[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Maine as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Dog control — See Ch. 200, Art. IV.
Building construction — See Ch. 237.
[Adopted 9-11-2007]
The Town Board of the Town of Maine hereby establishes the following policy with reference to the processing of complaints relating to alleged violations of Town of Maine local laws, ordinances and resolutions:
Any person (including an officer or employee of the Town of Maine) may file a complaint relating to an alleged violation of any Town of Maine local law, ordinance or resolution (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Town legislation").
All such complaints must be in writing.
To the extent that the information is known to the person filing the complaint, such complaints should state the name and address of the person who is allegedly violating the Town legislation; the street address where the alleged violation has taken place or is taking place; the specific acts or failures to act which the complainant believes constitute a violation of Town legislation; and the dates and the times of day the alleged violations have occurred or are occurring.
All such complaints must be signed by the person who is filing the complaint and must include the residence address and phone number of the person who is filing the complaint.
All complaints charging alleged violations of Town legislation relating to dogs shall be filed with the Town of Maine Dog Control Officer. All complaints charging alleged violations of any other Town legislation shall be filed with the Town of Maine Building and Code Inspector.
Any member of the Town Board of the Town of Maine may file a FOIL request to request access to any complaint filed with the Town of Maine Building and Code Inspector or Town of Maine Dog Control Officer.
The Town of Maine Building and Code Inspector and Town of Maine Dog Control Officer shall keep accurate logs of all complaints so filed.
If a FOIL request is received by the Town wherein the identify of a complainant is sought, those portions of the records sought may (subject to compliance with applicable provisions of FOIL) be withheld to the extent that disclosure would identify the person who made the complaint or would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.