Buildings used or occupied for residential use, as defined and classified in this Part 1, shall conform to the use, occupancy, size, light, ventilation, vertical travel, exit and egress requirements to provide for a safe and healthful environment.
Buildings, for the purpose of this Part 1, shall be classified in respect to their uses or occupancies, as follows:
One- and two-family dwellings.
Multiple dwellings. Apartment houses, apartment hotels, hotels, motels, boatels, lodging houses, rooming houses, boardinghouses, clubs, dormitories, fraternity and sorority houses.
Mixed occupancy buildings.
Residential and accessory use parts shall be classified as multiple dwellings.
Nonresidential parts shall be classified in accordance with their occupancy and use under the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. Components of such parts, including but not limited to structural elements, mechanical and electrical service equipment and fire protection equipment shall be subject to applicable provisions of this Part 1 and generally accepted standards of engineering and fire protection practice so as to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the residential occupants of the building.
Accessory structures.
[Amended 6-24-2003]
Every bedroom or sleeping area occupied by one person in a dwelling unit shall contain at least 70 square feet of floor area.
Every bedroom or sleeping area occupied by more than one person in a dwelling unit shall contain at least 50 square feet of floor area for each person
Every dwelling unit occupied by three persons but not more than five persons shall provide a minimum of 120 square feet of floor area to be used as a living room and a minimum of 80 square feet of floor area to be used as dining room and a minimum of 50 square feet of floor area to be used as a kitchen or cooking area.
Every dwelling unit occupied by six or more persons shall provide a minimum of 150 square feet of floor area to be used as a living room and 100 square feet of floor area to be used as dining room and a minimum of 60 square feet of floor area to be used as a kitchen or cooking area.
In no case shall a living room, or a dining room, or a kitchen be used to meet the required minimum floor area for a bedroom or sleeping area as prescribed in this section.
Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, no floor area in a dwelling unit shall be used as a bedroom or sleeping area which does not meet the provisions contained in this chapter for habitable space.
It shall be prohibited to use for sleeping purposes any kitchen, nonhabitable space or public space.
It shall be prohibited to prepare meals in hotel units, lodging units and dormitory units.
It shall be prohibited to use any cellar space as habitable space.
It shall be prohibited in dwelling units, hotel units, lodging units and dormitory units to conduct a home occupation:
For the teaching of more than four pupils simultaneously, or, in the case of musical instruction, of more than a single pupil at a time;
To which is devoted more than 25% of the total floor area of the unit, and in no event more than 500 square feet of floor area; or
Which produces offensive noise, vibration, smoke, dust or other particulate matter, odorous matter, heat, humidity, glare or other objectionable effects.
It shall be prohibited to occupy or use for residential purposes the residential part of a mixed occupancy building if the nonresidential part of such building is classified for use as a high hazard occupancy, or if the nonresidential use is obnoxious or offensive to residential occupancy or use.
It shall be prohibited to cook food or prepare meals in any designated bedroom or attic of a dwelling unit.
[Added 6-24-2003]
Habitable space shall have a minimum height of seven feet six inches, measured from floor to ceiling. In habitable space with a sloping ceiling, the required minimum ceiling height of seven feet six inches shall be provided in at least 50% of the floor area, and the area where the ceiling height is less than five feet shall not be included in computing required floor area.
A dwelling unit shall contain at least one habitable room having a minimum of 150 square feet of floor area, with a minimum horizontal dimension of 10 feet.
Kitchens shall have a minimum of 60 square feet of floor area, and other habitable spaces shall contain not less than 80 square feet of floor area, with a minimum horizontal dimension of seven feet.
Alcoves, except cooking spaces or foyers, to be deemed part of a habitable room shall conform with the following:
An alcove less than 60 square feet in area shall be deemed part of the habitable room which it abuts, provided that the dividing partition between the alcove and the room has an opening of at least 80% of the wall area of such partition, measured on the alcove side, which wall area may not be less than 40 square feet, and the depth of such alcove does not exceed half its width.
The floor area of the alcove shall be added to the floor area of the habitable room for the purpose of complying with the light and ventilation requirements of Subsection C of this section.
An alcove with an area of 60 square feet or more, but less than 80 square feet, shall be deemed part of the habitable room which it abuts, provided that it meets the requirements of Subsection A(4)(a) and is separately lighted and ventilated as required for habitable space in Subsection C of this section.
Location in respect to grade level. Habitable space located partially below grade shall conform to the definition of a basement, with the floor level of such space not more than four feet below the average finished grade.
Light and ventilation.
Habitable space, exclusive of kitchens, shall have natural light provided by means of one or more windows, skylights, transparent or translucent panels, or any combination thereof, that face directly on open space. The amount of light shall be equivalent to that transmitted through clear glass equal in area to not less than 10% of the floor area of the habitable space. In computing the amount of light transmitted, only window or panel areas 6 inches or more above the adjoining finished grade shall be included in such calculation.
Habitable space shall be provided with electric light appropriate for the intended use.
Habitable space, exclusive of kitchens, shall have natural ventilation provided by means of openable parts of windows or other openings in exterior walls that face directly on open space, or through openable parts of skylights. Such openable parts shall have a total clear ventilation area equal to not less than 5% of the floor area of the habitable space. In computing the total clear ventilation area, only openable parts of windows or other openings 6 inches or more above the adjoining finished grade shall be included in such calculation.
Habitable space may also be provided with mechanical ventilation in addition to natural ventilation, but not in substitution thereof, except that kitchens may be provided with natural ventilation, conforming with Subsection C(3), or with mechanical ventilation exhausting not less than 150 cfm.
Open space.
Open space shall be of sufficient area to permit required natural light and ventilation for habitable space.
Windows, panels and openings required to provide natural light or ventilation shall face directly on open space conforming to the following:
Where such open space is bounded on two sides by walls, with two open ends, and the vertical dimension of the lower wall is 30 feet or less, the horizontal dimension between walls shall be at least eight feet. For each foot that the vertical dimension of the lower wall exceeds 30 feet, the horizontal dimension between walls, above the thirty-foot level, shall be increased by at least three inches. Vertical dimension shall be measured from the floor level of the story containing required windows, panels or openings to the top of the lower wall. Horizontal dimension shall be measured, at the same floor level, from the wall containing such windows, panels or openings to the facing wall.
Where such open space is bounded on three sides by walls, in addition to the requirements of Subsection D(2)(a), the horizontal dimension from the open end of the open space to the wall opposite the open end shall not exceed four times the horizontal dimension between the facing walls.
Where such open space is bounded on four sides by walls, in addition to the requirements of Subsection D(2)(a), the horizontal dimension between any two facing walls shall not exceed two times the horizontal dimension between the other two facing walls.
Miscellaneous requirements.
Dwelling units shall be separate and apart from each other. Sleeping rooms shall not be used as the only means of access to other sleeping rooms or habitable spaces.
Hotel units, lodging units and dormitory units shall be designed to provide privacy and be separate from other adjoining spaces.
Communal kitchens and communal dining rooms shall be accessible only from a common hall or passageway.
Height. Public space shall have a minimum height of seven feet six inches, measured from floor to ceiling.
Light and ventilation.
Public lobbies and lounges shall be provided with electric light conforming to the requirements of § 168-17E(1)(c).
Public reception, ball, meeting, lecture and recreation rooms and similar public spaces shall be provided with electric light appropriate for the intended use.
Public spaces shall be provided with either natural ventilation conforming to the requirements for habitable space, or with mechanical ventilation conforming to the requirements of Table II, Mechanical Ventilation Requirements, in § 168-39G.
Height. In multiple dwellings, nonhabitable space, except crawl spaces and attics, shall have a minimum height of seven feet, measured from floor to ceiling.
Toilet rooms and bathrooms.
Toilet rooms and bathrooms shall be designed and arranged to provide privacy.
Toilet rooms and bathrooms shall not be used as a passageway to a hall or other spaces, or to the exterior.
A toilet room or bathroom in a dwelling unit shall be accessible from any sleeping room without passing through another sleeping room.
Toilet rooms and bathrooms serving hotel units, lodging units or dormitory units, unless located within such respective units or directly connected thereto, shall be provided on the same story with such units, and be accessible only from a common hall or passageway.
Toilet rooms for employees in multiple dwellings shall be separate for each sex where there are five or more employees, shall be readily accessible to such employees, and shall not open directly into any public kitchen or other public space used for the cooking or preparation of food.
The entrance to every toilet room with facilities to serve more than one person at a time and opening into a public space or passageway shall be provided with a vestibule or fixed partition to screen the interior from view. The door of every such toilet room with multiple facilities shall have an effective self-closing device. Doors of toilet rooms with facilities to serve one person at a time shall be provided with an interior door lock.
In one- and two-family dwellings, bathrooms and toilet rooms shall be provided with floors of moisture-resistant material.
In multiple dwellings, floors of bathrooms, toilet rooms and similar spaces shall be waterproof; such waterproofing shall extend six inches or more above floors, except at doors. Walls shall be constructed or covered with moisture-resistant material.
Light and ventilation.
Kitchenettes, bathrooms and toilet rooms shall be provided with electric light of sufficient intensity and so distributed as to permit the maintenance of sanitary conditions and the safe use of the space and the appliances, equipment and fixtures.
In one- and two-family dwellings, kitchenettes, bathrooms and toilet rooms shall be provided with ventilation in accordance with either of the following:
Natural ventilation by openings which comply with the requirements of § 168-12C(3), except that minimum openings shall be three square feet for kitchenettes and 1 1/2 square feet for bathrooms and toilet rooms; or
Mechanical ventilation exhausting not less than 150 cfm for kitchenettes, and not less than 25 cfm for bathrooms and toilet rooms.
In multiple dwellings, kitchenettes, bathrooms and toilet rooms shall be provided with ventilation in accordance with either of the following:
Natural ventilation by openings which comply with the requirements of § 168-12C(3), except that minimum openings shall be three square feet for kitchenettes and bathrooms and toilet rooms designed for private use, and one square foot per water closet or urinal, or three square feet, whichever is greater, for bathrooms and toilet rooms designed for public use; or
Mechanical ventilation exhausting not less than 150 cfm for kitchenettes, 25 cfm for bathrooms and toilet rooms designed for private use, and 40 cfm per water closet or urinal for bathrooms and toilet rooms designed for public use.
Stairs shall be provided with electric light to allow safe ascent and descent.
Laundry rooms, furnace rooms and similar nonhabitable spaces shall be provided with electric light appropriate for the intended use of such rooms.
Spaces in multiple dwellings which contain central heat producing equipment, incinerator or air-conditioning equipment shall be ventilated directly to the outer air.
Shower rooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms and laundry rooms shall be provided with either natural ventilation conforming to the requirements for habitable space, or with mechanical ventilation conforming to the requirements of Table II, Mechanical Ventilation Requirements, in § 168-39G.
Garages within or accessory to multiple dwellings shall be provided with electric light appropriate for the intended use of such spaces.
Garage areas above grade in excess of 1,000 square feet and all garage areas below grade shall be provided with mechanical ventilation in conformity with Table II, Mechanical Ventilation Requirements, in § 168-39G.
Elevators and escalators shall be maintained in good and safe operating condition, and adequately lighted at all times.
Railings or parapet walls shall be provided at open sides of balconies, mezzanines, porches, accessible roofs, exit passageways, areaways, motor vehicle parking decks and ramps and around floor openings.
Railings or parapet walls shall be at least three feet six inches in height and designed to resist a lateral load, at the top, of at least 50 pounds per linear foot. Fixed openings in railings or parapet walls shall not exceed six inches in one dimension.
Wheel bumper blocks shall be provided at perimeter and around floor openings of open motor vehicle parking decks and ramps. Wheel bumper blocks shall be continuous, at least 8 inches in height, fastened to the floor and designed to resist a minimum linear load of 300 pounds per foot.
Safe, continuous and unobstructed exit shall be provided from the interior of a building or structure to the exterior at a street or to a yard, court or passageway leading to a public open area.
Exits shall be arranged, constructed, proportioned and maintained so that occupants may escape safely from the building or structure in case of emergency. Width of exits shall conform to generally accepted standards.
Exits from dwelling units, hotel units, lodging units and dormitory units shall not lead through other such units or through toilet rooms or bathrooms.
One- and two-family dwellings.
A fixed stairway shall be provided between stories, and between the first story and a basement or cellar.
In two-family dwellings three stories or less in height and in one-family dwellings, in addition to the primary exit, there shall be provided an emergency exit from each story. Such emergency exit may be similar to the primary exit, or a fire escape, or an opening, such as a window or door, having at least four square feet of openable area with a minimum dimension of 18 inches, and with the bottom of the opening not more than three feet six inches above the floor.
In two-family dwellings more than three stories in height, exits shall comply with any of the following:
One interior stairway enclosed in construction having at least a three-fourths-hour fire-resistance rating with openings in such enclosure protected by self-closing doors;
Two interior stairways with all doors opening upon such stairways equipped with a self-closing device;
One interior stairway with all doors opening upon such stairway equipped with a self-closing device, and one exterior stairway or fire escape providing exit from each dwelling unit on any story; or
One interior stairway equipped with an automatic sprinkler system, with all doors opening upon such stairway equipped with a self-closing device.
Multiple dwellings.
In multiple dwellings two stories or less in height, in addition to the primary exit from each dwelling unit, hotel unit, lodging unit or dormitory unit, there shall be provided an emergency exit from each such unit, conforming with the requirements of Subsection B(2) of this section.
In multiple dwellings three stories or more in height, there shall be provided from each story at least two exits accessible to each dwelling unit, hotel unit, lodging unit or dormitory unit. The primary exit shall be an interior public hall, stairway, lobby, vestibule or any combination thereof. The secondary exit shall be another interior public hall, stairway, lobby or vestibule, or any combination thereof, or a fire escape. Where the secondary exit is through the same public hall which provides access to the primary exit, the primary exit shall be separated from such public hall by construction having a fire-resistance rating of at least 3/4 hour.
Public halls, stairways, lobbies and vestibules serving as exits shall be enclosed with construction having a fire-resistance rating of at least 3/4 hour. Wood wainscoting in exits is prohibited. Combustible interior trim in exits is permitted only in buildings three stories or less in height. Openings, other than doors, in interior walls or partitions of exits shall be sealed so as to maintain the required fire-resistance rating of the wall or partition.
Doors from dwelling units, hotel units, lodging units or dormitory units opening upon a public hall and doors in stairway enclosures shall be self-closing. Doors from units opening upon public halls and doors in stairway enclosures shall have a fire-resistance rating of at least 3/4 hour.
Basement and cellar stairways shall be separated from stairways leading to or from upper stories, at the grade level story, by construction having a fire-resistance rating of at least 3/4 hour with doors that are self-closing and have a fire-resistance rating of at least 3/4 hour.
Whenever there are 100 or more families occupying any multiple dwelling, there should be a superintendent, responsible on behalf of the owner, who shall reside therein and have charge of such dwelling, with ability to make basic repairs or authority to hire contractors to make basic repairs.
[Added 10-10-1989]
Height. In multiple dwellings, passageways, corridors, hallways and vestibules shall have a minimum height of seven feet six inches, measured from floor to ceiling. In stairways, headroom over landing floors and tread nosings shall have a minimum height of seven feet.
Light and ventilation.
In multiple dwellings, exits, including vestibules, stairways, passageways, corridors and hallways, but excluding fire escapes, shall be lighted with natural or electric light at all times so as to afford safe passage. Electric light shall conform to the following:
A sufficient number of fixtures shall be provided so that the distance between fixtures is not more than 30 feet and so that no wall is more than 15 feet from a fixture.
Incandescent lighting: not less than 1/4 watt per square foot of floor area, except that each fixture shall have a lamp or lamps with a total of not less than 25 watts.
Fluorescent lighting: not less than 1/10 watt per square foot of floor area, except that each fixture shall have a lamp or lamps of a total of not less than 80 watts.
[Amended 8-28-1990]
Where under these formulas the calculated wattage does not correspond to that of a standard lamp, the next larger size shall be used.
In multiple dwellings, stairways, passageways, corridors and hallways shall be provided with ventilation in accordance with either of the following:
Natural ventilation obtained by means of openings to the outer air, or by means of ducts connected to wind or gravity operated ventilators; or
Mechanical ventilation conforming to the requirements of Table II, Mechanical Ventilation Requirements, in § 168-39G.
Stairway treads, risers and landings shall be arranged, constructed, proportioned and maintained to provide safe ascent and descent.
Guardrails or balustrades, at least 33 inches in height above nosings and 36 inches in height above landings, shall be provided at open portions of stairways.
Handrails shall be provided on at least one side of stairways.
Where stairways provide access to roofs by means of scuttles or bulkhead doors, such scuttles or doors shall be readily openable from the interior without the use of tools or keys.
Fire escapes.
Fire escapes which serve as a secondary means of egress shall be of material having the properties of ferrous metal, other than cast iron, and conform to generally accepted standards. Fire escapes shall be maintained free of encumbrances.
Access to fire escapes shall be through openable unobstructed doors, or windows conforming to the requirements of windows for emergency exit in Subsection B(2) of this section.
In buildings more than three stories in height, fire escapes shall continue to the roof, except when the slope of the roof exceeds 15º.
The lowest balcony shall be provided with a drop ladder or counterbalanced stair, if it is more than five feet above the ground.
Multiple dwelling premises.
Exterior artificial lighting shall be provided at night to illuminate facilities used by pedestrians, including walks, driveways, parking spaces and entranceways to buildings.
Exterior artificial lighting shall be of an approved type as to location and safety of installation.
Exterior artificial lighting at or near front entranceways shall consist of at least one fixture with a lamp or lamps having a cumulative wattage of at least 50 watts, for a building with a frontage up to 25 feet. Where the frontage is in excess of 25 feet, at least two fixtures with lamps having a cumulative wattage of at least 100 watts shall be provided.