[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Maine 4-9-2002. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Town of Maine (hereinafter "Town") has adopted the following Town of Maine Computer, Network Resource and Internet Usage Policy:
Town computers, Town network resources, and Internet access lines within the Town of Maine Town Hall, Town Highway Garage and within any other Town buildings are to be used only for official business of the Town.
In no event are those computers, network resources or internet access lines to be used for the purpose of:
Creating, sending or receiving any personal letters, personal messages, personal advertising, communications relating to personal commercial activities, jokes or other personal communications,
Playing any card games or other games,
Creating, sending, posting, displaying or receiving any pornographic or obscene pictures, text, graphics, images, or materials,
Accessing any Web sites that contain sexually explicit images and/or related materials, advocate illegal activity, and/or advocate intolerance of others,
Creating, sending, posting, or displaying any sexually explicit images and/or related materials,
Advocating or promoting any illegal activity, and/or advocating or promoting intolerance of others,
Creating, sending, posting, displaying or receiving any offensive, abusive, slanderous, libelous, defamatory, vulgar, harassing or intimidating messages, text, graphics, images or materials,
Creating or sending any viruses, worms, hoaxes or chain letters,
Engaging in any unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of any individual,
Engaging in any unauthorized disclosure of sensitive or confidential information, or
Violating any licensing or copyright restrictions.
Any misuse of a Town computer, network resource, or Internet access line, or noncompliance with the Town's written computer and internet usage policies, may result in one or more of the following consequences:
Temporary loss of privileges and/or deactivation of computer/network access/Internet access.
Permanent loss of privileges and/or deactivation of computer/network access/Internet access.
Disciplinary actions (including proceedings for removal from office) by the appropriate Town Board or Town officials and/or state boards or state officials.
Subpoena of data files and/or the application for and execution of a search warrant.
Legal prosecution under applicable United States, New York State, and/or Town of Maine statutes, local laws, ordinances, codes, rules and/or regulations (hereinafter "laws").
Possible penalties under applicable laws, including fines and/or imprisonment.