Mobile home parks may be considered for approval only in the zoning districts where they are listed as permitted, conditional uses or uses by special exception and only in conformance with the Adams Township Zoning Chapter or amendments thereto.[1] Approval of the use under the applicable zoning regulations, where required, shall precede consideration of the land development plan under this chapter.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 192, Zoning.
It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, operate or expand any mobile home park within Adams Township unless he secures approval from the Township and all required permits and licenses issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the Breakneck Creek Municipal Authority, if applicable, in the name of the owner of the mobile home park.
All application procedures for land development plan approval shall be in accordance with Article IV of this chapter, whether for construction of a new park or enlargement or rearrangement of an existing park.
Before the Zoning Officer may issue a zoning/building permit, the owner shall demonstrate that he has in his possession valid operating permits and licenses issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection or proof in writing that such permits will be issued following Township approval of the land development application.
Permits shall be valid for a period specified by the reviewing agency, contingent upon compliance with this article and all applicable regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
Mobile home parks in existence upon the effective date of the adoption of this chapter shall be required to have a current permit from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection for the operation of public water and sanitary sewerage systems. However, any additions to the park or expansions of rearrangement or relocation of mobile home pads or lots after adoption of this chapter shall be in compliance with this article.
The Zoning Officer or duly authorized Township employee shall not be denied access to any mobile home park during reasonable hours in order to determine compliance with this article.
No mobile home lacking its own toilet, bathing, cooking and food storage facilities, all in working condition, shall be permitted in a mobile home park.
No mobile homes shall be placed in a mobile home park until streets which provide access to lots proposed for the placement of mobile homes and utilities as required, have been installed.
Bulk and dimensional requirements.
Minimum size of park: 10 contiguous acres.
Minimum size of mobile home lot: 10,000 square feet excluding street right-of-way, recreation areas, laundry or administrative facilities, guest parking areas or public utility sites or easements.
Minimum mobile home lot width: 75 feet.
Minimum setbacks:
Minimum setback from park property boundary line not adjacent to a public street: 50 feet.
Minimum setback from right-of-way line of adjacent public road: 50 feet.
Minimum setback of closest point of mobile home from interior park street right-of-way boundary line: 30 feet.
Minimum distances between mobile homes:
Minimum distance between ends of adjacent mobile homes: 30 feet.
Minimum distance between parallel sides of adjacent mobile homes: 40 feet.
Minimum distance between the end of one mobile home and the parallel side of an adjacent mobile home: 30 feet.
Minimum distance between parallel sides of adjacent mobile homes when they overlap by no more than 15 feet if extended towards one another along a plane at right angles to their parallel sides: 30 feet.
Sides or ends of adjacent mobile homes shall be considered parallel if they form an angle, when the adjacent sides or ends are extended to intersect, of not less than 45°, nor more than 135°.
Circulation within the park.
All streets for vehicular traffic within the park shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Article V of this chapter and the Adams Township Public and Private Improvements Code.[1]
Editor's Note: See Appendix B included at the end of this chapter.
Streets within the park shall be constructed by the owner/applicant to meet these standards and shall be maintained in perpetuity by him and his successors and assigns, or by an organization formed to maintain such improvements, with no obligation to the Township.
The main entrance to a mobile home park from the public road shall be located to maximize sight distances for those entering or leaving the public road right-of-way. Except in rare circumstances and as determined by the Township Supervisors, two points of access into a mobile home park from public road rights-of-way shall be provided.
Each mobile home lot in a park shall abut a nonpublic interior access street which shall connect to the public road serving the property. No lot in a park shall have direct access to a public road right-of-way.
Parking, if provided in group areas serving several mobile homes, shall be no further distance than 150 feet from the farthest mobile home thus served. Otherwise, each mobile home lot shall be provided with two off-street parking spaces with dust-free stabilized surfaces, each nine feet by 18 feet in size. No parking shall occur on any park street.
Development of mobile home lots.
Mobile homes shall be supported on masonry or concrete foundation piers extending at least three feet below finished grade, such foundations capable of bearing the mobile home weight without settlement.
Mobile homes shall be securely fastened to their foundation by tie-downs at each corner and at the mid-point of each side, each tie-down capable of withstanding a pull of 4,800 pounds. The area below the mobile home extending to the ground shall be enclosed with a continuous metal or vinyl skirting, ventilated to inhibit structural deterioration.
Mobile homes shall be placed on their required foundations within 30 days of arrival in the park.
No enclosed permanent addition to a mobile home shall be permitted. Concrete slabs on grade covered by canopies or awnings attached to a mobile home to provide an open sided patio are permitted, provided such structures are securely fastened to the mobile home and the ground.
No mobile home shall be occupied until it has been attached to either the park sewage disposal and water supply systems or available public utilities.
No area of a mobile home park to be developed for lots or permanent structures shall be subject to periodic flooding or have slopes in excess of 15%.
Other uses within the park. No part of any park shall be used for any other uses except mobile home lots, traffic and pedestrian circulation, guest parking, park office, residence of the manager, central laundry facility, recreation facilities (both outdoor and enclosed) and maintained open space.
Sale of portions of the mobile home park. No portion of an approved mobile home park shall be severed for separate sale unless the portion to be sold abuts a public street, unless requirements for setbacks from property lines in a mobile home park are maintained in the original and severed sections and unless access and utilities are separated in each property and neither property is dependent upon the other for any services or access. Any subdivision of the original park or subsequent rearrangement of lots to accommodate this section shall be considered as a subdivision of land under this chapter.
When a mobile home park has at least eight occupied mobile home lots, a recreation area or areas totaling at least 2,500 square feet or at least 200 square feet in area for each mobile home served, whichever is greater, shall be provided. The unobstructed, useable floor area of a recreation building may be included in determining the total area required.
The recreation area or areas shall be centrally located and so placed that all portions are on land that does not slope in excess of 5% in any direction. No part of an approved mobile home lot shall be considered as a recreation area.
Recreation areas shall be provided with appropriate equipment, benches and landscaping and shall be maintained by the management or by an organization formed to maintain such areas and improvements.
Water supply.
Each mobile home lot and every other structure in the park with water supply connections shall and must be supplied with potable water from a public system when available or from a central water system provided by the park owner on the park premises and approved by the Department of Environmental Protection.
The water supply source shall be capable of producing at least 250 gallons per day per mobile home at a pressure of at least 20 pounds per square inch.
Individual water riser pipes at each mobile home lot shall be located and protected to insure against freezing, shall be protected from groundwater drainage contamination, shall have a shut-off valve located below the frost line, and shall be capable of being capped when not in use.
Sewage disposal.
Each mobile home lot in a park and every other structure connected to a water supply shall and must be served by a public sewage disposal system when available or by a central sanitary sewage system provided by the park owner on the park premises and approved by the Department of Environmental Protection.
Each mobile home lot shall be provided with a vertical three-inch inside diameter sewer riser pipe, capable of being plugged when the lot is not in use, or an equivalent approved by the authority with jurisdiction.
Each riser pipe shall extend at least 1/2 inch above the ground surface, which surface shall slope away from the riser pipe in all directions, or an equivalent approved by the authority with jurisdiction.
Sanitary sewer pipe shall have a smooth inside surface, watertight joints, a slope of not less than 1/4 inch per foot, and be made of semi-rigid, corrosion-resistant, durable, nonabsorbent material. Pipe shall be placed at least two feet six inches below finished grade and encased in concrete where passing below a vehicular way or an equivalent approved by the authority with jurisdiction.
Electrical distribution.
Each individual mobile home shall be connected to an electrical distribution system which complies with the current Adams Township Building Code.
Pole-mounted streetlighting with sharp cut-off luminaries shall be installed at all intersections, at the ends of culs-de-sac and at entrances to a mobile home park, and the owner of the park shall provide and install the system and pay for the electricity used to operate it.
Solid waste disposal and insect and rodent control.
Solid waste and refuse generated by each mobile home and any other facility in the park shall be bagged and stored in covered, verminproof containers and shall be removed by a contract hauler not less frequently than once per week.
No waste shall be disposed of by burying or burning within any mobile home park. Disposal shall be in accordance with Township or PaDEP regulations.
Grounds, buildings and structures shall be maintained free of insect and/or rodent harborage or infestation.
Mobile home parks shall be kept free of litter and flammable or inflammable material accumulations.
Fuel supply and storage.
All piping from outside fuel storage tanks to mobile homes shall be securely but not permanently fastened in place, shall have secured shutoff valves and shall be capable of being capped when the lot is not in use.
Natural gas piping systems shall be buried under at least 18 inches of cover and shall not run under any mobile home.
Liquefied petroleum gas systems shall be provided with safety devices to relieve excess pressures and shall have an accessible shutoff valve outside each mobile home served.
Gas cylinders of at least 12 but not more than 60 United States gallons gross capacity may be installed on a mobile home lot and securely but not permanently mounted.
Cylinders or other fuel storage vessels shall not be located inside or beneath any mobile home or other structure in the park and shall be placed at least five feet from any exit from a mobile home or other structure.
Fire protection when public water supply is available.
The public water supply system in a mobile home park shall be capable of providing the full operation of at least two one-and-one-half-inch hose streams simultaneously for one hour.
Fire hydrants shall be provided by the owner/applicant and shall be located within 600 feet of any mobile home or service building or other structure in the park or at a distance specified by the municipal authority with jurisdiction. The cost of maintenance and rental of hydrants shall be borne by the park management. Fire hydrants selection and locations shall be approved by the Township volunteer fire company which provides coverage for the park, with input from the Township Engineer.
The person, group, organization or corporation to whom a permit or license for utility facilities in a mobile home park is issued shall operate the park in compliance with this chapter and regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and shall maintain the park, its facilities and equipment in good repair and in a clean and sanitary condition.
The park management shall supervise and be responsible for the placement of each mobile home on its lot, including all utility connections. No mobile home shall be placed within the park except upon an approved lot.
The management shall maintain a register containing the names of all park occupants, such register being available to the Zoning Officer or designated Township official at any reasonable hour.
No mobile home may be moved, either to another location in the Township or from the Township, without the park owner first obtaining a permit from the Township Tax Collector or Zoning Officer. Such permit will be issued upon notice of the Tax Collector to the Zoning Officer verifying that payment of all outstanding taxes owed any local taxing jurisdiction by anyone occupying the mobile home to be moved has been made. The park operator shall be responsible for payment of all outstanding taxes if a mobile home is relocated or moved without a permit having been issued.
Whenever the Zoning Officer determines by personal inspection that a violation of this article exists in any mobile home park, he shall immediately, by certified mail, inform the owner and/or operator of the nature of the violation, citing specific sections of these regulations, outlining the required corrective action, the time limit within which abatement or correction shall be made and the penalty for failure to correct. A copy shall be sent to the Board of Supervisors.
The owner and/or operator may request within 30 days of receipt of said notice a hearing before the Board of Supervisors. Such hearing shall occur within 60 days of the Board's receipt of such request, at a regular monthly meeting of the Board, and may result in a modification of the time limit or extent of the alleged violation or dismissal of the required corrective action as outlined in the violation notice, at the discretion of the Board.
The Board shall communicate its decision to the owner and/or operator within 10 days of consideration, after which the owner and/or operator shall have a specified time to comply with the requirements of the decision and/or the original notice of violation.
Any person, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity who or which violates any provision of this article after expiration of the time period in which he has been ordered to correct a violation shall be subject to penalties as enumerated in Article VIII.
While action is pending following the Zoning Officer's notification, or before the Zoning Officer is satisfied that a violation has been corrected, no zoning/building permits shall be issued for any new mobile homes to be located in the mobile home park wherein the violation has been identified.