[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Maine 7-14-1987 by L.L. No. 3-1987. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Department of Highways, Parks, Buildings and Grounds — See Ch. 77.
Recreation Commission — See Ch. 140.
Dog control — See Ch. 200, Art. IV.
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 394.
The purpose of this chapter is to regulate the use of the parks of the Town of Maine.
The following terms shall have the meanings indicated in this section:
The grounds, buildings therein, water therein and any other property necessary for the operation thereof, and constituting a part thereof, which is now or may hereafter be maintained, operated and controlled by the Town of Maine for public park purposes.
Any individual, firm, partnership, corporation or association of persons; the singular number shall include the plural.
The Town of Maine Recreation Commission or its duly authorized agent.
The following activities are prohibited within the parks of the Town of Maine:
Parking a motor vehicle in other than designated locations.
Operating a motor vehicle in excess of five miles per hour or in any manner contrary to posted regulations.
Operating a motor vehicle on other than the designated roads.
Operating or parking a snowmobile.
Horseback riding on other than the designated roads.
Allowing dogs to run unleashed.
Playing or engaging in sports in other than locations as designated by the Recreation Commission.
Entering or using the parks during the hours of closing or during other than the designated hours posted by the Recreation Commission.
Refusing to comply with the time sharing plan posted by the Recreation Commission for the use of any recreational facility.
Operating or parking a motorcycle, minibike or other form of recreational motor vehicle except on designated roads.
Overnight parking of motor vehicles.
Operating or parking a motor vehicle (except a motor vehicle owned by the Town of Maine, the State of New York, Broome County, a fire company or a fire district, or operated by an officer, member, or employee thereof), motorcycle, minibike or other form of recreational motor vehicle at any point or place west of the gate situated in the road adjacent to the Little League Building located at the Town of Maine Town Park on Route 26, without specific written approval therefor from the Maine Town Board, the Supervisor of the Town of Maine, the Town Clerk of the Town of Maine, or the Town park attendant.
The consumption, possession, manufacture, sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages.
No person, except peace officers, shall carry or have in their possession any gun, firearm, BB gun, knife, bow and arrow, crossbow, slingshot, rifle, ammunition or explosives within a park area, and no person shall hunt or molest or drive any game or trap within or from the park areas.
[Added 2-19-2019 by L.L. No. 2-2019]
No person shall enter, remain, stop or park within the confines of any Town park between the hours of 9:30 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. prevailing local time in the Town of Maine, except in emergencies or with a special permit from the Town Board of the Town of Maine or Recreation Commission. In case of an emergency or when in the judgment of the Town Board of the Town of Maine or Recreation Commission the public interest demands it, any portion of the park may be closed to the public or to designated persons until permission is given to reopen.
Notwithstanding the hours of closing stated herein, the Recreation Commission may establish more restrictive closing hours for designated park facilities.
A violation of this chapter shall constitute an offense punishable by a fine not to exceed $50 for each and every such offense, or imprisonment for a period not to exceed 15 days, or both.
Any state police officer or police officer of Broome County or any of its municipal subdivisions may, without a warrant, arrest any offender whom he may detect in the violation of any of the provisions of the above sections, and take the person so arrested forthwith before a Magistrate having competent jurisdiction, and he shall have at all times a right to enter the premises of any building, structure or enclosure in any park, including such grounds, buildings, structures or enclosures in any Town park which may be leased or set aside for private or exclusive use of any individual or groups of individuals for the purpose of arresting violators hereof, and may use all necessary means to attain that end.