[Adopted 8-14-1957 by Ord. No. 732, approved 8-14-1957]
From and after the passage of this article every person owning ground fronting or abutting upon any street in said Borough which is or shall be brought to the established grade shall grade and pave the sidewalk in front of or adjoining such ground, and construct curbs and gutters at the edge of sidewalks, in accordance with the provisions of this article, and with the established lines and grades to be furnished by the Borough Engineer, within 30 days after receiving the notice provided for in § 145-24 of this article.
It shall be the duty of all owners of ground fronting or abutting on any street in the Borough of Prospect Park to keep their sidewalks in good repair and passable condition, whether such sidewalks are at the established grade or not, and when notified to do so they shall make all necessary repairs within 30 days after receipt of a notice as is required by § 145-24 of this article or after the service of such notice as hereinafter provided.
When sidewalks are in dangerous condition, they shall be temporarily repaired and rendered safe within 24 hours after the receipt of a notice to that effect or after the service of such a notice, served as hereinafter provided, which notice shall be signed by any member of the Highway Committee of the said Council; and on failure of the owner or owners to comply with the notice, the said Committee shall have the necessary temporary repairs made, and the proper Borough authorities shall collect the cost of the work and materials from the owner or owners of such ground as such claims are by law recoverable.
When any street is or shall be brought to the established grade and it is found that the sidewalks, curbs or gutters already constructed do not conform to the established grade or width, or with the requirements of this article, it shall be the duty of the owner or owners of the ground fronting or abutting on such sidewalks to repave or correct such sidewalks, curbs and gutters in accordance with the proper lines and grades and with the provisions of this article, within 30 days after the receipt of a notice to that effect or after the service of such notice served as hereinafter provided.
All notices directing and requiring the grading, paving, correcting or repairing of sidewalks or the construction, correcting or repairing of curbs and gutters at the edge of the sidewalks shall be printed or written; shall specify the width to be paved and the location of such proposed sidewalk; and shall be served upon the owner of ground and premises to which such notice refers, if said owner is a resident of the said Borough. If said owner is not a resident of the Borough of Prospect Park, then said notice shall be served upon the agent or tenant of said owner or upon the occupant of said ground and premises. If said owner has no agent or tenant, or there is no occupant of said ground and premises, then service shall be by printed or written notice tacked upon the premises.
All gutters shall be of concrete, six inches in depth, and must conform to the same specifications as sidewalks.
Stone curbing, granite curb. Stone curbing shall consist of approved first quality granite having a width at the top of four inches, and the bottom shall be not less than two inches wider than the top. The top surface shall be pointed straight. The face shall be dressed and the ends cut square to a depth of not less than six inches below the top. The top and dressed face shall be free from depressions, projections or other irregularities and defects. The curb shall be 16 inches in depth and have a minimum length of four feet.
Excavation shall be made to the required depth and the subgrade or base upon which the curb is to be set shall be compacted to a firm even surface.
The curb shall be set on edge and the top shall conform to the lines and grades given. The bottom of the curb shall be supported at all joints by concrete chairs.
The joints in granite curb shall not exceed 1/4 inch for a depth of six inches.
All joints shall be pointed and made watertight from the base to the top of the curbing with a still mortar composed of one part cement and two parts sand.
All sidewalks shall be constructed of concrete one course in depth. The concrete shall be constructed on a prepared subgrade in one course and shall be four inches in depth except at driveways which shall be six inches.
Grade. The forms shall be set to a grade having a rise of 1/4 inch to the foot above and at right angles to the top of the curb.
Outside forms shall be of wood or metal of the depth of the concrete, straight, free from warp and of sufficient strength when staked to resist the pressure of the concrete without springing. If of wood, they shall be of two inches approved section, or if of metal they shall be approved section and shall have a flat surface on top of no less than 1 3/4 inches.
The forms shall be jointed neatly and tightly and staked securely to line and grade and shall be cleaned thoroughly and greased or scraped before any concrete is placed against them.
Joint filler. The filler to be used in the transverse joints in the pavement shall consist of an approved prepared tar or asphalt filler having a thickness of 1/2 inch and a depth of not less than one inch more than the depth of the pavement.
Excavation shall be made in the proper dimensions and elevations, making necessary allowance for forms and other operations required to complete the concrete work.
All soft and spongy material shall be removed and replaced with suitable firm material, which shall be compacted to conform in contour and firmness to the surrounding subgrade material.
Cement shall be normal strength, air entraining Portland cement, ASTM designation C 150, latest revision.
Coarse aggregate.
Coarse aggregate shall consist of washed, graded gravel or crushed stone having clean, hard, strong, durable and uncoated particles.
Coarse aggregate shall range in size from fine to coarse in accordance with Pennsylvania State Department of Highways Specification No. 2.
Fine aggregate.
All sand shall be washed and screened material and shall consist of approved inert graded particles having clean, hard, strong, durable, uncoated grains. Deleterious materials shall not exceed quantities specified by ASTM Standard designation C 33.
Fine aggregate for concrete work shall be properly graded from fine to coarse in accordance with the following requirements:
Size of Mesh
3/8 inch
No. 4
94 to 100
No. 8
80 to 90
No. 10
77 to 88
No. 16
65 to 80
No. 20
55 to 70
No. 50
10 to 22
No. 100
0 to 07
Expansion joints.
Expansion joints shall be placed approximately 24 feet apart and shall be formed during the placing of the concrete by securely staking an iron bulkhead on lines specified for slab joints.
The prepared joint filler shall be placed against the bulkhead before the concrete is deposited against it.
Slab joints. The slabs or scored divided blocks shall have an area of 16 square feet. The block divisions shall extend 1/2 inch deep in the thickness of the slab. They shall be made in a straight line at right angles to the edges of the slab on tangent and on radial lines where the pavement is laid on a curve.
All materials shall be accurately measured by volume. The cement shall be measured as packed by the manufacturer, a sack containing not less than 94 pounds being considered one cubic foot. Fine and coarse aggregate shall be measured loose.
The contractor shall furnish and use an approved water measuring and discharging device, also boxes of such dimensions as will give, when filled and struck, the exact volume of aggregate required for the concrete specified.
All concrete shall be mixed in a batch mixer of an approved type. The volume of the mixed material used per batch shall not exceed the manufacturer's rated capacity of the drum in cubic feet of mixed material. Only enough concrete shall be mixed as will be placed within 45 minutes.
The ingredients of the concrete shall be mixed to the specified consistency. No materials shall be permitted to enter the drums until all the preceding batch has been discharged. The time of mixing shall be from the time all materials, including the water, are in the mixer and before any part of the batch is discharged. The time of mixing shall be not less than 1 1/4 minutes. No concrete shall be mixed while the air temperature is at or below 35° F.
Proportioning and mixing.
Water cement ratios and approximate proportions of aggregate for medium consistency normal Portland cement concrete shall be:
Compressive strength at 28 days:
(lb. per sq. in.)
Minimum Laboratory Test
(lb. per sq. in.)
Water/Cement Ratio
Ratio by Volume
Gallons: per Bag of Cement
Approximate Bags Cement per. Cu. Yd. Concrete
Approximate proportions of cement to surface dry aggregates by volume (sum of fine and coarse aggregate measured separately) shall be one to six.
The approximate proportions in the above table are for concrete of medium consistency (five-inch slump), and the quantities of cement should be changed for different consistencies, adding approximately 1/8 bag for each one inch of slump greater than five inches.
All concrete covered by this specification shall develop at 28 days, a compressive strength as above specified.
Retempering. Retempering of concrete which has partially hardened, that is remixing with additional water, shall not be permitted.
Placing and finishing.
Concrete shall be placed immediately after mixing. It shall be tamped and struck off with a templet and shall be floated with a wooden float until the surface has a true contour. Care shall be taken to not bring to the surface an excess of water and fine sand by overfinishing.
All joints shall be edged to a radius of 1/8 inch. The surface edges of each slab shall be rounded to a radius of about 1/4 inch.
Protection. The finished pavement shall be protected from the hot sun, rain, high winds, frost and trespassers for at least 24 hours after the concrete is placed, and as much longer thereafter as may be required.
The specifications for curbing shall conform to the specifications for sidewalks, except as herein provided.
All curbing shall be 18 inches in depth, six inches in width at the top and eight inches in width at the bottom.
All curbing shall have a batter of one inch from the top of the curbing to the surface of the gutter.
Forming joints.
The curbing shall be constructed in uniform lengths, or sections of 10 feet, except where shorter sections are necessary for closures, but no section shall be less than four feet.
These sections shall be separated by sheet steel templets set perpendicular to the face and top of the curbing. These templets shall be 1/8 inch in thickness, the width of the curbing and not less than two inches longer than the depth of the curbing. The templets shall be set carefully during the placing of concrete and allowed to remain in place wherever possible until the concrete has set sufficiently to hold its shape, but shall be removed while the forms are still in place.
Expansion joints. Expansion joints shall be placed approximately 50 feet apart. They shall be 1/2 inch in width and composed of a suitable material that will not become soft and run in hot weather or become brittle in cold weather.
Finishing. The curbing shall be spaded sufficiently to obtain a smooth, even finish. The edge of the face shall be rounded to a radius of not more than 3/4 inch while the concrete is still soft. The forms shall be removed within 24 hours after the concrete has been placed. Minor defects shall be filled with mortar composed of one part Portland cement and two parts fine aggregate, which shall be applied with a wooden float. Plastering shall not be permitted. The top and face of the curbing from the top to eight inches below the top shall be finished while the concrete is still green by frequently wetting a soft brick or a wood block and rubbing the surface until it is smooth. After the concrete has been rubbed smooth, it shall be rubbed again until a uniform color is produced, using in place of water a thin grout composed of one part Portland cement and one part approved sand.
Refilling. After the concrete has set sufficiently, the spaces in front and back of the curbing shall be refilled to the required elevation with suitable material which shall be tamped in layers of not more than six inches until firm and solid. All excess materials must be hauled away and the work left neat and clean.
[Amended 4-10-1962 by Ord. No. 795, approved 4-13-1962]
All concrete shall be ready-mixed concrete and shall conform in every respect with the latest requirements for materials, quality, mixing, delivery and tests as set forth in the Standard Specifications for Ready-Mixed Concrete, serial designation C-94, as adopted by the ASTM, and the general specifications herein.
The following table gives the general specifications for the quality of concrete to be used in the various classes of construction. The contractor shall assume responsibility for the manufacturer's design of the concrete mixture and shall furnish to the manufacturer every item listed for the class of construction required for street pavement.
Minimum compressive strength at 28 days, 3,500 pounds per square inch.
Size of coarse aggregate, two-inch.
Minimum cement content, 600 pounds per cubic yard.
Air entraining, air content, 3% to 6%.
Slump on the job, maximum four inches, minimum two inches.
The basis for final acceptance of concrete shall be the specified minimum allowable compressive strength at 28 days in terms of tests of standard specimens cured under standard laboratory conditions for moist curing as determined on samples taken from the transportation unit at the point of discharge.
The contractor shall provide the Engineer with a carbon copy of each original delivery ticket accompanying loads of ready-mixed concrete for each day's pour. The manufacturer shall certify on each delivery ticket that the proportions selected will produce concrete of the quality specified and that the mix has the desired air content and slump.
The contractor shall also furnish a statement to the Engineer giving the proportions by weight (dry) of cement and of fine and coarse aggregates used in the manufacture of each class of concrete.
All rejected concrete shall be promptly removed and replaced at the expense of the contractor.
Before placing pavement reinforcement, the first layer of concrete shall be struck off by means of an approved mechanical templet or otherwise as directed by the Engineer. The reinforcement shall then be placed parallel to the finish surface and shall be of sufficient size to be continuous or lapped in accordance with approved methods.
Joints. Transverse joints, longitudinal joints, expansion joints and construction joints shall be formed as indicated on the drawings. One-half-inch premoulded expansion joint material shall be placed for the full depth around all manholes, inlets and valve boxes.
Finishing. The concrete, as soon as placed, shall be accurately struck off and screened with approved machine equipment or hand methods, when approved by the Engineer, to the crown and cross sections shown on the drawings.
After the smoothing of the pavement has been completed, the concrete may be finished by means of a belt of canvas, rubber or burlap, eight inches to 12 inches wide, or a belt of wood, 12 inches to 24 inches wide. Necessary hand finishing of joints and surface irregularities shall be performed from approved bridges, and all edges of the slabs and joints shall be carefully finished to a true line with an approved edger of the required radius.
Curing. All concrete shall be kept damp for a period of at least three days. Moisture retaining covers, such as burlap, cotton or jute mats, are to be used. The covers shall be kept constantly moist enough to provide a film of moisture on the concrete surface. Curing by any other standard methods shall be subjected to the approval of the engineer.
All classes of traffic and hauling shall be excluded from the pavement by the erection of standard barricades, by the contractor, for a period of at least 10 days.
Unless the Council shall hereafter by ordinance or resolution direct otherwise, the sidewalks:
On Lincoln Avenue, between Chester Pike and the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad; on Prospect Avenue, between said Chester Pike and Eleventh Avenue; on Tenth Avenue, between Lincoln Avenue and Prospect Avenue; on Lafayette Avenue, between the south side of Ninth Avenue and Eleventh Avenue; and on Eleventh Avenue, between Lincoln Avenue and Prospect Avenue, shall be paved and repaved to the width of six feet.
On Lincoln Avenue, between the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; and on Thirteenth Avenue, to the width of five feet.
On all other avenues, to the width of four feet.
The paved portion of the sidewalk shall be placed in the center of the same, and those parts not occupied by the paving shall be brought to the proper Borough grade and consist of a grass plot, the grass for the entire width to be maintained at a height not to exceed four inches.
No sidewalk shall be constructed or reconstructed, nor any grading, paving or repaving done to the same, and no gutters or curbs shall be constructed or corrected until the owner or owners of the ground or the person having charge of the work shall first have obtained a permit for the same from the Borough Secretary.
The permit shall have printed or written thereon, or attached thereto, a copy of this article and shall be placed, by the party applying for the same, in the hands of the Borough Engineer, who shall furnish the said persons with the established lines and grades, for which services he shall receive his proper charge from the party applying for the same.
When the work set forth in the said permit has been fully completed, a certificate that the work has been properly done and the plans, regulations, requirements and ordinances of the said Borough complied with, shall be procured from the Borough Engineer by the party applying for the above-mentioned permit, and endorsed on the permit, and returned to the said Borough Secretary, provided that, if in the judgment of the Borough Engineer such construction or reconstruction, grading, paving, repairing or repaving of any sidewalk shall be inexpedient or dangerous because of the existing grade of the street or the contiguous sidewalk, such permit shall not issue or, if issued, shall be canceled by Borough Engineer and the cost thereof returned to the applicant.
The cost of each permit shall be $1 which shall be paid into the Borough Treasury for the use of the said Borough.
No permit shall be valid after 60 days from date of issue.
If any person or persons shall neglect or refuse to grade, pave, repave or repair any sidewalk or to construct, correct or repair any curb or gutter, or to keep the same in repair pursuant to notice given as above mentioned, for the space of 30 days after the receipt of a notice as required by this article, or service thereof, the same as hereinbefore provided, the said Borough Council shall forthwith cause such grading, paving, repaving and repairing of sidewalks and such construction, correcting and repairing of curbs and gutters to be done by contract, and the proper Borough authorities shall collect the cost of the same from the owner or owners of such ground, as such claims are by law recoverable. All sidewalks laid or curbing, paving or guttering done by Borough authorities under this article shall be paid for by the said owner or owners as follows: in cash within 30 days after the work is completed; and in case a lien is filed, in five equal semiannual payments, the first payment to be made within 30 days after the work is completed and the remaining payments to be made semiannually thereafter, all deferred payments to bear interest at the rate of 6% per annum. In case default shall be made in the payments of any such semiannual installments, for the space of 30 days after the same shall become due and payable, then, in such case the full amount of the assessment bill or lien shall become due and payable immediately and may be collected, less any amount that may have been paid on account, together with interest and costs according to law.
Whenever any sidewalk, curb or gutter shall be out of repair, like proceedings shall be in all respects, and like recovery of the cost of such repairs shall be had from the owner or owners of such ground abutting thereon, as is hereinbefore provided for, in the case of grading, paving, repaving, repairing, curbing and guttering.
It shall not be lawful for the owner or owners of any property to place, allow or maintain any encroachment upon the sidewalk fronting or abutting upon such property, such as a porch extension, steps, railings, fences, hedges or excavations for a basement, cellar windows or cellar doors, unless provided with protecting grating, or to place or allow any awning, sign or branches of trees at less than a clear height of nine feet above any sidewalk. In case of young trees, the branches thereof under nine feet shall be permitted to extend over the sidewalk a distance of not more than three feet from either the building line or the curbline.
[Amended 4-4-1977 by Ord. No. 948, approved 4-4-1977]
Any person who shall violate any provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be punishable by a fine of not more than $300 and costs of such proceedings or, upon default of payment of such fine and costs, by imprisonment in the county jail for a term of not more than 30 days. The continuation of such violation for each successive day shall constitute a separate offense, and the person or persons allowing or permitting the continuation of the violation may be punished as provided above for each separate offense.