residential uses.
A Type III buffer shall be required.
The minimum buffer width shall be five feet.
There shall be a split rail fence with turkey wire attached a minimum of four feet in height.
For buffer design and plant materials, see Chapter 178, Subdivision and Land Development, for Type III buffer design and planting standards.
Institutional/residential separation buffers. A buffer shall be provided by an institutional use which abuts a residential use or residential district.
A Type IV buffer shall be required.
The minimum buffer width shall be five feet.
There shall be a solid board fence a minimum of five feet in height.
For buffer design and plant materials, see Chapter 178, Subdivision and Land Development, for Type IV buffer design and planting standards.
Residential accessory uses in residential districts. A buffer shall be provided by a residential use where an accessory use has been permitted by special exception which shall separate parking areas and yard areas from adjacent residences or residential districts.
A Type IV buffer shall be required.
The minimum buffer width shall be five feet.
There shall be a solid board fence a minimum of five feet in height.
For buffer design and plant materials, see Chapter 178, Subdivision and Land Development, for Type IV buffer design and planting standards.
Visual screen for storage and maintenance activities. A solid fence with evergreen plantings along the exterior face shall be required to be planted around outside storage areas and maintenance areas to provide security and to create a complete visual screen.
A Type V buffer shall be required.
The minimum buffer width shall be five feet.
There shall be a solid board fence a minimum of five feet in height.
For buffer design and plant materials, see Chapter 178, Subdivision and Land Development, for Type V buffer design and planting standards.
Parking lot periphery for commercial, institution and offices use. A landscaped area a minimum of five feet in width shall be provided at the periphery of all lots used for commercial, office or industrial activities.