[Amended 9-28-1982; 3-13-1990; 7-27-1999; 7-25-2000; 11-12-2003; 3-14-2006]
Towing charges.
[Amended 6-27-2017]
First mile or part thereof: $125.
Each additional mile or part thereof: $5.
Flat bed, first mile or part thereof: $125.
Flat bed, each additional mile or part thereof: $5.
Storage charges.
[Amended 6-27-2017]
For first seven days, each 24 hours or part thereof: $20 per day.
Thereafter: $30 per day.
Inside. The inside storage rate may be determined by written agreement between the parties.
Impound towing charges.
[Amended 6-27-2017]
Standard/flat bed/wheel lift: $225.
Administrative fee: $100.
Impound storage charges.
[Amended 6-27-2017]
Outside: $30 per day, to include day of towing.
Labor charges. It shall be lawful and proper to charge the following additional labor charges:
[Amended 6-27-2017]
A charge not exceeding $20 for the use of dollies or flat bed truck only when the same are required due to the condition of the vehicle to be towed.
A charge not exceeding $40 per half hour or part thereof when the use of special skills is required to right an overturned vehicle to remove it from an off-the-road location.
A charge not to exceed $40 to clean up and remove excessive debris, whether solid or liquid, from the scene of an accident.
Exceptions to maximum charges. The maximum towing and storage charges set forth in this section shall not apply to:
Motor trucks exceeding 1 1/2 tons' capacity.
Towing of motor vehicles pursuant to a contract executed prior to the need for towing, provided that such motor vehicles are either owned or leased by the contracting party.
Overcharges prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to demand or receive any payment in excess of the maximum charges permitted by this chapter.
Agreement. It shall be unlawful for any tow car owner, driver, or any other person to make repairs or to charge a fee directly or indirectly for making an estimate for repairs on any motor vehicle involved in an accident or otherwise disabled, without entering into a signed agreement with the owner or other person in charge of said disabled motor vehicle, fixing the cost on a form in substantially the form specified in Form A, located at the end of this chapter.
[Amended 5-27-1997 by L.L. No. 2-1997]
Hospitalization of owner. It shall be unlawful for any tow car owner or any other person to enter into an agreement for the repair or for the estimate for repairs where the owner or person in charge of the motor vehicle involved in an accident is to be hospitalized because of such accident, until the expiration of at least 24 hours from the time of such accident, unless the injured person has, before the expiration of such time, been discharged from the hospital.
[Amended 5-27-1997 by L.L. No. 2-1997]
No motor vehicle shall be towed without an authorization, on a form prescribed by the Chief of Police, signed by the owner of the vehicle or other person in charge thereof. Such authorization shall be for the towing, labor and storage of the vehicle only, and shall show the rates to be charged for towing labor and storing said vehicle. Such signed authorization shall be retained for a period of six months and shall be exhibited upon demand to an official of the City or any member of the Glen Cove Police Department, or other Police Department. The towing authorization required hereunder must be in substantially the form as specified in Form B, located at the end of this chapter.
The owner of a tow car shall have prepared a pad of prenumbered bills containing a printed billhead showing the name and address of his or her place of business. The operator of a tow car shall prepare a bill on this billhead form, in duplicate, the original of which shall be furnished to the owner of the motor vehicle or his or her authorized representative. This bill shall be printed in a form approved by the Chief of Police and shall contain the following information:
Full name and address of person engaging tow car.
State registration number of the motor vehicle.
Total amount to be charged for towing labor and storage rate per 24 hours or part thereof.
Full name and address of operator of tow car.
State registration and number of tow car.
Tow car license number. The duplicate of the bill shall be retained by tow car owner for a period of six months. These bills shall be exhibited upon demand of any official of the City or member of the Glen Cove Police Department or other Police Department. Upon payment of the bill given to the owner of the motor vehicle or his or her authorized representative, the licensee shall acknowledge receipt of payment of such bill.
[Amended 2-11-1997]
It shall be unlawful for any person to drive along any street or bridge in the City of Glen Cove and actively solicit towing work. Solicitation of towing work by the operator or other occupant of a tow car while parked or standing on any street or bridge is also prohibited. A tow car operator shall not stop, stand or park at the scene of an accident involving one or more vehicles without having been requested or notified to do so by the owner of the disabled vehicle or his or her authorized representative or the police. Responding to a call merely upon notification from gas station attendants, taxicab drivers or other unauthorized persons shall be considered in violation of this section. "At the scene of an accident" shall mean within sight of said accident scene.
[Amended 8-25-1992; 2-11-1997]
List to be kept by Police Department. A selection list containing the names of all licensed tow car owners within the enforcement jurisdiction of the City of Glen Cove as specified in § 259-6H shall be kept by the Glen Cove Police Department. A police officer at the scene of an accident will present the selection list to the owner or operator of the involved vehicle. This person will select a tow truck company from this list. If a driver is unable to choose for any reason, the tow company with the Impound Contract will be called to remove said vehicle.
Refusal to render service prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any owner or driver of any licensed tow car to refuse to render towing services if the owner or operator of a disabled motor vehicle is able and willing to pay the required fee, unless the disabled motor vehicle is beyond the capacity of the tow car to handle or the tow car is engaged in another job.
Procedure for summoned tow trucks. Summoned tow cars will remove vehicles to their terminal specified on their license application. Upon agreement with the owner or operator, said vehicle may be towed elsewhere. Impounded vehicles will be towed to the terminal of the company that has the City Impound Contract or, if appropriate, to the City Impound Yard.
Every licensed tow car owner shall maintain for one year a bound record book of all calls for towing service at the scene of an accident available for inspection by the police. Entries in this book shall be made in ink at the time the call is received and shall specify:
The name of person making the call.
The time of the call.
The time of arrival at the scene of the accident.
Every owner, upon the sale or other disposition of a licensed tow car shall, within 24 hours, notify the Chief of Police of such sale or other disposition and surrender the license or licenses and medallion.