[Adopted 5-1-2023 by Ord. No. 1884[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance repealed former Art. III, Sidewalks, adopted 6-3-1957 by Ord. No. 512 (Ch. 1022 of the 1982 Code).
The owner of any property abutting any sidewalk within the Borough, or any contractor, utility company or any other responsible person, agent, or entity who has done work within or otherwise disturbed any sidewalk within the Borough, shall, on 10 days' written notice from Borough Council or a designated Borough official, repair, reconstruct and/or restore any damaged, disturbed, and/or deteriorated sidewalk in front of or alongside any property within Green Tree Borough in the manner stipulated in such notice and within this article.
The full width of all damaged, disturbed and/or deteriorated sidewalks shall be reconstructed, repaired and/or restored with concrete only, from contraction/expansion joint to contraction/expansion joint in accordance with specifications determined from time to time by the Borough Engineer or a designated Borough official and as shown in Attachment 1, Appendix A - Figures of the Green Tree Borough Zoning Ordinance.[1]
Editor’s Note: See Ch. 420, Zoning, Attachment 1.
All landscaping and grass areas adjacent to any reconstructed, repaired, and/or restored sidewalk shall also be restored to a full healthy vegetated state to prevent any erosion and sedimentation; all such restoration work shall be completed in conjunction with the sidewalk repair. The landscaped surface must be level, smooth and approved by the Borough Engineer or a designated Borough official upon completion, and reinspected as needed to ensure adequate restoration is complete.
The Borough Engineer or a designated Borough official must be notified to perform both a pre-concrete inspection and a final inspection upon completion. The pre-concrete inspection must be approved prior to concrete placement, and the final inspection must be approved prior to a certificate of completion being issued. Until such time a certificate of completion is issued by the Borough, the party responsible for the repairs must place the mechanics necessary to alert pedestrians of the hazard and ensure safe passage over, or around, the disturbed area.
Whether sidewalk reconstruction, repair, and/or restoration is performed due to a notice described in § 295-6 or initiated by any owner of property, contractor, utility company or any other responsible person, agent, or entity, a permit is required and must be obtained from the Borough Engineer or a designated Borough official before any Borough sidewalk may be disturbed, repaired or reconstructed. The permit cost shall be $100 for the first 10 linear feet of reconstructed, repaired and/or restored sidewalk and $1 per linear foot for any additional linear footage or as shall be set by resolution of Borough Council.
If any owner of property, contractor, utility company or any other responsible person, agent, or entity neglects to comply with this article, the Borough may, after notice, have the work done and may collect the cost of such work from the owner of property, contractor, utility company or any other responsible person, agent, or entity plus an additional 10% of such cost along with any additional fines and unforeseen expenses. The Borough may file a municipal claim for such costs or collect the same by an action in assumpsit.
See Chapter 1, General Provisions, § 1-2, for the general penalty provisions of this Code.