Borough application fully completed and signed.
Application fee of $125.
Review fee (at least $500 for minor site plan
and at least $1,000 for major site plan).
Corporate/partnership disclosure (if applicable;
see attachment to application form).
Site plan (12 copies) containing all of the
Name and title of applicant, owner and person
preparing map.
Place for signature of Chairman and Secretary
of Planning Board.
Place for signature of Township Engineer.
Tax map lot and block number.
Date, scale and North sign.
Key map of the site with reference to surrounding
areas and existing street locations.
Zone district in which property in question
falls, zone district of adjoining properties and all property within
a two-hundred-foot radius of the property in question.
Names of owners of all contiguous land and adjacent
Dimensions of lot, setbacks, front yard, side
yards and rear yards; size, kind and location of fences.
Location dimensions and details of all signs
and exterior lighting, including type of standards, location, radius
of light and intensity in footcandles.
The outside dimensions of existing and/or proposed
principal building(s) and all accessory structures.
Storm drainage plan showing location of inlets,
pipes, swales, berms and other storm drainage facilities, including
roof leaders. Indicate existing and proposed runoff calculations.
Rights-of-way, easements and all lands to be
dedicated to the municipality or reserved for specific uses.
The entire property in question, even though
only a portion of said property is involved in the site plan; provided,
however, where it is physically impossible to show the entire property
on the required sheet, a separate map at an appropriate scale may
be submitted.
Significant existing physical features, including
streams, watercourses, rock outcrops, swampy soil, etc.
Bearings and distances of property lines.
Plans of off-street parking area layout and
off-street loading facilities showing location and dimensions of individual
parking spaces, loading areas, aisles, traffic patterns and driveways
for ingress and egress.
All driveways and streets within 200 feet of
All existing and proposed curbs and sidewalks.
All existing and proposed utility lines within and adjacent to the
subject property.
Typical floor plans and elevations.
Existing and proposed sanitary sewerage disposal
system. Show percolation test holes and result and soil log data.
Water supply system.
Method of solid waste disposal and storage.
Existing and proposed spot elevations based
upon the United States Coastal Geodetic datum at all building corners,
all floor levels, center lines of abutting roads, top and bottom curbs,
property corners, gutters and other pertinent locations.
Existing and proposed contours of site at two-foot
intervals for areas less than five-percent grade and five-foot intervals
above five-percent grade.
Location of all existing trees or tree masses,
indicating general sizes and species of trees.
Landscaping and buffering plan showing what
will remain and what will be planted, indicating names of plants and
trees and dimensions, approximate time of planting and method of planting
(base rooted, ball and burlap).