[The following is a listing of franchise agreements granted within the Borough of East Petersburg. A complete copy of the text outlining the provisions for each franchise is on file and open to public inspection during normal business hours in the office of the Borough Secretary.]
Building construction and plumbing — See Ch. 39.
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 107.
Ord. No. 3
Light franchise: construction, maintenance and operation of electric lines for the purpose of supplying electricity to the public
Ord. No. 27
Telephone franchise: construction, maintenance and operation of all necessary overhead and underground apparatus and appliances for the purpose of supplying telephone service to the public
Ord. No. 40
Gas franchise: construction, maintenance and operation of all necessary appurtenances and appliances for the purpose of supplying gas service to the public
Ord. No. 62[1]
Television franchise: construction, maintenance and operation of a cable television system for the purpose of providing cable television service to the public
Ord. No. 185
Cable television franchise: grant of permit to Cable Associates, Inc. for construction, operation and maintenance of a cable televisions system in the Borough
Ord. No. 245[2]
Cable system franchise: erection, installation, maintenance and operation of a cable system for the purpose of transmission and distribution of television and other electronic signals and providing cable service to the public
Res. No. 810
Cable system franchise: execution of agreement with Comcast of Southeast Pennsylvania, LLC, to maintain, construct and operate its cable system over, under, and along public rights-of-way and properties within the Borough's jurisdiction
Res. No. 841
Cable franchise: cable franchise agreement between East Petersburg Borough and Shenandoah Cable Television, LLC
Editor's Note: This ordinance was further amended 12-21-1976 by Ord. No. 115 to provide for the change of name from Television Community Services, Inc., to Cable Associates, Inc.
Editor's Note: This ordinance was repealed 5-4-2021 by Ord. No. 313, which further provided that any remaining term of the 2006 Cable Television Franchise Agreement between East Petersburg Borough and Comcast shall be null and void.