[Added 10-25-72 by Res. No. 425-1972]
No person shall sell or offer for sale ceramic ware which is for use or which may be used in storing, preparing or serving any food and which is capable of releasing excessive quantities of lead or cadmium.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Lead in excess of seven parts per million or cadmium in excess of 0.5 parts per million, determined as follows:
By washing the product with a diluted alkaline detergent solution and rinsing with distilled water; and
After being washed and rinsed, the product shall be filled to within 1/4 inch of overflowing with a 4% solution of ascetic acid having a temperature of 68° F. and allowed to stand for a period of 24 hours at a temperature of 68° F. and
Determining, by the atomic absorption technique, the quantity of metallic lead or cadmium present in the total volume of the solution in terms of parts per million.
The Director is hereby empowered to order the embargo, recall of or confiscation of ceramic products offered for sale which do not meet the standards set forth herein.