[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Youngwood: Art. I, 1-4-1988 as Ord. No. 342; Art. II, 1-4-1988 as Ord. No. 343. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Municipal Authority — See Ch. 13.
Sewers and sewage disposal — See Ch. 102.
[Adopted 1-4-1988 as Ord. No. 342]
A fund, to be known as the "General Capital Improvement Fund," is authorized and established for the deposit and retention of excess of revenues over expenditures in the borough budget which are or may be, from time to time, designated or set aside by the Borough Council for capital improvement projects and purposes.
For purposes of this Article, capital projects shall include, but not be limited to, nonrecurring expenditures for such things as land acquisition, construction, reconstruction, alteration or replacement of physical facilities, such as new or remodeled public buildings, new or reconstructed sewer or water lines, street reconstruction and resurfacing, construction of storm drainage systems, parkland acquisition and the design costs or consulting fees of these projects; also, equipment purchases if the useful life is five years or greater or the cost is $5,000 or greater.
The deposits to said fund shall be maintained in such account or accounts in such financial institution as may be designated or determined by Borough Council from time to time.
Withdrawals or expenditures from said fund shall be for general capital improvement projects or purposes as determined by resolution of the Borough Council from time to time.
[Adopted 1-4-1988 as Ord. No. 343]
A fund, to be known as the "Sewer Capital Improvement Fund," is authorized and established for the deposit and retention of excess sewer revenues over expenditures in the borough budget which are or may be, from time to time, designated or set aside by the Borough Council for sewer capital improvement projects and purposes.
For purposes of this Article, sewer capital projects are nonrecurring expenditures for such things as land acquisition, construction, reconstruction, alteration or replacement of physical facilities such as new or remodeled sewage treatment buildings, new or reconstructed sewer lines and the design costs or consulting fees of these projects; also, equipment purchases if the useful life is five years or greater or the cost is $5,000 or greater.
The deposits to said fund shall be maintained in such account or accounts in such financial institutions as may be designated or determined by Borough Council from time to time.
Withdrawals or expenditures from said fund shall be for sewer capital improvements projects or purposes as determined by resolution of the Borough Council from time to time.