Any lawful building, structure or use of premises existing at the time of enactment of this chapter or any subsequent amendment thereof applying to such building, structure or use of premises may be continued although such building, structure or use of premises does not conform to the provisions thereof.
Notwithstanding the above, any advertising sign which becomes nonconforming upon the date of January 1, 1977, shall be removed or altered so as to conform to this chapter.
[Amended 5-26-1977 by L.L. No. 3-1977]
Also notwithstanding the above, any business sign which becomes nonconforming upon the date of January 1, 1977, shall be removed or altered so as to conform to this chapter thereafter upon either:
[Added 5-26-1977 by L.L. No. 3-1977]
Change of ownership of the business.
Change of use of the property.
Change of location of the business.
Replacement of the sign.
Any building or land used for or occupied by a nonconforming use which is changed to or replaced by a conforming use shall not thereafter be used for or occupied by a nonconforming use.
Whenever a nonconforming use of land, premises, buildings or structures or any part or portion thereof has been discontinued for a period of 18 months, such nonconforming use shall not thereafter be reestablished on the said premises or the part or portion affected, and all future use of the said premises or part or portion affected shall be in conformity with the use permitted in the district in which it is located. Such discontinuance of the active and continuous operation of such nonconforming use or a part or portion thereof for such period of 18 months is hereby construed and considered to be an abandonment of such nonconforming use, regardless of any reservation of an intent not to abandon same or of an intent to resume active operations. If actual abandonment in fact is evidenced by the removal of buildings, structures, machinery, equipment or other evidence of such nonconforming use of the land and premises, the abandonment shall be construed and considered to be completed within a period of less than 18 months and all rights to reestablish or continue such nonconforming use shall thereupon terminate.
[Amended 12-13-1989 by L.L. No. 1-1989]
A nonconforming use enjoyed by any land, building or structure shall not be extended, enlarged or structurally altered nor displace a use permitted by the zoning district in which it is located.
A building or structure housing a nonconforming use may be repaired or restored to a safe condition.
[Amended 6-8-1981 by L.L. No. 4-1981; 12-13-1989 by L.L. No. 1-1989; 2-14-1996 by L.L. No. 1-1996]
A nonconforming use of a building, structure or land or any portion thereof may only be changed to another nonconforming use which is of the same or more restrictive nature and only upon the approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals in accordance with § 130-42. Uses shall be deemed more restrictive or less restrictive in accordance with the list of uses set forth in § 130-7 hereof, running from the use designated as "one-family dwelling," as the most restrictive, to the use designated as "bus station," as the least restrictive; each use, in order, to be deemed less restrictive than the use which precedes it upon the list. The change of a nonconforming use of a building, structure or land or any portion thereof to another nonconforming use shall include the right to change an accessory nonconforming sign, provided that such sign is not increased in area or does not further violate provisions of this chapter and provided also that the prior approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals is given.
No building damaged by fire or other causes to the extent of more than 50% of its value shall be repaired or rebuilt except in conformity with the regulations of this chapter. Value shall be determined by dividing the state equalization ratio into the assessed value.
Any building or structure for which construction was begun prior to the effective date of this chapter or any subsequent amendment thereof applying thereto may be completed and used in accordance with the plans and specifications for such building or structure.
Any lot held in single and separate ownership prior to the adoption of this chapter and whose area and/or width and/or depth are less than the specified minimum lot requirements of this chapter for the district may be considered as complying with such minimum lot requirements and no variance shall be required, provided that:
Such lot does not adjoin any other lot or lots held by the same owner whose aggregate area is equal to or greater than the minimum lot area required for that district.
Such lot has an area of at least 5,000 square feet and a minimum width of at least 50 feet at the required setback line if it is to be used for residential purposes.
The following minimum yard dimensions are maintained for residences:
Front yard: 15% of lot depth but not less than 25 feet. If the average setback of existing buildings within 100 feet on each side of the subject property and within the same block as the subject property is less than the setback required, then such setback shall not be required and such average setback shall be required, but in no case shall the setback from the street right-of-way line be less than 15 feet.
Side yards: each 20% of lot width but not less than eight feet.
Rear yard: 15% of lot depth but not less than 25 feet.
In no case need the above yard dimensions exceed those for the district in which located.
All other bulk requirements for that district are complied with.
In any district where residences are permitted, such undersized nonconforming lots may be used for not more than one single-family dwelling.
A lot of nonconforming size may be subdivided if each and every subdivision of such lot is purchased by the owner or owners of the adjoining properties to increase the size of said owner's or owners' property or properties.
Editor's Note: Former § 130-33, Reduction in lot area, was repealed 6-29-2000 by L.L. No. 4-2000.