License required.
No person shall drive a taxicab or limousine or permit any other person to drive a taxicab or limousine within the City without having obtained and having in force and effect a taxicab or limousine driver's license issued under the provisions of this chapter. In the event that this requirement is violated, both the driver and the owner of the taxicab or limousine shall be deemed in violation, and the vehicle shall be impounded.
[Amended 9-27-2005]
Each applicant shall agree to be fingerprinted under the direction and supervision of the Chief of Police, and said fingerprint card and applicable processing fees shall be forwarded to the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services for a full search. Nonrefundable fees, payable to the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, shall be in addition to any and all fees stated herein. The Chief of Police or his designee shall review the criminal history report generated from the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services to make any determinations as to licensure.
Each applicant will be required to produce a statement from a doctor licensed to practice medicine in the State of New York stating that said doctor has thoroughly examined the applicant within 30 days of the application, that said applicant demonstrates no affliction of any physical or mental disease or infirmity which might make him or her an unsafe or unsatisfactory license holder and no drug or alcohol dependency or use other than by prescription, together with the results of urine testing.
Qualifications of applicant. Each applicant for a driver's license shall be 18 years of age or over, be able to read and write the English language, be of good moral character and of sound physique and good eyesight, and not be subject to any infirmity of body or mind which might render him or her unfit as a taxicab or limousine driver.
Form; contents.
An application for a taxicab or limousine driver's license shall be made upon blank forms to be furnished by the Chief of Police and shall contain:
The full name of the applicant.
His or her chauffeur's registration number.
His or her age, color, height, weight, color of eyes and hair.
Place of birth.
Home address.
Social Security number.
Whether a citizen of the United States.
Places of previous employment for at least 10 years preceding the application.
A listing of all crimes, to include felonies, misdemeanors, and/or Vehicle and Traffic Law violations, for which the applicant has been arrested or convicted in the last five years, stating the name and location of the court and the date of conviction and penalty.
Whether he or she has previously been licensed as a driver or chauffeur; and, if so, whether his or her license has ever been revoked and for what cause.
The application shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant.
Accompanying information. Each application shall be accompanied by two recent, unmounted photographs of the applicant, three inches by three inches in size, showing frontal face view, and by the fingerprints of the applicant.
Issuance. Upon certification by the Chief of Police as to his or her fitness and upon payment to the Chief of Police of the license fee hereinafter set forth, a license shall be issued to the applicant in the manner prescribed by this chapter.
Renewal. The Chief of Police, upon receipt of the annual renewal fee hereinafter set forth, may renew a taxicab or limousine driver's license from year to year by appropriate endorsement thereon, provided that the Chief of Police shall certify as to the driver's skill, fitness and ability. Application for renewal of license shall be made by the driver upon a form to be furnished by the Chief of Police which shall be filled out with the applicant's full name, address, original license number and date upon which his or her original license was granted.
Additional requirements.
A taxicab or limousine driver's license shall be denied to any applicant that has been convicted within the last five years of an offense of any portion of New York State Penal Law Article 220 (controlled substances) or Article 221 (offenses involving marihuana); or has been convicted within the last five years of either a felony offense of driving while intoxicated or under the influence of a controlled substance, or two misdemeanor offenses of driving while intoxicated or under the influence of a controlled substance. These disqualifiers are applicable unless the disqualifier has been removed as provided for in the Correction Law.
Any false statements on an application under this chapter, whenever discovered, shall result in the denial of the application, or the revocation of the license in the event that one has already been issued.
Conviction of any crime or misdemeanor involving the following shall result in the denial of the application, or the revocation of the license in the event that one has already been issued:
[Added 2-8-2005]
A felony involving the use of a vehicle by the applicant within the last five years, except as otherwise specifically hereinafter provided.
Leaving the scene of an accident.
A crime against or involving children.
A crime involving any sex offense.
A taxicab or limousine driver's license shall be issued as of July 1 and shall expire on the 30th day of June next succeeding, unless sooner suspended or revoked by the Chief of Police or the City Council.
The annual license fee for a taxicab or limousine driver's license shall be as set forth from time to time by the City Council.
Taxicab and limousine driver's licenses issued under this chapter may be suspended or revoked by the Chief of Police for violation of any of the provisions of this chapter. No driver whose license has been revoked shall again be licensed in the City unless upon presentation of reasons satisfactory to the Chief of Police.
Before revocation of any license issued under this chapter, the Chief of Police shall conduct a hearing, after written notice to the holder of such license, which notice shall contain the charges against such licensee and the date of such hearing, which shall be held a reasonable time after service of such notice. Such service shall be made either personally upon the licensee or by registered mail addressed to the licensee at the address named in the register.