[Amended 4-8-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-03]
The Senior Management Official responsible for
this program is:
Township Manager
1501 Mount Zion Road
York, Pennsylvania 17402
(717) 757-3521
As used in this chapter, the following terms
shall have the meanings indicated:
Fraud committed or attempted using the identifying information
of another person without authority.
A pattern, practice or specific activity that indicated the
possible existence of identity theft.
Any staff or employee that may suspect fraud
or detect a red flag shall take one or more of the following steps,
depending on the degree of risk posed by the red flag. All detections
and suspicions shall be reported to and logged by the Senior Management
A. Notify Senior Management Official.
B. Notify law enforcement of any attempted or actual
identity theft.
D. Continue to monitor the situation for evidence of
identity theft.
E. Take all steps necessary to correct the situation.
In order to further prevent the likelihood of
identity theft occurring with respect to utility accounts, the Township
will take the following steps with respect to its internal operating
procedures to protect customer-identifying information:
A. Ensure complete and secure destruction of customer
information, if applicable, or appropriate and secure storage of forms
with identifying information.
B. Employees will not leave sensitive papers out on their
desks when they are away from their workstations.
C. Employees will log off their computers when leaving
for the day.
D. Passwords will not be shared or posted near workstations.
E. No visitor will be given access keys or allowed unescorted
access to the Township offices.
F. When installing new software, immediately change vendor-supplied
default passwords to more secure, strong passwords.
G. Antivirus programs will be run on individual computers.
H. New and existing employees will sign a confidentiality
I. Issue visitor badges or sign-in sheet for all outside
vendors, visitors, etc.
J. Township will not provide identifying information
to creditors.
This program shall be updated periodically to
reflect changes in the risks to customers, or changes to the safety
and soundness of the Township, from identity theft based upon factors
such as:
A. The experience of the Township with identity theft;
B. Changes in methods of identity theft;
C. Changes in methods to detect, prevent and mitigate
identity theft;
D. Changes in the types of accounts that the Township
offers or maintains;
E. Changes in the Township procedures regarding accounts
that the Township offers or maintains; and
F. Changes in business arrangements of the Township,
including but not limited to joint ventures and service provider arrangements.
G. Township
staff keeps up-to-date with annual training on identity theft prevention.
[Added 4-8-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-03]
This program is enacted by this chapter. Revisions
to this policy shall only be enacted by amending the above referenced