[Effective 8-29-1979]
Certain sections of the Town Charter, as they apply to the election of alternate members to the Board of Finance, have been found contrary to or impossible to implement consistently with the Connecticut General Statutes.
C.G.S. § 7-340A allows any Town to provide for the election or appointment of alternate members of the Board of Finance by ordinance.
There shall be three alternates to the Board of Finance elected at the regular Town election in 1981; one to serve until a successor, elected at the regular Town election in 1983, shall assume office; another to serve until a successor, elected at the regular Town election in 1985, shall assume office. At each regular biennial Town election beginning in 1983, one alternate to the Board of Finance shall be elected for a term of six years. The Board of Selectmen shall appoint three alternates to the Board of Finance to serve until the alternates elected at the regular Town election in 1981, as provided herein, shall assume office.
Except as otherwise provided herein, the provisions of the Charter of the Town of Haddam respecting elections and elective officers shall apply to alternates to the Board of Finance.