[Amended 5-12-1981 by Ord. No. 81-4]
Except where incidental powers are given to the Zoning Board of Adjustment under the Municipal Land Use Law, Chapter 291 of the Laws of 1975, N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq., the Planning Board shall have original jurisdiction power to grant a permit for a conditional use under the terms and conditions established by this chapter, as amended,[1] and under the following stipulations and guiding principles:
The use for which application is being made is specifically authorized as a conditional use.
The design, arrangement and nature of the particular use is such that the public health, safety and welfare will be protected.
Reasonable consideration is given to the following:
Character of the neighborhood and the zone.
Conservation of property values.
Health and safety of residents or workers on adjacent properties and in the surrounding neighborhood.
Potential congestion of vehicular traffic or creation of undue hazard.
Principles and objectives of this chapter and the Master Plan of the Borough.
In addition, the conditional uses shall adhere to the minimum standards specified for the particular use and to such additional conditions or safeguards as in the opinion of the Planning Board, or the Board of Adjustment in the exercise of its incidental powers, will implement the intent and objectives of this chapter.
Editor's Note: Note that Ord. No. 1-87 adopted 2-17-1987, restructured the Planning Board of the Borough of Newfield and granted it the authority to exercise all the powers of the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
[Added 4-13-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-1]
Cellular communication antennas are permitted conditional uses in the following zoning districts of the Borough of Newfield: M-2 Manufacturing - Heavy Zone District (§ 169-43[1]); M-1 Manufacturing - Light Zone District (§ 169-39); and I - Industrial Zone District (§ 169-47), under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 of the Municipal Land Use Law, and in accordance with the specific zoning conditions and standards for their location and operation included within this new section.
Purposes. It is the overall purpose of this section to provide specific zoning conditions and standards for the location and operation of cellular communication antennas within the Borough of Newfield, to recognize the need to safeguard the public good and preserve the intent and the purposes of the Borough of Newfield Master Plan and Zone Plan.
Overall objective. The overall objective of this section is to enable the location within the Borough of Newfield of those antennas which are necessary to provide adequate cellular communication services while, at the same time, limiting the number of antennas, and limiting the number of supporting towers to the fewest possible.
Specific goals.
To minimize the total number of cellular communication towers within the Borough of Newfield;
To limit the impact of cellular communications antennas, towers and related facilities upon the residences and the streetscapes throughout the Borough of Newfield;
To safeguard the prevailing and historic character of development throughout the Borough of Newfield;
To encourage the location of antennas upon, or within, existing structures, including existing cellular communication towers, existing buildings, existing water towers or standpipes, and existing telephone and electric poles and towers, especially those existing structures situated on public property;
To encourage as many antennas as possible, of as many of the cellular communication carriers as possible, to be co-located on the fewest number of existing structures within the Borough of Newfield;
To discourage the construction of new towers which do not have the likelihood of being used by a number or cellular communication carriers;
To encourage the communication carriers to configure their facilities in a manner that minimizes and mitigates any adverse impacts upon affected properties, streetscapes and vistas through careful design, siting, landscape screening and innovative camouflaging techniques;
To formulate and maintain, for land use planning purposes, a complete inventory of all cellular communications antennas, towers and related facilities within the Borough of Newfield and other in the vicinity of the Borough, which are capable of providing service within the Borough;
To enhance the ability of the carriers of cellular communications services who adhere to the letter and intent of this section is to provide such services quickly, effectively and efficiently; and
To comply with the mandate of the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, 47 U.S.C. § 332(c)(7), which preserves local government authority to enforce zoning requirements which protect public safety, public and private property and community aesthetics.
Overall comprehensive plan.
In order to effectuate the purposes, objective and goals of this section as noted hereinabove, any applicant to the Borough of Newfield for approval to erect a cellular communication antenna, in addition to all other information required by this section, shall provide threshold evidence that the proposed location of the proposed antenna(s), and any proposed supporting tower and/or ancillary cabinets enclosing related electronic equipment, has been planned to result in the fewest number of antennas or tower locations within the Borough of Newfield at the time full service is provided by the applicant through the Borough.
Therefore, the applicant shall provide an overall comprehensive plan indicating how it intends to provide full service throughout the Borough of Newfield and, to the greatest extent reasonably possible, shall indicate why such antennas or towers are specifically required in the Borough of Newfield by indicating how its plan specifically relates to and is coordinated with the needs of all other providers of cellular communication services within and surrounding the Borough.
More specifically, the overall comprehensive plan shall include the following:
The mapped location and written description of all existing antennas and existing approved supporting structures within the Borough;
The mapped of GIS database location and written description of all existing or approved water towers or water standpipes and existing telephone or electric poles or towers within the Borough;
How the proposed location of the proposed antenna(s) specifically relates to the suitability or unsuitability of such existing structures to be utilized to provide the intended cellular communications;
How the proposed location of the proposed antenna(s) specifically relates to the anticipated need for additional antennas and supporting structures within and near the Borough of Newfield by the applicant and by other providers of cellular communication services within the Borough;
How the proposed location of the proposed antenna(s) specifically relates to the objective of collocating the antennas of many different providers of cellular communication services on a single supporting structure; and
How the proposed location of the proposed antenna(s) specifically relates to the overall objective of providing full cellular communication services within the Borough of Newfield while, at the same time, limiting the number of towers to the fewest possible, including alternate technologies which do not require the use of towers.
Location priorities. Based upon the Overall Comprehensive Plan submitted by the applicant in accordance with Subsection D hereinabove, if the Borough of Newfield determines the proposed antenna(s) to be needed for the provision of full cellular communication services within the Borough, utilizing the fewest number of towers as reasonably possible, cellular communication antennas for telephone, radio, paging and/or television communication shall be permitted within the Borough at the following prioritized locations:
The first priority location shall be an existing or approved cellular communication tower, any other existing or approved water tower or water standpipe, or any other existing telephone or electric pole or tower or Borough-owned building or structure within or near the Borough of Newfield, that it is located in an approved zone for this conditional use. Any application for use of such lands and structures owned by the Borough of Newfield must be accompanied by written consent from the Borough Council of Newfield to the plan and shall be subject to a written lease with the Borough.
The second priority location shall be on any other lands owned by the Borough of Newfield in the I - Institutional Zone District (§ 169-47)[2]. Any application for use of such lands must be accompanied by written consent from the Borough Council of Newfield to the plan and shall be subject to a written lease with the Borough.
Editor's Note: Section reference refers to section of the 1991 Code.
The third priority location shall be on lands situated within the Borough of Newfield zoned within the M-2 Manufacturing - Heavy Zone District, (§ 169-39)[3]; and
Editor's Note: Section reference refers to section of the 1991 Code.
The fourth priority shall be on lands situated within the Borough of Newfield zoned within the M-1 Manufacturing -Light Zone District (§ 169-39)[4].
Editor's Note: Section reference refers to section of the 1991 Code.
Factors considered in granting site plan approval for antennas or towers. In addition to any standards for consideration of site plan approval applications pursuant to Chapter 260, Subdivision and Site Plan Review, the Planning Board shall consider the following factors and make specific and separate written findings thereon in determining whether to issue site plan approval:
Height of the proposed tower or antenna;
Proximity of the tower or antenna to residential structures and residential district boundaries;
Nature of uses on adjacent and nearby properties;
Surrounding topography;
Surrounding tree coverage and foliage;
Design of the tower and antenna with particular reference to design characteristics that have the effect of reducing or eliminating visual obtrusiveness;
Proposed ingress and egress; and
Availability of suitable existing towers and other structures within and outside the Borough, or alternative technologies not requiring the use of towers or structures as discussed in Subsection G below.
Availability of suitable existing towers or other structures or alternative technology. No new tower or antennas shall be permitted unless the applicant demonstrates to the reasonable satisfaction of the Planning Board, and said Board makes specific and separate written findings thereon, that no existing tower, structure, or alternative technology can accommodate the applicant's proposed antenna either within or outside the Borough of Newfield. An applicant shall submit information requested by the Board related to the availability of suitable existing towers, other structures, or alternative technology. Evidence submitted to demonstrate that no existing tower or structure within or outside the Borough of Newfield, or alternative technology can accommodate the applicant's proposed antenna may consist of the following:
No existing towers or structures are located within the geographic area required to meet the applicant's engineering requirements.
Existing towers or structures are not of sufficient height to meet applicant's engineering requirements.
Existing towers or structures do not have sufficient structural strength to support applicant's proposed antenna and related equipment.
The applicant's proposed antenna would cause electromagnetic interference with the antenna on the existing towers or structures, or the antenna on the existing towers or structures would cause interference with the applicant's proposed antenna.
The applicant demonstrates that there are other limiting factors that render existing towers and structures unsuitable.
The applicant demonstrates that an alternative technology that does not require the use of towers or structures, such as a cable microcell network using multiple low-powered transmitters/receivers attached to a cellular system, is unsuitable. Costs of alternative technology that exceed new tower or antenna development shall not be presumed to render the technology unsuitable.
Conditions for site plan approval of towers or installation of antennas. The applicant shall satisfy the following conditions enumerated below in order to obtain site plan approval for towers or installation of antennas:
Maximum tower height. The maximum height of any tower shall not exceed 100 feet. For purposes of measurement, the maximum tower height shall include any structures supported by the tower and any antenna.
Setbacks. The following setback requirements shall apply to all towers for which site plan approval is required:
Towers must be set back a distance equal to at least 125% of the height of the tower from any adjoining lot line, provided that the distance is no closer than the building setback applicable to the zone.
All required electronic equipment for all anticipated communication carriers to be located on the subject site shall be housed within a building which is no greater than 12 feet In height, and which building shall not exceed 250 square feet, and which shall be designed with a residential or office character of appearance and must satisfy the minimum zoning district setback requirements for the zoning district in which the building lies.
Separation. The following separation requirements shall apply to all towers and/or antennas for which sit plan approval is required:
Separation from off-site uses/designated areas.
Tower separation shall be measured from the base of the tower to the lot line of the off-site uses and/or designated areas as specified in Table 1, except as otherwise provided in Table 1.
Separation requirements for the towers shall comply with the minimum standards established in Table 1.
Table 1
Off-Site Use/Designated Line
Separation Distance Measured from the Nearest Point of the Tower or Structure Upon Which the Antennas are Mounted to the Structure of the Off-Site Use or Designated Line
RA: Residential Agricultural Zone District
R-1: Low Density Residential Zone District
R-2: Single-Family Residential Zone District
R-4: Single-Family Residential - Apartment/Townhouse Zone; R-5: Single-Family Residential, Multifamily Residential Zone; R-5:H Multifamily and Single-Family Residential Zone District; and Senior Citizen Overlay District which is either plated or has preliminary subdivision plan approval which is not expired
300 feet or 300% of the height of the tower or existing structure, whichever is greater, measured to the residential unit or dwelling
Vacant unplatted residentially zoned lands
150 feet or 150% of the height of the tower or existing structure, whichever is greater, measured to the property line
Existing school or public library
300 feet or 300% of the height of the tower or existing structure, whichever is greater, measured to the property line
Public park or conservation area
150 feet or 150% of the height of the tower or existing structure, whichever is greater, measured to the property line
Non-residentially zoned lands or nonresidential uses (other than those specified within this table)
Setbacks apply pursuant to Subsection H(2) above
In addition to the above conditions for all permitted and permitted conditional uses, the applicant must satisfy all other conditions for site plan approval as set forth in Chapter 260, Subdivision and Site Plan Review.
Site plan submission and approval requirements:
The applicant shall provide to the Planning Board a specific written addressment of design details which conform with and set forth the following information:
Any proposed new tower shall be a monopole, unless the applicant can demonstrate, and the Planning Board agrees, that a different type of pole is necessary for the co-location of additional antennas on the tower.
To the greatest extent possible, no antenna and/or its supportive tower shall be located so as to be visible from any historic district or site as duly designated by the Borough of Newfield, the State of New Jersey or by the federal government.
To the greatest extent possible, no new tower shall be located to be visible from any public street.
To the greatest extent possible, all cables shall be installed within underground conduits.
Any new tower shall be located behind existing buildings and/or natural topographic elevations in order to screen the tower's base from being visible from adjacent properties and from any street right-of-way.
The color of and any camouflaging of the proposed tower shall be proposed by the applicant in the context of the visibility of the tower from different vantage points throughout the Borough, and the existing land uses and vegetation in the vicinity of the subject site.
No antenna shall be located on any tower in order to provide service provider personnel the equivalent of cellular telephone service; such service shall be provided via existing telephone lines if available to the site, or the underground extension of telephone lines to the site if necessary.
No lighting is permitted on the tower except lighting that specifically is required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and any such required lighting shall be focused and shielded to the greatest extent possible so as not to project towards adjacent and nearby properties. The applicant shall provide to the Planning Board all applicable FAA standards regarding lighting that may apply to the proposed tower.
No signage is permitted, unless "warning" and/or equipment information signs are necessary for safety purposes and are specifically approved by the Planning Board.
Minimal off-street parking shall be permitted as needed and as specifically approved by the Planning Board.
Between the location of the tower and the building enclosing related electronic equipment and any public street or residential dwelling unit or residential zoning district within view of the tower and the building, landscaping shall be provided in accordance with the following:
The landscaping shall consist of a combination of existing and/or newly planted evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs of sufficient density to screen the view of the tower, particularly at its base, to the maximum extent reasonably possible, and to enhance the appearance of the building from the surrounding residential properties and any public street;
The landscaping plan shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect who shall present testimony to the Planning Board regarding the adequacy of the plan to completely screen the tower from view and to enhance the appearance of the building; and
Any newly planted evergreen trees shall be at least eight feet high at time of planting, and any newly planted deciduous trees shall be a minimum caliper of two inches at time of planting.
Cellular communication antennas, and any proposed supporting tower and related electronic equipment shall require preliminary and major site plan approval as required by Chapter 260, Subdivision and Site Plan Review.
In addition to the applicable documentation and items of information required for preliminary and final major site plans specified in this chapter, the following additional documentation and items of information specific to cellular communication antennas are required to be submitted to the Planning Board for review and approval as part of the submission of the preliminary site plan application:
Documentation by a qualified expert that any existing structure proposed for the location of the antenna will have sufficient structural integrity to support the proposed antennas and that the safety hazards resulting from ice falling from the structure and the antennas have been adequately mitigated;
Documentation by a qualified expert that any proposed tower will have sufficient structural integrity to support the proposed antennas and the anticipated future co-located antennas and that the structural standards developed for antennas by the Electronic Industries Association (EIA) and/or the Telecommunication Industry Association (TIA) have been met;
A letter of intent by the applicant, in a form which is reviewed and approved by the Borough Attorney, indicating that the applicant will share the use of any tower with other approved cellular communication service providers at reasonable rates which shall be economically viable;
A visual sight distance analysis, including photographic reproductions of a crane or balloon test, graphically simulating the appearance of any proposed tower, with at least three antenna arrays attached thereto, from at least 15 locations around and within one mile of any proposed tower where the tower will be most visible. The applicant shall schedule the time of the crane or balloon test with the Borough Engineer in order to provide the members of the Planning Board and general public the opportunity to view the crane or balloon.
Written approval from the Newfield Borough Council for use of Borough-owned structures or land when the application involves Borough-owned structures or property.
Evidence from an independent expert that all equipment will comply with the then current Federal Communication Commission (FCC) rules and regulations, including that radio frequency (RF) emissions will be within the FCC guidelines. Any approval shall contain a condition that the applicant shall provide a further report to the Borough Engineer from an independent expert that the RF emissions are within the FCC guidelines within 90 days after installation is complete and that upon any change in FCC guidelines or regulations governing same the applicant shall within 120 days of such change provide a report to the Borough Engineer from an independent expert that the RF emissions are within the revised FCC guidelines or regulations.
In addition to its normal professional staff, given the technical and specialized nature of the testimony by the applicant's radio frequency expert(s), the Planning Board shall hire its own radio frequency expert to review and comment upon the testimony presented by the applicant. Additionally, based upon other testimony presented by the applicant, the Planning Board may hire other experts with specialized areas of expertise if deemed necessary.
Restoration provisions. Except for proposals to locate antennas on lands owned by Newfield, the applicant (and the landowner in the instance of a lease property) shall provide a performance bond and/or other assurances satisfactory to the Planning Board and in a form approved by the Borough Attorney that will cause antennas, any supporting tower, the electric equipment cabinets, any building enclosing the electronic equipment cabinets, and all other related improvements to the land to be removed, at no cost to the Borough when the antennas are no longer operative. Any wireless communication antenna facility not used for its intended and approved purpose for a period of six months shall be considered no longer operative and shall be removed by the responsible party within 60 days thereof.
Editor's Note: Sections referenced herein refer to sections of the 1991 Code.
Where a lot or parcel is located in part in a C-1 Commercial Neighborhood-Business and a C-2 Commercial-Highway Zone District and in part in another zone district, the entire lot or a portion thereof not located in the C-1 Commercial Neighborhood-Business and C-2 Commercial-Highway Zone District may be used for a purpose permitted in the C-1 Commercial Neighborhood-Business and C-2 Commercial-Highway Zone District upon application for a conditional use permit and upon determination by the Planning Board that the following standards and conditions are met:
The use contemplated can best be established by utilizing the portion of the lot or plot in the neighboring zone.
All of the guidelines set forth in § 295-54 above are met.