[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Stafford 9-21-1999 by Ord. No. 99-65. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Fire prevention — See Ch. 111.
It is the purpose of this chapter to establish the Stafford Township Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 and the Warren Grove Volunteer Fire Company Incorporated as the Township's official volunteer fire companies in order to facilitate entry of the fire companies into the New Jersey State Firemen's Association.
It is hereby determined and declared that the Stafford Township Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 and Warren Grove Volunteer Fire Company Incorporated, duly incorporated fire companies of the State of New Jersey, are the official volunteer fire companies of the Township of Stafford.
No person shall hereafter become a member of the Stafford Township Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 or the Warren Grove Volunteer Fire Company Incorporated or any unit thereof unless at the time of appointment such person is above the age of 18 years and not over the age of 45 years. He/she shall be physically fit to perform the duties of a fire person as evidenced by a certificate to that effect by a practicing physician of the State of New Jersey. This certificate shall be provided at either the member's own expense or the expense of the Stafford Township Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 or Warren Grove Volunteer Company Incorporated.
Every member of the fire companies shall, in each and every year, perform at least 60% of fire duty as defined by N.J.S.A. 40A:14-55 and 40A:14-56. These statutory sections define "fire duty" as active participation in the usual duties of a fireman under the direction and supervision of the official in charge of the fire department and "60% of duty" as actual recorded attendance and rendering of fire service at not less than 60% of regular alarms of fire answerable by the members during any calendar year; the total number of alarms used in computing said percentage may include not more than 20 fire drills called at the direction of the official in charge of the Fire Department or force. A record shall be kept of such attendance and duty by the Chief of the fire companies and reported to the Mayor and Township Council annually.
Each person seeking to join the Stafford Township Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 or Warren Grove Volunteer Fire Company Incorporated shall make application to the fire company and, upon acceptance by the respective fire company, he/she shall become a member in good standing of the Stafford Township Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 or Warren Grove Volunteer Fire Company Incorporated after approval of his/her membership by the Chief of the fire company and confirmation by the Mayor and Township Council. His/her name shall be entered on a roll of firemen kept by the Township Clerk.
Upon adoption of this chapter, the Township Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward a certified copy of this chapter to the New Jersey State Firemen's Association.
[Added 6-18-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-18]
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
All costs incurred by the Stafford Township Volunteer Fire Department No. 1 or the Warren Grove Volunteer Fire Company, including, but not limited to, the following: actual labor costs of personnel, including workers' compensation benefits, fringe benefits and administrative overhead; cost of equipment operation and depreciation; cost of materials; administrative and billing costs; and the cost of any outside contract for labor and materials.
The Stafford Township Volunteer Fire Department No. 1 or the Warren Grove Volunteer Fire Company.
Any intentional or unintentional action or omission resulting in the releasing, spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying or dumping of any hazardous substance into the water, onto the land, or into the air.
Any and all elements and compounds, including petroleum products, which are defined as such by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection or as are defined in the N.F.P.A. Guide of Hazardous Materials, or as are set forth in the list of hazardous substances adopted by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency, or as are defined on the list of toxic pollutants designated by Congress or the Environmental Protection Agency.
All emergencies requiring the call out of the Department, including, but not limited to, motor vehicle accidents, structure fires, alarm responses, and rescues.
All materials, including, but not limited to, firefighting foam, chemical extinguishing agents, absorbent material, sand recovery drums, and specialized protective equipment, such as acid suits, acid gloves, goggles and protective clothing.
Any public or private corporation, company, association, society, firm, partnership, joint-stock company, individual, or other entity.
Oil or petroleum of any kind and in any form, including, but not limited to, oil, petroleum, gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil, oil sludge, oil refuse, oil mixed with other wastes, crude oils and substantives or additives utilized in the refining or blending of crude, petroleum or petroleum stock.
Authorization to recover costs and expenses. The governing body of the Township of Stafford authorizes the Department to recover all costs and materials as defined herein expended by the Department in response to any incident as defined in this section.
Schedule of fees and costs. A schedule of fees and costs to be charged and invoiced by the Department to any person or its insurance carrier for whom or for whose property such services were rendered and/or materials provided shall be promulgated by the Department, approved by resolution of the governing body, and available for distribution to any person for which reimbursement is sought.
Persons responsible for reimbursement to Department. Reimbursement to the Department as hereinbefore indicated shall be made by:
The person(s) that own or operate any vehicle responsible for hazardous material fire, discharge of hazardous material, or any other condition resulting from any accident or incident requiring the call out of the Department and its expenditure of costs;
Any person(s) who own real or personal property responsible for hazardous material fire, discharge of hazardous material, or any other condition resulting from any accident or incident requiring the call out of the Department and its expenditure of costs;
The person(s) that own or are responsible for any vessel containing the hazardous material involved in such fire or discharge, whether stationary or in transit, and whether accidental or negligent;
The owner or person(s) responsible for any property from which any discharge of hazardous material emanates, whether accidental or through negligence; and
The person(s) responsible for any incident as defined herein that requires the call out of the Department and the Department's incurring of costs.
Third-party billing agent. The Department is hereby authorized to bill and collect costs due to it under this article through a third-party billing agent, provided that any such agreement with any professional agency engaged in the business of emergency response billing shall be subject to the approval of the Mayor and Township Council.
Collection of costs. Said costs and fees as outlined above and as set forth on the schedule of fees and costs herein shall be recovered directly by the Department, or through a third-party professional agency engaged in the business of emergency response billing under a contract with the Department, by billing to the responsible party.
Interest and administration fees. In addition to the aforementioned fees and costs, the Department is hereby authorized to collect reasonable interest and administration fees for the collection of the fees and costs due and owing from the insurance companies or responsible parties for the services rendered and/or materials provided.
Report to governing body. The Department shall provide not less than annually a report to the governing body detailing all billing and receipts under this article.
Time limit for reimbursement. Any person(s) responsible for any vehicle fire, discharge of hazardous materials, structure fire, or other incident as defined in this section shall reimburse the Department pursuant to the schedule of fees hereunder or provide proof that it has submitted a claim to its insurance carrier for payment within 45 days after receipt of a statement from the Department outlining said costs and expenses. These provisions shall be subject to the following:
Persons receiving services from the Department shall cooperate with the Department or other billing personnel hired by the Department to secure full payment for services rendered from any necessary insurance carrier.
Due to anticipated time requirements for the preparation and processing of insurance claims, parties that have provided proof of a claim to their insurance carrier shall not be charged interest or be subject to penalties hereunder.
Responsible person(s) under this chapter shall ensure that the Department is authorized to receive any payments from an insurance carrier as required by this article.
The Department reserves the right to determine that a bill is uncollectable by reason of unavailability of insurance coverage and be written off.