Applicants are encouraged to schedule a pre-application meeting
to review the overall stormwater management concept with Township
staff/engineer. The pre-application meeting is not mandatory and shall
not constitute formal filing of a plan with the Township. Topics discussed
may include the following;
A. Available geological maps, plans and other available data.
B. Findings of the site analysis including identification of any environmentally
sensitive areas, wellhead protection areas, riparian corridors, hydrologic
soil groups, existing natural drainageways, karst features, areas
conducive to infiltration to be utilized for volume control, etc.
C. Results of infiltration tests.
D. Applicable provisions of Chapter
285, Subdivision and Land Development, and Chapter
340, Zoning.
E. The conceptual project layout, including proposed structural and
nonstructural BMPs.
Approval of a SWM site plan shall be valid for a period not to exceed five years. This time period shall commence on the date that the Township approves the SWM site plan. If an as-built plan as required by §
270-59 has not been submitted within the specified time period, then the Township may consider the SWM site plan disapproved and may revoke any and all permits issued by the Township. SWM site plans that are considered disapproved by the Township may be resubmitted in accordance with Article