It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct, operate, maintain
or use any real estate in the City of Buffalo as landfill area, transfer
station, or any other type of place for the reception or disposition
of any type of inert fill or solid waste for either temporary storage
or final disposal without first having obtained a license for each
such premises from the Commissioner of Public Works, Parks and Streets.
The owner or operator of any landfill or transfer station presently
being operated at the effective date of this article under an active
permit issued by the Commissioner of Public Works, Parks and Streets
shall not be affected by this article for the remainder of the twelve-month
life of said permit.
Upon completion of all requirements, the Commissioner of Public
Works, Parks and Streets shall issue a license to the applicant to
operate a landfill or transfer station on the site described in the
application for a period of 12 months.
Licenses issued hereunder may be renewed upon application therefor
if the Commissioner of Public Works, Parks and Streets determines
that the landfill or transfer station is being operated in strict
accordance with the terms of the license and this article.
The Commissioner of Public Works, Parks and Streets may revoke
licenses issued hereunder upon notice and after affording the licensee
an opportunity to be heard. Licenses would be subject to revocation
for failure to correct violations after having an opportunity to do
so or for failure to abide by any conditions of the license.
In addition to the penalty of revocation, the Commissioner of
Public Works, Parks and Streets may cause violations of this article
to be corrected and the cost thereof to be charged against the property
and the bond required hereunder. Such correction shall be subject
to notice and a reasonable opportunity to correct the same.