Prior to the granting of final approval of all subdivision hereafter submitted to the Joint Planning/Zoning Board of Adjustment for final approval, the subdivider shall have installed or shall have furnished performance guaranties for the ultimate installation of the following:
Street signs.
Curbs and gutters.
Water mains.
Fire hydrants.
Sanitary sewers.
Storm sewers and culverts.
Topsoil protection.
Shade trees.
Underground utilities installation.
All of the above listed improvements shall be subject to inspection and approval by the Borough Engineer, who shall have been notified by the developer at least 24 hours prior to the start of construction. No underground installation shall be covered until inspected and approved. Design standards shall be as specified in this chapter or other ordinances and interpreted by the Borough Engineer.
No trees, brush or debris shall be used as landfill or in lieu thereof, nor shall any landfilling operation be performed in such a manner as to cover unremoved trees and debris on any streets, lots or other areas.
The subdivider shall make provision for filling in all stormwater pockets, holes or areas in which stormwater may collect.
The land subject to flooding and land deemed by the Joint Planning/Zoning Board of Adjustment to be uninhabitable shall not be platted for residential occupancy or for such other uses as may increase danger to health, life or property or aggravate the flood hazard. However, such land within the plat may be set aside for such uses as will not be endangered by periodic or occasional inundation or will not produce unsatisfactory living conditions.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 175, Flood Damage Prevention.
All streets or roads which are designed to become part of the street or road system of the Borough of Runnemede and environs, as shown on the preliminary and final plans, shall be coterminous with adjoining links to said system.
Dead-end streets shall be avoided wherever possible. If their use is unavoidable, all such streets and roads serving several otherwise isolated lots, where necessary in the opinion of the Borough Engineer and the Joint Planning/Zoning Board of Adjustment, shall have a circular turning space at the end with a minimum radius of 50 feet at the curbline, and, if sidewalks need to be provided for, the overall minimum radius of the right-of-way shall be 60 feet.
Fire alarm systems will be installed where they can be connected either by wire or electronically to an existing system. Such systems and connections shall meet with requirements of the local fire district and the Borough Engineer.
All of the improvements listed in the within Article VIII shall be subject to inspection and approval by the Borough Engineer, who shall be notified by the subdivider or developer at least 48 hours prior to the start of construction. No underground installation shall be covered until inspected and approved by the Borough Engineer or those agencies having jurisdiction over the particular installation.
The standard specifications of the Borough, as now or hereafter adopted, shall govern the construction and installation of all the above improvements. Failure of the subdivider, developer, his contractor or agents to conform to said specifications will be just cause for the suspension of the work being performed, and no person, firm or corporation shall have the right to demand or claim damages from the Borough, its officers, agents or servants by reason of such suspension.
The subdivider or developer shall pay to the Borough, in addition to the application fee, a reasonable charge for the inspection by the Borough Engineer for the installation of all improvements required to be installed by said subdivider or developer, exclusive of the sanitary sewer. Payment of the inspection fees shall be made in the following manner: As a condition of final approval, the developer shall deposit with the Borough Clerk an amount to be determined by the Borough Engineer sufficient to cover a reasonable charge for inspections. The developer shall also deposit with said Borough Clerk such amount to be determined by the Construction Code Official as reasonable charge to cover its inspections. Payments for inspection charges by the Borough Engineer or his agents shall be paid out of this fund upon presentation of bills by the Borough Engineer to the Borough Treasurer for such inspections. When the subdivision has been completed and all engineering inspection fees have been paid to the Borough Engineer, any remaining balance in the account shall be returned to the subdivider by the resolution of the Borough Council. The same rule shall apply to the Construction Code Official's inspections.