[Adopted 10-3-1989 as Ch. 35, Art. II, of the 1989 Code]
The Borough Council shall appoint, by resolution, a Trustee of the Police Pension Fund or Pension Annuity, and said Trustee is to receive all moneys coming into said Police Pension Fund and is to deposit the same in a depository selected by her, said Trustee; and further, said Trustee is hereby granted the authority to invest said fund at her discretion and to the best interest of said borough; said investments, however, are to be limited to the highest and best interest rate that can be obtained in said depository selected at her discretion.
The selection of said depository by said Trustee and the determination of the highest rate of interest or income in said depository shall be approved by the President of the Borough Council and the Chief of Police of the Borough of Trafford.
Said Trustee shall annually file with the Borough Council of the Borough of Trafford a financial report, showing the money and source of said money received during the year, the name of the depository, the extent of the investment and the money earned thereby, as well as the expenditures during said year. Said report shall be filed with the Borough Council of the Borough of Trafford within 30 days after receipt of the audit provided by the proper agency of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.