In each case where the necessary consents have been granted
for any work in a street, public place or on any public structure,
a permit therefor shall be obtained from the Commissioner of Public
Works and the work shall be performed subject to his inspection and
Before the permit is issued, a deposit sufficient to cover the cost of inspection, as estimated by said Commissioner, at the rate as provided in Chapter
175, Fees, shall be made with the City Treasurer by the applicant, except for a public utility corporation holding a franchise from the City. If the deposit, as estimated, fails to cover the cost of inspection, the deficiency shall be promptly paid to the City by the applicant upon notification of the same.
The cost of inspection of work done by a public utility corporation at the rate stated above shall be paid by such corporation upon receipt of the bill therefor at the rate as provided in Chapter
175, Fees.
Fees as provided in Chapter
175, Fees, shall be charged for permits referred to in this Article.