[Added by L.L. No. 1-1954]
[Amended by L.L. No. 3-1990]
There is hereby created a Department of Public Works in and for the City of Rensselaer; the head of the Department of Public Works shall be the Commissioner of Public Works, who shall be appointed by the Mayor at an annual salary of not less than $20,000, to be fixed and determined by the Common Council, and whose term of office shall be the same as other appointive officers of this city, as provided in Title II, § 18, herein.
The Mayor may appoint and at pleasure remove, at an annual salary of not less than $7,500, to be fixed and determined by the Common Council, a Department Commissioner of Public Works, who shall be authorized to act subject to the directions of the Commissioner of Public Works, generally for and in place of his principal and who shall perform all duties and possess all powers of the Commissioner of Public Works during the latter's absence or inability to act or in the event of a vacancy in such office.
[Amended by L.L. No. 3-1990]
The Commissioner of Public Works shall have the power and it shall be his duty:
To keep in his office books and records properly indexed, in which shall be entered a survey and map of every street, park, avenue, lane, sidewalk, water main and service pipe, sewer and sewer inlet and conduit, with locations and grades thereof as far as practicable, both those heretofore established and which may hereafter be established, which shall be and remain the property of the city, and such books and records shall be transmitted with all other matter pertaining to his office to his successor.
To have the direction and control of the maintenance and ordinary alterations, repairs, grade, cleaning, paving, flagging, lighting and improvements of the streets, highways, sidewalks, and public places of the city and the repair of all bridges, sewers, sewer connections and drains and shall have the jurisdiction and authority to make ordinary repairs and improvements thereto and the flushing and cleaning thereof.
With the approval of the Mayor, to employ such laborers, vehicles and equipment and incur such expenditures as may be authorized by the Common Council or as otherwise provided by this Act.
To have general supervision and control of all works performed under any contract of the city for local or other improvements subject to supervision of a licensed civil engineer, who shall be designated by the Common Council and the Mayor.
At each regular meeting of the Common Council, to present thereto a payroll in such form as the Common Council may prescribe, verified by his oath, setting forth the work done by the city under his charge since his last payroll and specifying the name of each person employed thereon, the time he labored, his wages, the number of days and the amount due him; said payroll, if correct, shall be audited at the meeting at which the same was presented without referring to the Auditing Committee and shall be paid from the Property Fund of the city on account of which said work shall be performed or such expense incurred.
Except as otherwise provided herein or by law, ordinance or resolution of the Common Council, to have all the jurisdiction and be charged with all the duties over streets and public places within the city of a commissioner of highways within the towns of the state.
To possess such other powers and be charged with such other duties as may be prescribed by statute, the City Charter, ordinance or resolution of the Common Council.
The Commissioner of Public Works shall, before assuming office hereunder, take and fill the oath of office and make, execute and deliver a bond to the city as required by Title II, §§ 30 and 31 herein.