[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Lodi 12-28-1918 by Ord. No. 254. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Littering and distribution of handbills — See Ch. 329, Art. I.
Obscenity — See Ch. 363.
Zoning — See Ch. 585.
No person or persons or corporation shall post or place any bill, notice, poster or sign of any kind on any sidewalk, curbstone, tree, fence, telegraph, telephone, electric light or fire alarm pole or suspend any such bill, notice, poster or sign over any sidewalk within the Borough limits which shall extend beyond three feet from the building line to the street.
No person or persons or corporation shall post or affix to any signboard within the Borough limits any indecent or lewd sign, bill, poster or notice of any sort whatever.
No bill, notice, poster or sign shall be erected upon or project from any building within the Borough limits unless the same shall be erected or projected under the supervision of the Building Inspector of the Borough.
Any person violating or failing to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of not more than $2,000 or may be imprisoned in the county jail for a term not to exceed 90 days, or both. Each day such violation is committed or permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).