[HISTORY: Adopted by Common Council of City of North Tonawanda 6-24-1929.]
No person or persons shall have, promote, conduct or superintend any dance in any public place or in any clubroom in the City of North Tonawanda, New York, or in any building or at any premises whereupon is conducted any business at the time when such dance is had, without having obtained a written permit from the Mayor of the City of North Tonawanda, New York, so to do.
No person or persons shall have, promote, conduct or superintend any dance in any public or private place in the City of North Tonawanda. New York, in respect to which dance any charge is made or fee collected for the privilege of participating in such dance, without first having obtained a written permit so to do from the Mayor of the City of North Tonawanda, New York.
A violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of not to exceed $50 or by imprisonment for not more than 10 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.