[Adopted 5-26-1975 as Sec. BH:1-2 of the 1975 Code]
Generally. Unless another or different meaning is expressly indicated, such words or phrases shall be given the meaning expressed herein, or, if no such meaning is given, their generally accepted meaning, according to the approved usage of the language, shall be applied.
Specific enumeration. In addition to the definitions provided in Chapter 1 of this Code, the following words and phrases as used in these Board of Health ordinances shall have the following meanings:
The Board of Health of the Borough of Old Tappan.
Includes every part of any marine or water-dwelling animal.
Includes any article used for food or beverage for man or other animals, and every ingredient therein, including, without limitation, all confectionery, condiments, flavorings and other components of any such article.
Includes any bakery, confectionery, cannery, packing house, slaughterhouse, dairy, creamery, cheese factory, restaurant, hotel, grocery, meat market, fish market, delicatessen or other place or vehicle used in the production, preparation, transportation or handling of food intended for sale or distribution.
The accumulation of animal or vegetable matter, or both, liquid or otherwise, that tends to decay.
The Health Officer, executive officer or other officer duly appointed or designated by the Board to enforce this Code or supervise work on behalf of the Board.
Includes any building, yard, enclosure, premises or lot of ground used as a commercial establishment for the keeping, raising, breeding or boarding of dogs or other animals.
Any condition which is dangerous to human life or health or that which renders air, water, soil or any type of food hazardous or injurious to human life or health, and as otherwise herein defined.
Chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, guinea fowl, pigeons, pheasants and all other fowl or winged animals kept, raised or sold for human consumption or for production of eggs.
Includes any public place, as well as any restaurant, and every other establishment or place where food or beverage is sold or offered for sale to the public for consumption on the premises, and any camp, tourist home or public recreation place or any other place of business where toilet facilities or water for drinking or culinary purposes is available for the use of the public.
The person duly appointed as Registrar of Vital Statistics by the Board.
Includes any regulations, whether general or special, which the Board may from time to time lawfully adopt and issue.
Includes any restaurant, coffee shop, cafeteria, short-order cafe, lunch room, lunch wagon, or other mobile food vendor, diner, soda fountain, snack bar, luncheonette, tavern, bar, grill, cocktail lounge, hotel, club, boardinghouse, sandwich stand, refreshment stand and every other place or establishment in which food or beverage is sold for consumption on or near the premises or at the time.
Includes all coal or wood ashes, all loose material and dirt-like substance and all waste material accumulated from buildings or the cleaning of buildings.
Includes every officer appointed by the Board to aid in the enforcement of the sanitary laws of this state or to aid in the enforcement of the rules, regulations and ordinances of the Board of Health, excepting the Health Officer, Secretary, Registrar or other persons performing principally clerical duties in the office of the Board.
Includes rabbits, mink, cats, dogs, guinea pigs, rodents and any other small animal kept or raised for commercial purposes or kept and raised for sale or for the production of meat, fur or wool, or kept and raised for exhibition or other purposes, or as a source of supply for laboratories, provided that the term "small animal" shall not apply if they total in the aggregate fewer than five in number.
The New Jersey Public Health Council or Department of Health, or any successor agency thereto.
Includes every public street, avenue, sidewalk, gutter, highway, park or public place in the Borough.
Technical and trade terms. Technical, trade or commercial words or phrases, and words and phrases having a special or accepted meaning in the law, shall be construed in accordance with such technical, trade, commercial or special and accepted meaning.