[Derived from See. 122 of Ch XXV of the Charter and Ordinances, 1974]
No person, firm or corporation shall throw, scatter, cast or distribute or cause or permit to be thrown, scattered, cast or distributed any handbill, circular, card, booklet or other advertising matter whatsoever in or upon any public street or place, provided that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to prohibit or otherwise regulate the delivery of any such matter by the United States Postal Service or prohibit the distribution of any newspaper, magazine or periodical regularly published and sold to the public; nor to prohibit or otherwise regulate the distribution of religious cards, pamphlets, circulars or matter by any religious sect or other printed cards, circulars or matter by labor organizations or political candidates or organizations or corporations; nor to prohibit or otherwise regulate the transportation or delivery of advertising matter to or upon any private premises; nor to prohibit the delivery of any handbill, circular, cards, booklet or other advertising matter, as aforesaid, to any person who is on a public street or place and who requests delivery of the same.
This article is not intended to prevent the lawful distribution of anything other than commercial and business advertising matter, nor is it intended hereby to prevent the practice of peaceful picketing by labor unions.
No handbills, circular, cards, booklets or other advertising matter or printed cards, circulars or literature distributed by labor organizations or political candidates or organizations or corporations shall be so affixed to any private or public structure or building in such a manner that it cannot be removed without damage or defacement to said structure or building.