[Adopted 8-15-1977 as Ord. No. 222-77 (Art. 112 of the 1966 Code)]
The office of Assistant City Solicitor is hereby created. The Council, in its sole and absolute discretion, shall have the power of appointment and removal of such officer. The term of office shall be for a period of four (4) years, as provided in Section 1601 of the Third Class City Code;[1] provided, however, that the Assistant City Solicitor may be relieved of office, without cause shown, at the pleasure of the Council at any time prior to the expiration of the term for which the appointment was made.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 36601.
The Assistant City Solicitor shall be a person learned in the law and admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of the commonwealth and shall maintain an office in the City.
The Assistant City Solicitor shall receive a fixed annual salary to be provided by ordinance.
The Assistant City Solicitor shall give lawful bond to the City, with a surety or other company authorized by law to act as surety, conditioned for the faithful performance of his official duties.
The Assistant City Solicitor shall, under direction of the Council, do all and every professional act incident to the office which he may be lawfully authorized and required to do by the Council. The Assistant City Solicitor shall assist the City Solicitor in the performance of all duties prescribed for him.