[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of South Plainfield 10-13-1964 1964 as Art. 2 of Ch. 1 of the 1964 Code (Ch. 35 of the 1982 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
There is hereby created a Free Public Library, to be known as the "South Plainfield Free Public Library."
[Amended 12-26-1984; 12-18-2023 by Ord. No. 2288]
A Board of Trustees consisting of seven to nine members shall hold in trust and manage all property of the library. Said Board shall be composed of the Mayor of the Borough of South Plainfield, the Superintendent of Schools of the South Plainfield School District, and from five to seven citizens to be appointed by the Mayor, at least four of whom shall be residents of the municipality. The appointments shall be for terms of five years and they may be selected by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Borough Council. The Mayor and Superintendent of Schools may respectively appoint an alternate to act in their place and stead with the authority to attend all meetings of the Board and, in their absence, to vote on all questions before the Board. Vacancies occurring in the Board of Trustees shall be filled for the unexpired term only, in the same manner as the original appointments are made.
The Trustees shall receive no compensation for their services and shall not incur any expense or enter into any obligation to an amount in excess of the annual appropriation for library purposes and of the funds on hand.
The Board of Trustees shall annually make a report of its transactions, accounts and the state and condition of the library to the governing body of the Borough.
The Board of Trustees shall have all the powers conferred by statute.
The governing body of the Borough of South Plainfield shall annually appropriate and raise by taxation the money needed for support and maintenance of the library, as provided for by law.
[Added 4-9-1992 by Ord. No. 1274]
No person shall detain or fail to return any book, periodical, pamphlet, artistic reproduction, phonograph recording, audiovisual material, VCR or any other article borrowed from the South Plainfield Free Public Library, hereinafter referred to as the "library," after 30 days have elapsed from the date of posting by certified mail, return receipt requested, of a notice demanding return thereof and informing the person in such notice that the book or material is overdue and that such person is subject to prosecution pursuant to this chapter. Such notice shall be mailed to the person at the last known address said person furnished to the library.
[Added 4-9-1992 by Ord. No. 1274]
The provisions of this chapter shall be enforced by the Director of the library or such person as may from time to time be designated by the Board of Trustees of the library. The enforcement shall be carried out with the advice of the Board of Trustees of the library.
[Added 4-9-1992 by Ord. No. 1274]
Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine not to exceed $100 for each offense. Continued failure to return any book or library article for a period of 30 days after conviction of a violation of this chapter shall constitute a separate offense under this chapter.