[Amended 5-3-2010 by Ord. No. 10-004]
Rates and charges for the use of the system shall be established by the Water Pollution Board of Control, as necessary to ensure sufficiency of revenues in meeting operation, maintenance and replacement costs. Debt service charges shall be determined from time to time by the governing body of this public corporation. Such charges and rates shall be made against each premises which may have any sewer connections with the system or which may otherwise discharge sewage or industrial waste, either directly or indirectly, into such system or any part thereof.
Amounts, billings, sewer service charges. The rates and charges for service furnished by the City of Monroe as operator shall be levied upon each lot or parcel of land, building or premises, having any sewer connection with such system, on the basis of the quantity of water used thereon or therein as the same is measured, or in the absence thereof, by such equitable method as shall be determined by the Monroe Metropolitan Water Pollution Board of Control, and shall be collected by the City of Monroe as operator of the system and Frenchtown Charter Township or as assigned by the Board of Control. In cases where the character of the sewage from a manufacturing or industrial plant, building or premises is such that unreasonable additional burden is placed upon the system, greater than that imposed by the normal domestic sewage delivered to the system plant, the additional cost of treatment created thereby shall be an additional charge over the regular rates; or the Director may, if he deems it advisable, compel such manufacturing or industrial plant, building or premises to treat such sewage in such manner as shall be specified by the Director before discharging such sewage into the sewage disposal system.
The rates to be billed for use of the system shall be as follows for all users, until such time as the same may be changed yearly by the Board of Control pursuant to the contract.
Sewer service user charge: as approved by the Board of Control.
Surcharge rate for BOD for wastewater in excess of 200 mg/l: as approved by the Board of Control.
Surcharge rate for suspended solids in excess of 250 mg/l: as approved by the Board of Control.
Surcharge rate for total kjeldahl nitrogen in excess of 40 mg/l: as approved by the Board of Control.
Septic dumping rate user charge: as approved by the Board of Control.
There shall be an additional charge for laboratory testing of wastewater samples. The laboratory charges shall be for the cost thereof and will be determined for each user.
Flat rates for unmetered customers shall be as approved by the Monroe Metropolitan Pollution Control Board.
The above charges, other than the debt service charges, are user charges to pay for the operation, maintenance and replacement of the sewage works, and they are the same for customers located inside or outside the City of Monroe, and the equality of rates shall exist in any future modifications.
[Amended 5-3-2010 by Ord. No. 10-004]
If payment becomes delinquent for more than six months each year, it shall be certified to the tax bill in each jurisdiction.
Unpaid charges for sewage disposal service furnished to any premises shall be a lien against the premises. Enforcement of this lien shall be made pursuant to statute. This lien remedy does not preclude any other remedy provided by law. Those premises outside the municipalities which are parties to the contract that are served by the system that have delinquent bills will be certified to their governmental unit for collection as provided in the contract between this public corporation and such governmental unit.
A five-percent late payment charge will be added to delinquent sewer bills that have not been paid by the due date. The late charge will be added to the next sewer bill.