The following is a list of the fees charged by the City of Gloversville for various licenses, permits, applications, etc. Consult the applicable sections of the Code for more detailed provisions.
Ch. 65, Alarms
Art. I, Municipal Alarm Boxes and Monitoring Service
§ 65-3
Annual maintenance fee
Ch. 78, Amusements and Exhibitions
§ 78-1
Permits for a carnival:
Per quarter
Per week
Per day
License fee for a circus performance or circus parade:
Per quarter
Per week
Per day
Ch. 81, Animal Control/Dogs and Cats
The fees shall be established by resolution.
Ch. 86, Auctions
§ 86-8A
Application fee
§ 86-8B
License fees:
1 day
2 days to 1 week
8 days to 1 month
Ch. 91, Bingo
§ 91-6A
License fee
Ch. 102, Building Construction and Fire Prevention
Art.II, Building Construction Code
Permit fees
Private garages:
One- or two-car private garage up to 600 square feet
One- or two-car private garage over 600 square feet
One- or two-family dwellings, multiple dwellings or business uses with up to 5,000 cubic feet of volume, structural alterations, additions, enlargements or conversions to or in an existing structure:
Cost of construction:
$1,000 or less
Each additional $1,000 or fraction  thereof, up to and including $15,000
Each additional $1,000  or fraction thereof exceeding $15,000
For one-family dwellings:
1,000 square feet of  floor area or less
More than 1,000 square feet up to and including 2,000 square feet of floor area per unit
More than 2,000 square feet up to and including 3,000 square feet of floor area per unit
More than 3,000 square feet of floor area
For two-family dwellings:
1,000 square feet of floor area or l  less
More than 1,000 square feet up to and including 2,000 square feet of floor area
More than 2,000 square feet up to and including 3,000 square feet of floor area
More than 3,000 square feet of floor area
For a combination of one- or two-
dwelling units and business uses in
a building:
Dwelling units:
1,000 square feet of floor area or less per unit
More than 1,000 square feet up to and including 2,000 square feet of floor area per unit
More than 2,000 square feet up to and including 3,000 square feet of floor area per unit
More than 3,000 square  feet of floor area per  unit
  Business uses:
First 10,000 cubic feet of volume
The next 40,000 cubic feet, for each 1,000 cubic feet thereof
Each 1,000 cubic feet over 50,000 cubic feet
$  4.00
Buildings containing more than 2 dwelling units:
  The first 10,000 cubic feet of volume
The next 20,000 cubic feet, for each 1,000 cubic feet thereof
Each 1,000 cubic feet over 30,000 cubic feet
Buildings of nonresidential occupancy for business use:
The first 10,000 cubic  feet of volume
The next 40,000 cubic feet, for each 1,000 cubic feet thereof
Each 1,000 cubic feet over 50,000 cubic feet
Churches, parochial schools, private schools, convents, dormitory buildings or other buildings accessory to schools, colleges or churches:
The first 10,000 cubic feet of volume
The next 40,000 cubic feet, for each 1,000 cubic feet thereof
$  5.00
Each 1,000 cubic feet  over 50,000 cubic feet
$  4.00
Farm buildings, including barns, poultry houses, silos, animal shelters sheds and buildings for the storage of implements used for farming purposes:
Cost of construction:
$1,000 or less
Each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, up to and including $15,000
Each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, up to and including $50,000
Each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof exceeding $50,000
Equipment permits:
  Cost of construction:
$1,000 or less
Each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, up to and including $15,000
Each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, up  to and including $50,000
Each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof exceeding $50,000
Building, demolition or equipment permit renewal:
First renewal
Second renewal
Third renewal
Temporary certificate of compliance:
First certificate
Second certificate
Third and subsequent certificate
Temporary certificate of occupancy:
First certificate
Second certificate
Third and subsequent certificate
Art. III, Fire Prevention and Housing Standards
Heating unit application fees:
Natural gas
Liquefied petroleum gas
Pellet stove
Wood stove
Annual permit renewal fees for the storage of flammable and combustible liquids, either above or below ground:
First 1,000 gallons
For each additional 1,000 gallons or part thereof, up to 4,000 gallons maximum
Storage facilities capable of storing in excess of 4,000 gallons of flammable or combustible liquids, flat fee
Multiple-dwelling inspection fees
Initial inspection
First follow-up inspection
Second follow-up inspection
Third and all further follow-up inspections
Cancellation, reschedule, or failure to be present for a prescheduled inspection appointment
Failure to have an inspection conducted within 30 days from the expiration of a multiple-dwelling permit
$50.00 for each thirty-day period
Multiple dwelling permit fee
Place of public assembly permit inspections
Hazardous materials handling and storage permit inspection
Nonrefundable permit application fee
Annual permit fee
Ch. 110, Buildings, Unsafe
§ 110-6A
Repair or removal of unsafe buildings by City
All direct costs, plus $1,500
Ch. 119, Credit Cards
§ 119-2
Transactions where payment is less than $80
Transactions where payment is $80 or more
2.45% of amount of payment
Ch. 134, Environmental Quality Review
Proposed action by an applicant for a City permit:
Application, including an EAF submitted for review
DEIS submitted for review and determination
Actions requiring a public hearing after the submission of the DEIS and the public hearing is conducted by a City lead agency
Total cost of news-
paper notifica-
EIS submitted for review and determination
Ch. 190, Parks and Recreation Areas
Art. III, Use of City Property for Special Events
Private event
Public event with fee waiver
Public event without fee waiver
Nonprofit events
$0 (with proof of nonprofit status submitted with application)
Myer's Park wedding
$50 refundable deposit for use of community room. Deposits must be paid no later than 48 hours before event date and will be returned after inspection by DPW. $100 nonrefundable event fee
Public event with road closures
An additional form must be completed and submitted 60 days before the event date. A fee will be established by the City based on manpower and equipment needs
Recreation Commission events or events cosponsored by Recreation Commission
Bathroom facility deposit
Any use of a park bathroom facility will require a $50 refundable deposit for the use of that facility. Deposits must be paid no later than 48 hours before event date and will be returned after inspection by DPW
Ch. 194, Pawnbrokers
§ 194-3
License fee
Ch. 202, Peddling and Soliciting
§ 202-4A
License fees:
1 week
1 month
1 quarter
6 months
1 year
§ 202-4C
Christmas tree sales for an 8-week period
Ch. 212, Property Maintenance
§ 212-8C
Mobilization fee
Collection of authorized bulk items exclusive of the published schedule (untagged)
$75.00 prepaid
Collection of bulk items not in compliance with schedule or otherwise in violation (tagged)
No more than 3 three items, all of which can be carried by 1 person
More than 3 items, or any item for which more than 1 person is required, and with all items placed within a space measuring no more than 5 feet by 5 feet by 10 feet
Items exceeding above thresholds
Removal of snow and ice by City
$10.00 plus cost
Mobilization fee
§ 212-19F
Permit fee for outside storage:
Individual vehicles
Commercial permit
Expenses for work done by City employees
Cost of removal together with an additional
charge of $10 or 10%, whichever
is greater, therefor for supervision
and administration
Permit fees:
  Encroachment permit (per year)
  Renewal (per year)
  Encumbrance permit (per year)
  Snowplow permit
  Tree permit
Sidewalk/driveway/curb permit
Ch. 221, Records
§ 221-9
Photocopy transcript of records (per page):
  Not exceeding 8 1/2 by 14 inches
  Exceeding 8 1/2 by 14 inches
Actual cost
Typed, handwritten or otherwise prepared transcripts
Cost of clerical time
Ch. 226, Sanitation
License for sale of food or beverage or ingredients of food or beverage, including milk and dairy products, for on- or off- premises consumption
Ch. 232, Sewer andPlumbing Rules
§ 232-3B
Temporary license
§ 232-5
Plumber's license
Ch. 236, Sewer Use
MCI wastewater flow monitoring fee (per month)
Non-MCI wastewater flow monitoring fee (per year)
Maintenance charge (per 100 cubic feet of flow)
Ch. 245, Solid Waste
§ 245-2B
Class A
Established by resolution
Ch. 261, Taxation
Art. V, Collection of Delinquent Taxes
§ 261-32
Administrative fee (per month)
Ch. 265, Taxicabs
§ 265-29
Transfer of license
Taxicab registration
Initial inspections of newly registered taxicabs
Reinspection of previously licensed taxicabs
§ 265-32
Duplicate licenses
Established by resolution
§ 265-38
Application for taxicab driver's license
§ 265-42
Taxicab driver's license
Established by resolution
§ 265-52
License fee
Ch. 283, Unified Solar Permits
Application fee
Ch. 284, Vehicles and Traffic
§ 284-7B
Impounding fee for coaster, skateboard, toy vehicle or similar device
§ 284-46
Impoundment of bicycles
§ 284-69
Parking permits
Established by resolution
§ 284-91
Tractor-trailer permit
Ch. 294, Water
§ 294-3B
Relocation of a water service above the cost of the established tapping fee
Turn-on charge after delinquent bill
§ 294-21
Pipefitter's license
§ 294-31
Turn-on charge after violation of the Rules and Regulations
Ch. 300, Zoning
Permit for the removal of a building or structure from one lot to another or to another location within the same lot
Permit for the demolition of a building or structure:
First $1,000 of demolition cost, or fraction thereof
  Each additional $1,000 of demolition
  cost, or fraction thereof
Zoning permit
$3 per $1,000
SEQR review
Full form EAF review
Draft environmental impact statement
$500, plus $20 per page over 20 pages
Final environmental impact statement
$250, plus $10 per page for new material
Engineering review fees
Cost, plus $50 coordi-
Site plan, special permit, and planned unit development
Conceptual review
One- or two-family
Multiple dwelling
$100, plus $10 per unit
Mixed use
$125, plus $10 per dwelling unit and $75 per commer-
Commercial/industrial (based on
value of project)
Up to $10,000
$10,001 to $100,000
$100,001 to $500,000
$500,000 and above
Area variances
One- and two-family
Multiple dwellings
Mixed use
Use variances
One- and two-family
Multiple dwellings
Mixed use
Conceptual review
Minor (two lots)
Major (over two lots)
$100, plus $10 per lot
$100, plus $25 per lot
239 M coordination fee
Any other review required by the Planning or Zoning Boards subsequent to another chapter of the Code
Application for site plan review
See § 300-73