The IP Industrial Park District is hereby established as a district in which the regulations are intended to permit and encourage industrial development that will be so located and designed as to constitute a harmonious and appropriate part of the physical development of the City, contribute to the soundness of the economic base of the City and otherwise further the purposes of this chapter as set forth in §
175-1. In promoting these and the general purposes of this chapter, the specific intent of this article is to:
A. Encourage the development of and continued use of
the land for industrial purposes.
B. Prohibit any use which would substantially interfere
with the development, continuation or expansion of industrial uses
in the district.
C. Establish reasonable standards for buildings and other
structures, the areas and dimensions of yards and other open spaces
and the provision of facilities and operation of industries to minimize
air pollution, noise, glare, heat, vibration and fire and safety hazards.
A building may be erected or used and a lot
may be used for any of the following purposes:
A. All industrial uses not otherwise prohibited by law.
B. Construction companies and lumberyards.
E. Signs, when erected and maintained in accordance with the provisions of Article
F. Uses and buildings accessory to the permitted uses
in this district.
There shall be no building height limit.
Off-street parking and loading areas shall be provided in accordance with Articles
XIV and
The following uses may be approved as a special exception by the Zoning Hearing Board in accordance with the procedures outlined in Article
A. Uses permitted in the HC Highway Commercial District
and subject to the controls set forth therein when such uses are supplementary
and accessory to the existing or proposed industrial uses.
B. Recycling centers, subject to the following provisions:
[Amended 4-10-2017]
(1) Lot area and width. Each lot shall not be less than 25,000 square
(2) Storage of recycling materials. All recycling materials shall be
contained in an enclosed building or enclosed structure.
(3) Screening. Each lot shall be completely obscured from surrounding
property and the street by solid screening and subject to the following:
Plant materials used in the screen planting shall be of such
species and size as will produce a complete visual screen at least
six feet in height. Screen planting shall be permanently maintained,
and any plant material which does not live shall be replaced.
A fence, when erected as a screen, shall be not less than six
feet in height and produce a complete visual screen of the area fenced.
All screening shall be subject to controls as deemed necessary
to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizenry.
(4) Grandfathering clause. This subsection, Article
X, §
175-59B, shall not be applicable to existing recycling centers located within the City of Sunbury as of the effective date of this subsection.
D. Vehicle salvage dealer and repair or towing businesses, subject to
the following provisions:
[Added 4-10-2017]
(1) Lot area. Each lot shall not be less than 25,000 square feet.
(2) Compliance with Pennsylvania Law. All vehicle salvage dealers and
repair or towing businesses shall comply with all applicable provisions
of the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 101 et
seq., and all applicable PennDOT regulations.
(3) Screening. Each lot shall be completely obscured from surrounding
property and the street by solid screening and subject to the following:
Plant materials used in the screen planting shall be of such
species and size as will produce a complete visual screen at least
six feet in height. Screen planting shall be permanently maintained,
and any plant material which does not live shall be replaced.
A fence, when erected as a screen, shall be not less than six
feet in height and produce a complete visual screen of the area fenced.
All screening shall be subject to controls as deemed necessary
to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizenry.
(4) Grandfathering clause. This subsection, Article
X, §
175-59D, shall not be applicable to existing vehicle salvage dealers and repair or towing businesses located within the City of Sunbury as of the effective date of this subsection, provided that said vehicle salvage dealers and repair or towing businesses are in compliance with all applicable provisions of the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 101 et seq., and all applicable PennDOT regulations.
No building, structure or portion thereof shall
be hereafter erected, altered or converted for any of the following
A. Residential uses, except quarters for watchmen or
B. The manufacture of rockets, projectiles, shells or
other missiles, gunpowder or fireworks; however, the manufacturing
of component parts thereof which have been assembled without all of
their explosive or propellant components shall be permitted.
C. The tanning or storage of rawhides or skins and fat
D. Stockyards and piggeries.
E. No quantity of explosives in excess of 1,000 pounds
shall be stored or used at any given time on any one property.
F. All uses of land, buildings and structures or industrial
processes that may be noxious or injurious by reason of the production
or emission of dust, smoke, refuse matter, odor, gas, fumes, noise,
vibration or similar substances or conditions; provided, however,
that any such uses may be permitted if approved by the Zoning Hearing
Board and subject to such conditions, restrictions and safeguards
as may be deemed necessary by said Board for the purpose of protecting
the health, safety and morals and the general welfare of the community.