The owner of any improved property situated in the municipality and abutting on, adjoining or adjacent to, any street, easement or right-of-way in which there shall have been constructed a sanitary sewer forming part of the sewer system, where said property is accessible thereto and any part of the principal building constructed on such improved property is within 150 feet of such sewer, shall at his own expense install suitable sanitary facilities and service lines therein and connect such facilities directly with such sewer in accordance with the provisions of this Part 1 within 90 days after date of official notice from this municipality so to do, which notice shall have been given by personal service or as otherwise provided or permitted by law.
In the event of any owner of any such improved property shall refuse or neglect to connect such property with such sewer within said ninety-day period, the municipality or its duly authorized agent (the Authority), or the agents of the municipality or said Authority, may enter upon such property and construct such connection. In such case, the proper officials of this municipality shall, upon completion of the work, send an itemized bill of the cost of construction of such connection to such owner, which bill shall be payable forthwith. In case of neglect or refusal by such owner of such property to pay said bill within 30 days thereafter, it shall be the duty of said officials of this municipality to cause a municipal lien for said construction to be filed, the same to be subject in all respects to the general law provided for the filing and recovery of municipal liens.
All sanitary sewage and industrial waste from any improved property, after connection of such improved property with a sewer as required under § 100-2, shall be discharged into a sewer, subject to such limitations and restrictions as shall be established herein or otherwise shall be established by this municipality or by the Authority through the Authority's Rules and Regulations Concerning Connections to and the Use of the Sanitary Sewer System (dated July 1997 and amended December 20, 2001), the Authority's Specifications for Additions and Extensions to the Sewer System (dated July 1997), and the Lancaster Area Sewer Authority Industrial Waste Resolution (dated July 1981 and amended December 1992, May 1996, and September 1997).
It shall be unlawful to discharge or permit the discharge of sanitary or industrial waste or other polluted water into any natural outlet within this municipality, unless such discharge is pursuant to a permit issued by, or with the approval of, the DEP.
It shall be unlawful to construct or maintain any privy, privy vault, septic tank, cesspool, sinkhole or similar receptacle intended for the disposal of sanitary sewage within this municipality where such sewage emanates from any improved property which the owner thereof is required to connect to the sewer system. No privy vault, cesspool, sinkhole, septic tank or similar receptacle shall be connected with a sewer at any time. Each such privy vault, cesspool, sinkhole, septic tank or similar receptacle shall be abandoned upon the making of such connection to the sewer system and, at the request of this municipality, shall be cleansed and filled under the direction and supervision of this municipality, and any such privy vault, cesspool, sinkhole, septic tank or similar receptacle not so abandoned and, if required by this municipality, cleansed and filled shall constitute a nuisance, and such nuisance shall be abated as provided by law at the expense of the owner of such improved property.
There is hereby reserved to the Authority and this municipality the right to refuse to any person the privilege of connecting any improved property to a sewer, to compel discontinuance of the use of any sewer by any person, or to compel the pretreatment of industrial wastes, in order to prevent discharge into the sewer system of wastes which may be deemed by the Authority, the Authority Engineer, this municipality or the Municipal Engineer to be harmful to the sewer system or to have a deleterious effect on sewage treatment processes or to be injurious to personnel operating the sewer system.
There is hereby reserved to the Authority and this municipality the right to refuse to any person the privilege of connecting any private sewer system to the Authority's sewer system unless the following conditions have been met:
The plans and specifications for such private sewer system have been reviewed and approved by the Authority prior to construction and such private sewer system has been constructed in accordance with such approved plans and the standards established by this municipality and the Authority from time to time for such private sewer system;
The Authority has inspected such private sewer system prior to connection to the Authority's sewer system and has determined that the private sewer system has been constructed in accordance with the requirements set forth in this § 100-7; and
The owner of the private sewer system has entered into a written agreement with this municipality or the Authority agreeing to maintain and repair the private sewer system and posting such security as this municipality or the Authority, in their reasonable discretion, shall deem adequate to secure the obligations of the owner of the private sewer system with respect to the maintenance and repair of the private sewer system.