[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of East Petersburg 2-6-1996 by Ord. No. 196. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Salaries and compensation — See Ch. 24.
The office of Borough Manager is hereby created by the Borough of East Petersburg, subject to the right of the Borough, by ordinance, at any time to abolish such office.
The Borough Council shall elect, by a majority vote of its members, one person to fill the office of Borough Manager. In the case of a vacancy, Borough Council shall fill said office by majority vote of all of its members. The Borough Manager shall, however, be subject to removal at any time by a majority vote of all of the members of Borough Council.
The Borough Manager shall be a citizen of the United States and at least 21 years of age. The Borough Manager shall be a person of such technical and executive ability and with such training and experience as to enable him/her to perform the duties imposed upon the office in a successful and businesslike manner.
Before entering upon the duties of Borough Manager, the Borough Manager shall give a bond to the Borough, with a bonding company as surety, in a sum to be set from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council.
The Borough Manager shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed from time to time by the Borough Council.
[Amended 4-5-2022 by Ord. No. 318]
The Borough Manager shall be the chief administrative officer of the Borough and shall be responsible to Borough Council as a whole for the proper and efficient administration of the affairs of the Borough. The powers and duties of the Borough Manager shall relate to the general management of all Borough business not expressly, by statute or ordinance, imposed or conferred upon other Borough officers. Borough Council may delegate to the Borough Manager, by ordinance and subject to recall, any of the nonlegislative and nonjudicial powers and duties of the Council, the Planning Commission and the Shade Tree Commission. With approval of Council, the Mayor may delegate to the Borough Manager any of the Mayor's nonlegislative and nonjudicial powers and duties.
Subject to recall by ordinance, the powers and duties of the Borough Manager shall include the following:
Shall supervise and be responsible for the activities of municipal departments, except such departments the supervision of which shall not have been delegated to the Borough Manager by the Mayor or by Borough Council, as the case may be.
Shall, when the Borough Manager deems it necessary for the good of the service, suspend employees under the Borough Manager's supervision. The Borough Manager shall also make recommendations to Borough Council regarding the hiring and firing of employees under the Borough Manager's control. The Borough Manager shall report, at the next regularly scheduled meeting thereafter of Borough Council, any action taken by authority of this subsection. All action taken by the Borough Manager pursuant to this subsection shall be in accordance with the Borough's established personnel policy.
The Borough Manager, with the cooperation and aid of the Budget Committee, which shall be appointed by Borough Council, shall prepare and submit to Borough Council before the close of the fiscal year, or on such alternative date as Borough Council shall determine, a budget for the next fiscal year and an explanatory budget message. In preparing the budget, the Borough Manager shall obtain from the head of each department, agency, board or officer, estimates of revenues and expenditures and other supporting data as requested. The Borough Manager and the Budget Committee shall review such estimates and may revise them before submitting the budget to Borough Council.
Shall be responsible for the administration of the budget after its adoption by Borough Council.
Shall execute and enforce the laws of the commonwealth, and ordinances, resolutions and bylaws of the Borough.
[Amended 4-5-2022 by Ord. No. 318]
Shall hold the offices of Borough Secretary and Borough Treasurer and shall perform all the duties of such officers, in addition to the specific duties assigned to the Borough Manager by this chapter.
Shall attend all public meetings of Borough Council and, at Borough Council's instruction, shall attend meetings of Borough committees, with the right to take part in the discussion, and shall receive notice of all special meetings of Borough Council and its committees.
Shall be responsible for the agenda for each meeting of Borough Council and supply facts pertinent thereto.
Shall keep Borough Council informed as to the conduct of Borough affairs; submit periodic reports on the condition of the Borough's finances and such other reports as Borough Council shall request; and shall make such recommendations to Borough Council as necessary.
Shall see that the provisions of franchises, leases, permits and privileges granted by the Borough are observed.
May employ, by and with the approval of Borough Council, experts and consultants to perform work and to advise in connection with any of the functions of the Borough.
Shall attend to the letting of contracts in due form of law, and shall supervise the performance and faithful execution of the same except insofar as such duties are expressly imposed upon some other Borough officer by statute or ordinance.
Shall see that all money owed the Borough is promptly paid and that proper proceedings are taken for the security and collection of all of the Borough's claims.
Shall be the purchasing officer of the Borough and shall purchase, in accordance with the provisions of the Borough Code, all supplies and equipment for the various agencies, boards, departments and other offices of the Borough. Shall keep an account of purchases and shall, from time to time or when directed by Borough Council, make a full written report thereof. Shall have the power to purchase all supplies and equipment on behalf of the Borough in accordance with the Borough's purchasing policy.
Shall cooperate with Borough Council at all times and shall act in all matters in the best interest of the Borough.
All complaints regarding services of the Borough shall be referred to the Borough Manager. The Borough Manager shall investigate and dispose of such complaints and shall report thereon to Borough Council.
All complaints regarding personnel of the Borough under the Borough Manager's supervision shall be referred to the Borough Manager. The Borough Manager shall investigate and handle such complaints in accordance with the Borough's personnel policy.
Shall serve as liaison to the Borough Solicitor.
Shall pursue all available grants and funding on behalf of the Borough.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection S, regarding swimming pool management, was repealed 4-5-2022 by Ord. No. 318. This ordinance also redesignated former Subsections T and U as Subsections S and T, respectively.
Shall perform such other duties as required by law or as directed by Borough Council.