[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Health
of the Township of Dover (now Toms River) 7-15-1974 by Ord. No. 5-74 as Ch. 123 of the 1973 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Animals and animal establishments — See Chs.
165 and
Uniform construction codes — See Ch.
Land use and development regulations — See Ch.
No slaughterhouses shall be erected within the
limits of the Township of Toms River without first obtaining the written
approval of the site from the Board of Health.
No person, persons, firm or corporation shall
hereafter engage in the slaughterhouse business or in the slaughtering
of any swine, sheep, cattle, goats, chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys,
pigeons, birds and any other domestic animal or fowl, within the limits
of the Township of Toms River, or permit the slaughtering of any of
the same within his establishment, unless and until a permit therefor
is first obtained from the Board of Health; said permit to be for
such term and upon such conditions as the Board of Health may require.
No person, persons, firm or corporation engaged
in the slaughterhouse business or engaged in the slaughtering of any
swine, sheep, cattle, goats, chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, pigeons,
birds and any other domestic animal or fowl, within the limits of
the Township of Toms River, shall so engage in such business or permit
the slaughtering of any of the same within his establishment unless
and until a permit therefor is first obtained from the Board of Health;
said permit to be for such terms and upon such conditions as the Board
of Health may require.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following
terms shall have the meanings indicated:
An establishment where more than two cows, or three calves
or 10 swine, or more than 100 rabbits or more than 1,000 chickens,
ducks, geese, turkeys, pigeons, or birds, are slaughtered within the
period of one year.
After the passage of this chapter, the premises
or places or sites, or any part or parts thereof, in the Township
of Toms River, to be used in whole or in part for the erection, operation,
conduct or maintenance of a slaughterhouse, shall be restricted as
to location.
A. No license to construct, operate, conduct or maintain
a slaughterhouse within the limits of the Township of Toms River shall
be granted or issued unless and until the application for the same
shall be approved by the Board of Health as to location or site, suitability
and fitness for such use. The Board of Health reserves the right to
designate the location of a slaughtering place on any premises. The
application for such license shall be accompanied by a plan giving
the complete details of the premises intended to be used for the erection
or operation of a slaughterhouse, and in case of new buildings, plans
and specifications should be submitted to the Board of Health for
approval when application is made. Said application shall also contain
a description of all buildings and dwellings within a radius of 1,500
feet from the boundary line of the premises proposed to be used for
the erection and operation of a slaughterhouse, and also giving the
full names and addresses of the owners and occupants of all the properties
within said radius of 1,500 feet from the premises on which the proposed
slaughterhouse is to be erected or operated.
B. Upon receipt of such application and plans, the Board
of Health of the Township of Toms River shall fix a time for the consideration
of the issuance of a license therefor, which time shall be not less
than 10 days nor more than 20 days after the receipt of such application.
Notice shall be sent to the owners and occupants of all properties
within a radius of 1,500 feet of the premises sought to be used for
slaughterhouse purposes, informing them of the receipt of the application
and of the time set for the hearing of objections, if any, to the
granting of the license.
C. The application, plans and specifications shall be
approved or rejected within a period of three weeks from the date
of filing, and when approved, the Clerk of the Board of Health shall
issue the necessary license therefor.
The Board of Health of Toms River Township may
hereafter adopt rules and regulations pertaining to the erection,
construction, operation or maintenance of slaughterhouses within the
limits of the Township of Toms River, by a resolution or resolutions
adopted at any regular meeting of the Board of Health or by the enactment
of amendments to this chapter.
The granting of such license shall not be approved
by the Board of Health whenever it appears that the granting of the
same is or may be hazardous and detrimental to human health, or likely
to create a nuisance.
Any slaughterhouse license issued hereunder
shall not be transferable. Should a person, firm or corporation holding
a slaughterhouse license desire to erect a new building, operate in
a different place or sell his or its business to another, a new application
for a license must be made.
No swine, sheep, cattle, goats, chickens, ducks,
geese, turkeys, pigeons, birds and any other domestic animal or fowl
shall be kept in the same room in which slaughtering is done.
In every slaughterhouse or place where swine,
sheep, cattle, goats, chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, pigeons, birds
and any other domestic animal or fowl are slaughtered, hereafter constructed
or maintained in the Township of Toms River, the same shall have tight
floors made of cement, or of tile laid in cement, brick, asphalt or
other suitable and impervious material, properly sloped to a well-trapped
and permanently graded outlet having a direct communication with a
sewer or a properly constructed cesspool; the walls thereof shall
be covered to a height of seven feet with some smooth, impervious
material and there shall be a tight-fitting door covered with impervious
material. Every slaughterhouse shall be supplied with an adequate
supply of good, clean, wholesome water, and such an arrangement of
hose or pipes as will enable the walls, floors and yards to be effectively
washed; and every such slaughterhouse, apartments and pens connected
therewith shall be properly lighted and ventilated according to the
direction and satisfaction of the Board of Health. The ceilings, walls,
cellars, partitions, etc., shall be kept in a clean condition, and
when necessary they shall be washed, scrubbed, painted or otherwise
The owner, agent, tenant, lessee or occupant
of all slaughterhouses shall thoroughly and effectively wash the walls
and floors thereof at least once in every 24 hours, and during the
months from May to November, inclusive, shall distribute twice each
week not less than 25 pounds of chloride of lime or other disinfectant
about their premises, and also remove contents of any manure pit or
pile on the premises once in each week during the said months.
No blood pit, dung pit or privy well shall remain
or be constructed within any slaughterhouse.
Where the floors or other parts of the building,
or tables or parts of the equipment, are so old or are in such poor
condition that they cannot be readily kept in a clean condition, they
shall be removed and replaced.
All trucks, trays and other receptacles, all
chutes, platforms, racks, tables. knives, cleavers, saws and other
tools, and all utensils, machinery and vehicles used in moving, handling,
cutting, chopping, mixing, canning or otherwise processing meats,
shall be thoroughly cleansed before using and be kept in a clean condition
at all times.
Suitable receptacles shall be provided for blood,
offal and similar materials, and such materials shall be put into
the offal tank, or when said tank is not available, removed from the
premises as soon as possible, but under no circumstances shall they
be permitted to accumulate for more than one day in the summertime,
or two days in the wintertime. In no case shall they be permitted
to accumulate in, under or around the slaughterhouse.
All water closets, toilets, rooms and dressing
rooms shall be entirely separated from compartments in which carcasses
or parts thereof are cured, stored, packed, handled or prepared. When
such rooms open into compartments into which meat or meat food products
are handled, they must, when this is considered necessary by the Board
of Health, be provided with proper ventilated vestibules and with
automatically closing doors. They shall be properly lighted, ventilated
and kept in a clean condition.
The rooms or compartments in which meats or
meat food products are prepared, cured, stored, packed or otherwise
handled, insofar as the same is possible, shall be free from odors
from toilet rooms, catch basins, casing departments, tank rooms, hide
cellars, etc., and shall be kept free from flies and other vermin
by screening or other methods.
Hides or pelts shall not be stored on the floor
of any room used for slaughtering, storing or preparing meats or meat
food products, but shall be stored in a room set aside for such purpose.
Every owner, lessee or occupant of a slaughterhouse
in this Township shall, at all reasonable times, afford free access
to every part of such premises to the members of the Board of Health,
or any officer thereof, for the purpose of inspecting such premises.
The granting of any license, or refusal to grant
any license, to construct, operate, conduct or maintain a slaughterhouse
within the limits of the Township of Toms River, shall be subject
to the requirements contained in this chapter and in such rules and
regulations as may be adopted by the Board of Health of Toms River
Township and such regulations as may be approved by the Board of Health
of the State of New Jersey.
The annual fee for such slaughterhouse license
shall be $25, and shall permit the holder thereof to operate, conduct
and maintain a slaughterhouse for the period of time hereafter determined
by the Board of Health and as set forth and expressed in such license.
Any person or persons, firm or corporation failing
to comply with or violating any of the provisions of this chapter
or of any rules or regulations thereafter adopted by the Board of
Health shall, in addition to the revocation of the license issued,
be subject, upon conviction thereof, to forfeit and pay a penalty
of not less than $25 nor more than $100 for each offense, the amount
thereof to be fixed by the Magistrate of the Township of Toms River
or any Magistrate having jurisdiction in the case to be recovered
as provided for by statute; and in the event that the said defendant
(except corporations), after execution has been issued, shall fail,
refuse or neglect to pay the amount of the judgment against him, and
all costs and charges incident thereto, said defendant may, in default
of said payment, be committed by the said Magistrate to the County
jail for a period not exceeding 90 days.
In addition to the imposition of the penalty
or penalties herein prescribed, the Board of Health may, at its discretion,
revoke any license or permit issued hereunder for any violation of
the provisions of this chapter or of any rules or regulations of the
Board of Health or order of the State Sanitary Code, whenever, after
written notice from the Board of Health, the owner or person in charge
of such slaughterhouse fails or refuses to remove or remedy the condition
complained of. Before any license or permit heretofore issued shall
be revoked, the Board of Health shall fix a time and place of hearing,
which notice shall be served upon the licensee at least five days
before the date set for hearing; such notice shall specify the charges
complained of against said licensee and the purpose of the hearing.
At such hearings the licensee shall have an opportunity to be heard
in his or its behalf. After such hearing, the Board of Health shall
render its decisions with respect to such charges.
In all allied matters that are regulated by
the laws of the State of New Jersey, such laws shall control where
the requirements are in excess of this chapter. This chapter shall
control in all cases where the state law requirements are less than
herein contained.